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The Great Islamic Scholars on

Sea Food

According to the Hanbaliy and Shafi'ee scholars, all living creatures that live in the sea are halal,
whether they are in the form of a fish or not as per the hadith in Abu Dawud, (Kitaab At-
Tahaarah #83), where the Prophet (peace be upon him) is quoted as saying “Its water is pure
and it’s dead are lawful (as food)”

Imam Malik (RA) has said that all living creatures are halal except for a eel. Based on this
oyster, shrimp, lobsters and crabs will be permissible to consume. (Hidayah p.442 v.4 & Al
Lubab p.533 v.7)

According to Imam Abu Hanifa, from among the marine animals that are fully aquatic, only the
fish is allowed to be eaten. Here, fish refers to everything that falls within the definition of fish.

The general consensus is that no sea creature should be eaten if it floats to the surface (dies

Jabir ibn Abd Allah (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless
him & give him peace) said:

“What the sea throws up and is left by the tide you may eat, but what dies in the sea and floats
you must not eat.” (Sunan Abu Dawud, no: 3809 & Sunan Ibn Majah)

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