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Science Lesson Plan

Lesson-7 (Double Lesson)

Teacher: Mini Vithayathil Lesson Date: 25/08/20

Subject: Biology year 11 Topic/Genre: Infectious disease

Lesson Objectives: Lesson Duration:

90 min
A 2nd lesson to identify what are the adaptations of Pathogens and how do they
cause disease.
To identify what are the adaptations of pathogens
 to attach to the host
 to withstand harsh environments
 to produce toxins
to bind to molecule on the surface of the host cells
to survive inside the white blood cells
to alter the behaviour of the host organism

Main Topics focused: Macro skills focused:

Adaptations of Pathogens to cause disease Critical and creative

thinking skills/ Science

Link to curriculum:- @ SACE 2019

Science Understanding:- Pathogens have adaptations that facilitate their entry into the cells and tissues of hosts.

Resources/Materials: Oxford Textbook, Laptops, Smart Board, PowerPoint Slides, Activity Sheets

Safety and Risk Assessments N/A

Visual Learning resources (PowerPoint Slides,

Differentiation: Adjustments for Needs of Learners
YouTube Videos, Activity Sheets


Warm up/

11:25 Attendance/ Warm up


11:30 A re-cap and revision on previous lesson

5 min PowerPoint Slides

11:35 An interactive PowerPoint Presentation to identify the next 4 PowerPoint Slides

15 min adaptations of pathogens to cause the disease

Summary Slide

11:50 Introduce the student activities

5 min Activity sheets uploaded in
Microsoft teams

11:55- Student activity on 3 tasks

Activity Sheet 1: Cycle of
15 min Activity 1: Identify the process of how bacteria and virus cause
infection Bacterial and Viral
12: 10
5 min Feedback on the activity 1

12:15 Activity 2: Traffic light activity on vocabulary Activity sheet 2: Traffic

15min light vocabulary
12:30 Activity 3: A Human endeavor research Activity on the effectiveness of
15 min HIV/AIDS virus treatment drug Activity 3 Link:
12:45 Feedback on the activity task 3
5 min science/AZT

12: 50 Cooling down, pack up

5 min

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