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The Contingency Fund of Pondicherry Act, 1964

Act 5 of 1964

Unforseen Expenditure, Governor

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ACT, 1964

1. Short title, extent and commencement.
2. Eitablishrnent of a Contingency Fund.
3. Custody of the Contingency Fund and withdrawals
4. Power to make rules.


- _ , - . -, ACT, 1964
. 4.. . .
(NO. 5 i964)
10th April, 1964.

to provide for the establishment aad maintenance of Contin-

gency Fund,

4 H

BE it enacted in the Fourteesith Year of the Republic of

India as follows :

This Act m y
1. Short title, extent and commencement.-(1)
!)c called the Contingency Fund of Pondicherry Act, 1964. !

(2) It shall extend to the whole of the Union territory of

Pondicherry. I
(3) It shall come into force at once.
L '

2. Establishment of a Contingency ~und.- here shall be

established a Contingency Fund in the nature of an imprest
entitled the Contingency Fund of Pondicherry, into which shall
he paid from and out of "the Conso:idated Fund of the Union
territory Fondicherry" a sum of '[ten -1akhsf of rupees.

3. Custody of the Contingency Fund and withdrawais

therefrom.-The Contingency Fund of' Pondicherry shall be 1
lield by the Administrator and no advances shall be made o l ~ t
o f such fund except for the purposes ,of meeting unforeseen
expenditure pending authorisation of such expenditure by I
I ,egislati\-e Assembly under appropriations made by law.

4. Power to make rules.-For the purpose of carrying out

regulating all matters conne_$yl yiitb or ancillary to the cus-

ludy of, the payment of moneys inti,. and the withdrawal of
moneys from, the Contingency Fund of Pondicherry.

1. Sub b) 4ct 4 of 1970. section 3, w.e.f. 9-4-1970.

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