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I learned through researching physical therapy and business that I can have a good work and life

balance while also working for something that I love. Both topics interest me and someday I

hope to learn and combine the skills into my own business. I plan to take classes for physical

therapy in college such as biology and anatomy. I would also consider taking classes for business

such as marketing and finance. The reason I am considering taking business classes in college

are so I can become a financial manager or even start my own business.

I want to pursue physical therapy as a career because I believe it is important need in the future

for America. I also believe there will be rising employment for physical therapy. I like biology

and anatomy and I am willing to learn more. I also want to help people solve problems such as

muscle pain or sports injuries.

Skills such as knowledge of human anatomy and techniques for correcting posture and fixing

muscle placement are required for physical therapy. A financial manager may be required to be

good with numbers and economics.

I can be introverted and extroverted which allows me to talk with people but also work on my

own. I love getting to know people and helping them get better. I am good with communications

and I am someone that people can trust.

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