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By Cliff Edwards
On a rainy day in Cupertino, Calif.,

How HP Got Todd Bradley picks through products

that his division at Hewlett-Packard
has recently introduced. There's a
sleek laptop called the Voodoo Envy for

The Wow! Back hard-core gamers, a tiny pink-and-red

computer created with fashion designer
Vivienne Tam, and the industry's first
touchscreen notebook. Impressive of-
ferings perhaps, but Bradley looks more
It became the world's top PC maker through a pained than pleased. "All I see when I
look at these things is that our cost [of
combination of innovation and cost cutting production] is never low enough and
our customer service is never good
enough," he says.
The head of HP's personal-com-
puter division has helped the company
become the top PC maker in the world
and has fattened profits at the same
time. But he can't stop worrying about
what could go v^Tong, from competi-
tive threats to the global economy's
meltdown. "We'll never be done,"
Bradley says.

As the deepening recession hits
companies around the globe, HP
is navigating through the crisis
relatively smoothly. On Nov. 25, CEO
MarkV. Hurd reported fourth-quar-
ter earnings that handily beat Wall
Street expectations and predicted
the company will emerge from the
downturn even stronger. While there
are many reasons for that, includ-
ing HP's expanding services business
and lucrative printer franchise, a big
factor is Bradley's division, which
brings in $42 billion annually from the
sale of PCs, handhelds, and worksta-
tion computers. Even as rivals such
as Dell and Lenovo have seen a sales
slowdown recently, Bradley's group
reported double-digit revenue gains.
"The market is terrible, [but] they've
done a good job," says David M.
Klaskin, chief investment officer at
Oak Ridge Investments, which holds
the company's stock.
Three years ago, when Bradley was
brought in, investors wanted HP to
jettison the PC business. IBM had just
sold its unit to Lenovo, and it looked
Under Bradley, like Dell would dominate the industry
the PC division
has seen sharp
with its low-cost, no-frills, direct-
gains sales model. With remarkable speed.

getting prices close to those be uses a metric that HP insiders call

of its rivals. Now behavioral "Rt&D productivity." It measures R&D
THE BRADLEY EFFECT scientists from HP's research spending as a percentage of gross mar-
HP'.s Todd Bradley has boosted market share lab forecast demand for gin for each product line. A standard
and profits since he arrived three years ago components. Supply chain desktop computer with low margins
HP'S PC boss Tony Prophet then uses may get one or two innovative features,
MARKET those projections to negotiate wbile a high-end laptop with fat mar-
long-term contracts at favor- gins would get enough flash to make
JUNE 14, 2005 1 n.D'Vo ^^^^ prices. There's risk if the it stand out. To determine the appro-
Former Palm CEO Bradley
joins HP. The profit margin of the
forecasts are wrong, but the priate R&D level, HP does three-year
PC division is 2%. savings can be 20% or more. projections of expected gross margins.
Bradley believed from the Last year, for example, HP intro-
MAY 2006 start that HP had to change its duced the first touchscreen, all-in-one
"The computer is personal 15.4 PC business. If it kept trying to desktop. While few other PC makers
again" ad campaign launches. sell boring boxes at the lowest were putting money into desktops, HP
cost, it would be locked in a saw an opportunity for a premium-
FALL 2006 16.7 brutal struggle with Dell. So priced product if tbe toucb technol -
HP surpasses Dell to become the
world's largest PC manufacturer. with marketing lieutenant ogy would make it easier for families
Profit margin hits 4.3%. Satjiv S. Chahil, Bradley asked with kids, among others, to use. The
a local ad agency to create a TouchSmart PC, which can go for more
JANUARY 2007 video to convince the execu- tban $2,000, has helped boost prof-
HP unveils the industry's first 18.0 tive board that HP needed a its and sales, says Phil McKinney, the
touchscreen all-in-one desktop. division's chief technology officer.
new approach. The video
argued that PCs bad become Today, Bradley frets about maintain-
JULY 2007
HP announces Voodoo Envy 18.7 a commodity because makers
had ceded all innovation to
ing HP's momentum. His concerns are
ultraslim notebook PC. evident in mandatory conference calls
chipmaker Intel and Micro- he has with his top í6 executives every
SEPTEMBER 2008 Ifl fi soft. The clip then outlined Thursday at 7 a.m. Pacific time. This
HP introduces slimmer bow HP could get out of the year he led the call on Thanksgiving
TouchSmart desktop. Profit morning as the Macy's parade played
margin is 5.5%.
commodity game. " 'Wow!' is
what sells," says Bradley. silently on his TV. Among other things,
Sources: Hewlett-Packard, IDC Bradley wanted to make sure none of
Hurd was convinced. Tbe
however, HP has knocked Dell on its result: a marketing campaign stressing HP's suppliers would come up short for
heels and shown it's not just Apple that how HP computers are different from the holidays. "We did get a little holi-
can innovate in the computer business. others. Hip-bop mogul Jay-Z and ten- day gift," says McKinney. "He ended
The man behind this turnaround is a nis star Serena Williams talked about the call a few minutes early." 1 BW I
tall 50-year-old, described by col- using HP PCs to watch movies without
leagues as an unapologetic workaholic. first waiting for Windows to launch as
Before HP, he had a tumultuous tenure well as to look at pbotos and edit music.
as chief executive of handheld pioneer The TV spots wrapped with a slogan: Business Exchange
Palm. He tangled with the company's "The computer is personal again."
founders over strategy as Palm lost Read, save, and add content on BW's
share in the handheld market, though new Web 2.0 topic network
it gained ground in smartphones. The timing was fortunate. When the
The Return on Innovation
Bradley's strategy at HP has been campaign began in 2006, consumers What's the best way to get a
a blend of hard-nosed execution and were looking for laptops that could eas- company focused on innovation? In
practical innovation. The approach ily navigate tbe Web, play games, and Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us,
depends on creating fresh designs and store digital content. They also were Seth Godin offers a set of
buying more from retailers such as Best principles for leading a
eye-catching marketing campaigns.
company out of mediocrity,
Behind the scenes, though, Bradley and Buy, where they could try out the latest such as the need for leaders to
his team use a bucketful of metrics to technology. Tbe trends gave Bradley an publicly question the status
ensure the operation is tuned just so. edge over Dell, which had no presence quo so employees will follow
They measure profit margins for every in retail stores at the time and stressed suit. He backs up the principles
low costs. HP quickly surpassed Dell to with real-world anecdotes.
PC and how many R&D dollars go into
each product line. They also revamped become the world's top PC seller. To read a review of the book, go to
purchasing so costs are rock-bottom. Bradley's key challenge has been
HP used to buy parts such as memory striking tbe right balance between leadership/reference
chips and batteries on the spot market, innovation and price. To hit the mark.

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