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Los verbos auxiliares en inglés.

) son verbos que se usan en combinación con otrosverbos para

formar tiempos compuestos perfectos o continuos, oraciones interrogativas o negativas o la voz
Auxiliary verbs in English. ) are verbs that are used in combination with other verbs to form perfect
or continuous compound tenses, interrogative or negative sentences or the passive voice

Los verbos auxiliares se utilizan en la formación de tiempos verbales compuestos o de perífrasis

verbales. Como se aprecia, el verbo auxiliar lleva las desinencias de número y persona gramatical,
y el verbo al que acompaña queda en forma no personal (infinitivo, gerundio o participio).
Auxiliary verbs are used in the formation of compound verb tenses or verbal periphrasis. As can be
seen, the auxiliary verb carries the endings of number and grammatical person, and the
accompanying verb remains in a non-personal form (infinitive, gerund or participle).

El verbo to do en español se traduce como hacer. Dependiendo del pronombre con que se

conjugue, este verbo cambia. Si se conjuga con  I, you, we y they, simplemente es do. Pero si se
conjuga con he,she e it, pronombres en tercera persona singular, se escribe does.
The verb to do in Spanish translates as do. Depending on the pronoun with which it is conjugated,
this verb changes. If it is conjugated with I, you, we and they, it is simply do. But if it is conjugated
with he, she and it, third person singular pronouns, it is written does


Do you live in London?

Yes, I do.

Does she usually go to the cinema?

Yes, she does.
Does he always get up at seven?

Yes, he does.
Does Peter go to school everyday?
No, he does not.

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