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Windows 10
PC initial settings
Ver.201803 DC1

Table of Contents
1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1.Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2. Setup Information ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Operation time ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Action Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 4

3. Power on and Logon ............................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1. LAN Cable Connection and Turn on the Power ................................................................................................... 5

3.2. Windows Authentication....................................................................................................................................... 5

4. Notes Setup.............................................................................................................................................................. 6
5. raPRO Certificate Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 8

5.1. raPRO Setup .......................................................................................................................................................... 8

5.2. Wireless LAN connection in the office ................................................................................................................10

6. Internet Explorer Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 11

6.1. Importing favourite .............................................................................................................................................. 11

7. Google Apps Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 14

8. SafeBrowsing Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 17
9. iTunes Setup ...........................................................................................................................................................18
10. Other ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
11. Windows10 Information ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Update History ........................................................................................................................................................... 28

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1. Overview
1.1. Introduction

This is the PC setting information for first time after PC replacement.

1.2. Setup Information

Please check the settings required for yourself.

Setting Target
2. Action Preparation Everyone
3. Power on and Logon Everyone
4. Notes Everyone
5. raPRO Everyone
6. Internet Explorer Everyone
7. Google Apps Everyone
8. SafeBrowsing Everyone
9. iTunes iPhone Users
10. Other application User who are using Tatsuzin, E-TAX and etc.
11.Windows10 Information Information for Printer setting and etc. in the Windows 10

1.3. Operation time

It takes 30~45 minutes for those setting.

(depends on the PC specifications and the number of settings)

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2. Action Preparation
Please take the following preparation for making PC exchange smoothly.
【Work by the day before replacement】
Item Target Procedure
1. Backup of Notes personal Everyone Windows7 : Notes Link
setting Windows10 : Link
Do action only “Backup (Upload to server)”
2. Data Evacuation Save the data on local drive Please move the necessary data to the network
drive (G, P, S, I drive), if you are saving the data
in the PC ("Desktop", "Document", "C Drive",
3. Evacuation of the Tatsuzin Using Tatsuzin application, Windows7 : Notes Link
local database and save the data on
Windows10 : Link (Japanese Only)
Tatsuzin local database
4. Backup of IME learning Using dictionary registration Windows7 : Notes Link
function Windows10 : Link (Japanese Only)
5. Internet Explorer favorite Everyone Windows7 : Notes Link
backup Windows10 : Link
The favorite backup of SafeBrowsing is
unnecessary, since it's stored in the server.
6. Backup of Digital signature Manager or higher Please open I drive from [Start]-[Computer]
certificate and confirm [Your name.p12] is saved. (Ex.
Taro Teikoku.p12)
If you do not see the certificate, please export
the certificate before the PC replacement.
7. Other software data backup Optional If you are using software that saves data on the
local disk, please perform backup according to
the instructions of that software.
8. Tidy around the PC Everyone We would like to ask you the cooperation for
replacing the IT equipment easily.

-Please peel off, if sticky notes and stickers are

stuck on the PC.
-If you use the Privacy Filter, you are able to use
it at Windows 10 PC. Please remove it from
Windows 7 PC by yourself, and set it to
Windows 10 PC.
- The equipment that you are using are loan
from the corporate. When exchanging those
equipment, you need to do the restoration.
Please clean up the equipment.

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3. Power on and Logon

3.1. LAN Cable Connection and Turn on the Power

You are not able to connect Wi-Fi in the office yet. Plesae connect the LAN cable in the office.
After connecting the LAN cable, power on the PC.

3.2. Windows Authentication

Enter the user ID and password you are using.

If it is not authenticated, please make sure that the LAN cable is securely inserted.

Same as Windows

Takes some time for logging in first time.

After login to Windows, please choose [No].

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4. Notes Setup
1. Click [Start] - [IBM Applications] - [NotesID_Restore].

2. You will get the screen below. Please type any key.

3. After you see “press any key to continue (Ctrl-C to quit)” message, please type any key.

4. You will see “1 file(s) copied.” Message below, please type any key for finish.

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※If “ERROR: Zip file I:\ does not exist Program is terminating!” message displayed, please check
“Performed NotesID backup with old PC”, “able to access I: drive”, and “there is file in the I:
drive”, then re-run again.

5. After those setting, make sure Notes can be started.

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5. raPRO Certificate Setup

After you set raPRO, you are able to connect Wi-Fi in the office and access to Spark PwC global site.

5.1. raPRO Setup

1. Click [Start] - [PwC] - [raPROv2 – Refresh PwC Certificates].

2. Enter GUID and password (Windows Password), and click [Next].

3. You will see Confirmation Code Box. You will receive the Code in the Notes Mail.
Please check the mail in your Note, and type one-time password, then click [Next].

Sent from: PwC IT Communications

Subject: PwC Employee One-time Password Request

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4. Click [Next].

5. Confirm [Certificates request completed.] message, and click [OK].

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5.2. Wireless LAN connection in the office

1. Remove LAN Cable

2. If the Network icon on the right down of the screen is as below, click and go to step4.

3. If the Network icon on the right down of the screen has a red mark, click and select [WiFi]

4. Automatically connect to the wireless LAN below.

Kasumigaseki : JPT_KAS
Nagoya : JPT_CCT
Osaka : JPT_BRT
Fukuoka : JPT_HAT
Otemachi : JPT_OPB

5. Connection is successful if the Network icon is as below.

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6. Internet Explorer Setup

6.1. Importing favourite
If you exported favorites, please import it back to Internet Explorer.

1. Click icon on the upper right of Internet Explorer screen → → click [Import and Export…]

2. Choose [import from a file], and click [Next]

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3. Check [Favorites], and click [Next]

4. Click [Browse] and choose (bookmark.htm) file that you export, and click [Next]

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5. Click [Favorites], and click [Import]

6. Click [Finish]

7. Confirm that the favorite was imported correctly.

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7. Google Apps Setup

Please refer to the procedure of the following link, when using Google Apps for the first time at PwC. Otherwise
please execute the setting of Google by the following procedure.

Google Apps - Initial setting

1. Click icon lower on the desktop screen, run [Google Chrome] application.
2. Enter URL below in the Chrome address bar, and click Enter.

* if you copy and paste the URL, “-”(dash) will not copy and will get an error. Please enter “-” (dash)

3. Enter your mail address (PwC Google Account) in Chrome setting window, and click [Next].

Mail Address(PwC Google Account):

(Before @ of Notes email address)

例 ->

4. Enter your PwC Google Mail address (, Check [Remember Me].

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5. You will see [Link your Chrome data to this account?] window, Choose [Link data].

Linking the data will inherit the settings such as bookmarks and history.

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6. You will see [You’ve signed in and turned on Sync] window, click [OK].

Google settings are complete.

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8. SafeBrowsing Setup
1. Launch the SafeBrowsing.

2. You will see “RemoteApp” Pop up Window, click “Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer”,
then click [Connect].


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9. iTunes Setup
1. Launch iTunes.

2. You will see License Agreement, click [同意する]

3. If you get a pop up below, click [OK].

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4. After you get the [プロキシ認証が必要です] Popup Window, enter the Windows Authorized information,
then click [Login]. If you get the warning message, click [OK].

Windows login ID and

5. Regarding new version installation, check the [次回から確認しない] and click [ダウンロードしない].

6. After you get [Welcome] window, click [いいえ].

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7. Click [編集] on the top of window, click [環境設定].

8. Click [一般], choose [英語(米国)].

Choose 英語(米国)

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9. Click [デバイス], check [iPod、iPower、および iPad を自動的に同期しない].


10. Click [詳細], un-check [新しいソフトウェアの更新プログラムがあるか自動的に確認], then click [OK].


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10. Other
Please set the following if it's necessary.

Setting Reference
Tatsuzin Local Database IT Library[09.達人-達人のローカルデータベースの退避とリストア]
Windows7 : Notes Link
Windows10 : Link
IME dictionary function IT Library[Microsoft Office IME 2010 ユーザー辞書のバックアップ/リス
(Japanese Only) トア]
Windows7 : Notes Link
Windows10 : Link
Import of digital certificate for Please import the digital certificate that is downloaded and saved to I:
digital signature drive.
(Target : Manager or higher) ※The required password for importing the certificate is notified to the
Notes address from RM & C on 2018/03 /12. If you cannot find the
password, please ask RM&C team (JP_Tax_Information-

Please refer the import procedure below.

Link (2.2 Importing Class 2 Digital Signature)
Arbitrarily delivered software Information mail when we deployed the software
(TKC consolidated tax payment IT Library[TKC 連結納税システムインストール手順書]
system etc.)
Other software Procedure for each software

<Regarding additional installation of Tatsuzin.>

After Windows10, the user can install the additional Tatsuzin application and upgrade the version by user self.
Please refer the procedure below.

① Launch the Tatsuzin Cube, and login with your Login ID and password.

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② Click [アップデート] on left window.

③ Click[達人 Cube] or [達人シリーズ] or [データ連動] you want to install on left window.

Do NOT install from [その他]. Tatsuzin is going to crash.

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④ Click [更新情報を取得].

⑤ You will see the program on the right side, please select the program for installation.
Then click [アップデート].

⑥ Please choose default value when you update it.

If you get screen below, please take following step.

<If you get 【重要なお知らせ】 Window>

IT team will upgrade the database, please wait until it is informed from IT.

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<CD Key>
Enter CD Key same as left down of the window.

<Additional e-TAX Installation>

① Click [Start] – [Software Center]

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② Open the Software Center window, choose package.

New e-Tax installation ・・・eTaxNEW

Additional or Upgrade e-Tax installation ・・・eTaxUPDATE

③ Click [Install] or [ReInstall]

Please refer to official procedure of National Agency.

Conditions Reference manual
first time installation (Japanese only)
(first time or after changing PC)
Update or add a tax matter program, after installing for the (Japanese only)
first time.
(Possible to do many times)

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11. Windows10 Information

Please check the windows 10 information below.

Windows10 FAQ ・・・・ Link

PwC IT Japan For TAX ・・・・ Link

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Update History
Date Person in charge Update contents
2016.10.07 Yukari Hanafusa 初版
2017.10.25 Yoshikazu Obara Windows10 用としてカスタマイズ
2018.3.8 Yoshikazu Obara Windwos10 用正式版
2018.3.23 Kayo Isaka Translate to English
2018.3.26 Izumi Saito 誤字脱字・手順等のレビューを実施

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