Consti2 - Bill of Rights

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BILL OF RIGHTS o Preservation and enhancement of the dignity and

worth of the human personality is the core of
 Declaration and enumeration of a person’s rights and 3. Protection against arbitrary actions of government and other
privileges which the Constitution is designed to protect against members of society
violations by the government, individuals or group of o Limitations on governmental power
individuals o Reserves certain areas of liberty against aggression and
 Charter of liberties for the individual arbitrary actions by govt
 Limitation upon the power of the State o Intended precisely to restrict authority of the State
 In the absence of governmental interference, these liberties o Guarantees a measure of freedom from unwarranted
cannot be invoked against the State restraints of other members of society
 does not govern the relationship between individuals
 Governs the relationship between the individual and the State PURPOSE OF A BILL OF RIGHTS
and its agents 1. To preserve democratic rights
 tempers governmental power and protects the individual o Preserve ideals of liberty, equality and security against
against unwarranted interference by govt the assaults of opportunism, the expediency of the
 cannot be invoked against acts of private individuals passing hour, the erosion of small enroachments, and
 right – power, privilege, immunity guaranteed under the the scorn and derision of those who have no patience
Consti, a law, decision or recognized as a result of long usage, with general principles
constitutive of a legally enforceable claims of one person o RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS
against another 2. To safeguard fundamental rights
o Place fundamental rights beyond the reach of
BASIS OF A BILL OF RIGHTS majorities and officials
1. Bedrock of constitutional government o To establish fundamental rights as legal principles to
o If people are stripped off their rights, democracy be applied by the courts
cannot survive and government becomes meaningless 3. To promote the happiness of the individual
2. Importance accorded to the dignity and worth of the o The happiness of the individual, not the well-being of
individual the State, is the criterion by which its behavior is to be
o Embodies a basic dogma of democracy  judged
transcendental importance of the individual
1. The people must assert and protect their rights
2. The people must guard against misguided reformers

1. Natural rights
2. Constitutional rights
3. Statutory rights
 Civil rights – constitutional and statutory
o Acquired under an organized society
o Protected by constitutions and other laws
o Non-existence in the absence of law
o Human rights – both civil and natural right

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