CIVE263 Portfolio Marking Pro Forma v4

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University of Liverpool, Department of Civil Engineering and Industrial Design: CIVE263 Group Design Project 2019-20 (Sheet 1 of 2) Group

(Sheet 1 of 2) Group Number:





Conceptual design of two bridges in Liverpool and two bridges in XJTLU

Analysis of Client Brief and Design Criteria (worth 4% of portfolio mark)

Demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of the brief through critical analysis of the requirements to be: iconic, sustainable, economical
and functional.
Clarification of the design criteria, with weighting, developed from the brief and client’s strategic vision. Discussion of their influence on the
design philosophy.

Site Appraisals (worth 4% of portfolio mark)

Desk study: historical uses of the sites; physical and cultural environment of the projects; ground conditions, services, underground
structures; sustainability perspective: micro and macro climate, solar orientation, shadows, vegetation, accessibility
Site visit: photographs and sketches (dimensions as needed) describing the current site layout, buildings and structures, materials and uses

Precedent Analyses (worth 4% of portfolio mark)

Investigation and presentation of precedents [bridges, buildings, regeneration and public realm projects, presentation areas such as
galleries and museums, cladding, materials, structural form, use of space, sustainable design] in relation to this design project. Discussion of
significance and relevance of precedents.
Evidence of actually visiting, sketching and photographing existing structures etc. as opposed to simply Googling and viewing online.

Range of distinct and viable concept designs for each bridge (worth 4% of portfolio mark)
A range of distinct and viable solutions (concepts, materials, layouts, approaches to sustainability) demonstrating differing interpretations
of the design criteria and structural forms [min. 2 per student per site].

Justification (quantified where appropriate) of chosen concept design schemes using design criteria (worth 4% of portfolio mark)
Discussion and comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the solutions, referring to design criteria and embodied and occupational
energy, concluding with a preferred scheme for each site.

Preliminary analysis and design of two bridges in Liverpool (20% of portfolio mark)

Bridge 1 Preliminary modelling of the structure (clearly showing (i) structural form and (ii) lateral stability), (iii) estimation of loads, (iv)
approximate calculation of forces and stresses in key structural elements and foundations, (v) approximate sizing of structural elements

Bridge 2 Preliminary modelling of the structure (clearly showing (i) structural form and (ii) lateral stability), (iii) estimation of loads, (iv)
approximate calculation of forces and stresses in key structural elements and foundations, (v) approximate sizing of structural elements

Detailed design of single bridge in Liverpool

Detailed structural analysis (worth 10% of portfolio mark)

Clear explanation of the loads, vertical and horizontal load paths, methods of support, structural form (mode of action of major structural
elements), and the overall lateral stability of the proposed bridge design solution.
Each member of the group has completed handwritten structural analysis calculations on university calculation sheets and all calculations
are checked by other group members and initialled by the two students.
Additional computer analysis by a proprietary programme or spreadsheet is allowed, but the output must be confirmed by hand
Calculations are clear, correct and understandable: they have a title, introduction, key plans and a brief description; their output is clear;
assumptions and limitations of the calculations are made plain, and sketches are provided to allow straightforward identification of the
location, loading and support of each element. The calculations are a coherent and easy to use.

University of Liverpool, Department of Civil Engineering and Industrial Design: CIVE263 Group Design Project 2019-20 (Sheet 2 of 2) Group Number:




Detailed structural element design (worth 10% of portfolio mark)
Each member of the group has completed handwritten element design calculations on university calculation sheets and all calculations are
checked by other group members and initialled by the two students.
Each element is clearly located and described (span, restraint, end conditions, loading and design assumptions) and the calculations are
correct and easy to follow and their output is clear and sufficient. The calculations are a coherent and easy to use.

Detailed drawings (worth 10% of portfolio mark)

Each member of the group has completed at least one engineering drawing, contributing to a coherent, well ordered, professionally
produced and easy to use package of drawings with industry standard borders, title blocks, line weights, titles, sections, plans, elevations,
details, notes, legends, revision blocks and cross referencing.

Construction site plans, method statement and management of health, safety and risk (worth 10% of portfolio mark)
Clear statements of how the bridge will be (i) built and (ii) maintained and (iii) deconstructed/demolished (using construction site plans, and
annotated sketches perhaps).
Identification of hazards and management of risks possibly using ERIC (eliminate, reduce, inform, control) or a similar approach.
Avoidance of generic waffle.

Sustainability statement quantifying and thoughtfully discussing embodied and operational energy of the bridge design (worth 10% of
portfolio mark)
Thoughtful and informed evaluation and synthesis of the many conflicting demands of the project especially considering the whole life of
the project stemming from the site appraisal.
Identifying opportunities for creative project solutions to minimise its impact or better for it to make a positive impact on the environment.
Consideration of: materials, their sources and transportation to site; energy use and carbon footprint in construction, in operation and at
end of life; end of life proposals: demolish, deconstruct, recycle, reuse; triple bottom line: economic/environmental/social.

Overall presentation of portfolio (worth 10% of portfolio mark)

A distinctive and comprehensive submission, professionally produced with: cover sheets, title sheets, appendices, consistent presentation,
cross referencing of documentation, introduction, executive summary, minutes of meetings (in appendix), and identifying and discussing
any important issues not specified in the brief.

General comments:
Tutor: Overall Mark out of 100:

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