Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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Novel: Captain Nobody

“Blood is thicker than water”.

Write about an incident in the novel that proves the statement above and why the
incident touches your heart and is memorable to you.
The novel that I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. The idiom
‘blood is thicker than water’ is clearly portrayed in the character named Newton
Newman. Despite being marginalized by his family members, Newt is finally able to
wake up his brother, Chris who has been in a state of coma in the hospital by yelling
‘hit the showers!’. This incident touches my heart and is memorable to me.
Famial love in Newt can be clearly seen when Chris is finally awoken from his
coma. Earlier, Newt was injured during the Appleton Water Tower incident and he
was hospitalized with Chris. Chris was pale and sickly; he was still hooked up with all
wires and life support machines at the hospital. Newt felt useless as he could not help
his once popular football player brother. Actually, Newt had wished to tell his brother
about Captain Nobody but Chris was still in coma. Newt was so frustrated and upset.
He recalled the morning before the Big Game when he made a nice breakfast but
nobody touched it. Even his brother, Chris was still asleep even though breakfast is
ready. Being annoyed, Newt had stormed upstairs and yelled ‘hit the showers!’. When
nurses rushed in, Newt realized that he had actually shouted those magical words out
aloud. Chris has woke up from his coma and he threw a pillow at Newt.
From my personal point of view, I feel touched as Newt cares a lot about his
brother, Chris although sometimes he does not get the attention he deserves from their
parents. Newt is always the one who always wakes his brother up when he oversleeps.
Newt gets worried that Chris might miss out on his hectic schedule. After all, Newt’s
insignificant habit of screaming ‘hit the shower’ does bring joy to his family. This
incident will always be remembered as it is a great topic to bring laughter to the
family. Despite being marginalized and not acknowledged by his family for the little
things that he has done, Newt still loves his brother and wants him to be as fit as a
fiddle like he used to be. The ‘hit the shower’ incident has clearly emphasized the
importance of famial love in the family and bond between brothers.
In a nutshell, despite challenges and obstacles that come our way it is still
important that we love and care for our family members. Just like in the idiom ‘blood
is thicker than water’, Newt loves his brother unconditionally and wants the best for
him despite being compared with him most of the times. Being sidelined and not
noticed by others does not make Newt hate Chris. Newt loves his brother, Chris and
nothing can change that as blood is thicker than water.


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