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Questions 1-21 are based on the following passage.

Passage 1

What is technology? Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools,

processing actions and extracting materials. The ___ (1) ____ ‘Technology’ is wide and
everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology. We ____ (2) ___
technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe
technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technology to extend our
abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any ____ (3) ____ system.
Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem. ____ (4) ___,
technology and science are two different subjects which work hand – in – hand to accomplish
a specific task or solve a particular problem.
We use technology in almost everything we do in our ____ (5) ____. We use it to
extract materials, communication, transportation, learning and manufacturing. Technology is
human knowledge which involves tools, materials and systems. The application of
technology ___ (6) ___ I artefacts or products. If technology is well applied, it can benefit
humans, but if it is wrongly applied, it can cause harm ____ (7) ____ human beings.

1. A. title 5. A. life
B. terms B. live
C. label C. lives
D. name D. living

2 . A. apply 6. A. result
B. device B. results
C. control C. resulted
D. operate D. resulting

3. A. technology 7. A. in
B. technologist B. at
C. technological C. to
D. technologically D. on

4. A. However
B. Moreover
C. Although
D. Therefore
Passage 2

Following Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games, the next book-to-movie
series to ___ (8) _____ out for would not doubt The Maze Runner series.
The Maze Runner ____ (9) ____ the first book in trilogy written by James Dashner
about a ____ (10) ___ of teenage boys who found themselves without memory and
imprisoned in a giant maze. First published in 2009, it was eventually followed ____ (11)
____ The Scorch Trials and The Kill Order in 2012. Another prequel, The Fever Code is in
the works for a 2016 release.
While it is hard to pin down exactly what makes a story ___ (12) ____ with readers,
its fast-paced development and realistic action scenes no doubt helped to cement its status as
a Must Read _____ (13) ____ teenagers. Also crucial to the success of the series is the
invention of a unique slang used only by the main characters of the story. First employed by
J.R.R Tolkien in the classic fantasy trilogy “Lord of the Rings”, a specialised language is an
effective tool to create a world known only to the ____ (14) _____ readers. It makes the
experience exclusive and exciting, two things that a lot of teenagers identify with.

8. A. look 12. A. rich

B. looks B. popular
C. looked C. strong
D. looking D. wonderful

9. A. is 13. A. include
B. was B. except
C. are C. among
D. were D. until

10. A. collection 14. A. book

B. class B. books
C. set C. book’s
D. group D. books’

11. A. by
B. in
C. on
D. at
Passage 3
It was raining heavily when my friends and I finished lunch at a hotel nearby. We
waited for it to ___ (15) _____ before I decided to brave the drizzle to get my car, which was
parked at my office three blocks away. Being seven months pregnant, my friends urged me
not to go then. But I assured ___ (16) ___ that I would be careful.
I ____ (17) ____ the hotel and stared making my way to the car. When I reached the
traffic junction, a van stopped and a passenger jumped ____ (18) ___ with an umbrella.
Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me, saying that he would escort
me to my destination. I became embarrassed and declined, but he was very persistent. He
kept cautioning me to walk slower ____ (19) ____ the ground was wet. At the car park, I
thanked him and we parted ways. I forgot to ask his name and may not even recognise him if
I meet him again. I will never know if he had purposely stopped for me.
I decided to pass on this act of kindness to ___ (20) ____. At home, I noticed two
Indian construction workers walking in the heavy rain, probably going to the construction site
near my estate. I knew it was a long walk _____ (21) ____. I went out and passed them an
umbrella. They were stunned by my gesture. Like me, they were probably wondering why a
stranger was offering such kindness.

15. A. abate 19. A. if

B. rebate B. as
C. recede C. and
D. abound D. therefore

16. A. them 20. A. no one

B. they B. anyone
C. him C. nothing
D. her D. someone

17. A. had left 21. A. out

B. leaving B. on
C. leave C. by
D. left D. in

18. A. up
B. down
C. across
D. through

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