Evaluation of Feasibility of Fruit and Vegetable Crops Using Market Window Analysis

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Evaluation of Feasibility of Fruit and Vegetable Crops

Using Market Window Analysis*


John Adrian
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
Auburn University

Cran Upshaw
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
Auburn University

Richard Mook
Agricultural Economist
Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA

Abstract the intensive production of fruits and

Fruits and vegetables have been identified
as potential production alternatives to use avail- A problem confronting farmers consider-
able farm resources. Several “market window” ing fruit and vegetable enterprises involves
studies have been undertaken to evaluate such effective estimation of the potential of these
feasibility. These state and regional studies are products for the commercial market. To help
analyzed and compared to identify underlying farmers determine which crops to produce and
assumptions and methodologies. Recommenda- to identify feasible market outlets and time
tions of the studies are evaluated on an periods, several state and regional studies have
aggregate basis and limitations of the market been initiated to analyze fruit and vegetable
window technique are identified and discussed. production and marketing potential (Collete and
The technique was judged to be useful in plan- Wall; Hinson and Lanclos [a, b, c], Love et al.;
ning because it involves consideration of poten- Mizelle; Mook and Anthon~ Narrie and Free;
tial costs to be incurred, markets to be evalu- O’Rourke [1984]; Task Force; Venturella et al.;
ated, and price expectations for the various Zwingli et al.). Most of these studies used the
commodities considered. “market window” approach. Several definitions
of a market window have been developed
Introduction including the period when the price of the
product in a given market is above the cost of
Recent economic conditions in agriculture producing, packaging, transporting, and mar-
have led to a decrease in farm income and keting the product in that market (Narrie and
increased stress on many farm families. As a Free); a time when produce volume declines or
result, farmers have considered alternative when prices strengthen in a market (Mizelle);
means to improve their economic plight. One when market price for a commodity is greater
alternative receiving much attention has been than the suppliers’ delivery costs for a long

*Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Journal, No. 1-891987P.

February 89/page 142 Journal of Food Distribution Research

enough period to justify a reasonable produc- yields are maximized. Inherent in the market
tion scale (0’Rourke~ or a particular period of side of the relationship are product flow and
time during which a commodity can be sold, at competition in a particular market. If flows are
a profit, on an existing market (Venturella et low from the region and relatively high from
al.). more distant suppliers, greater opportunity
tends to exist in a market. Conversely, if ship-
From these definitions, one can observe ments are high and prices are low, there is pro-
that the theoretical underpinnings of this bably little opportunity for market development.
approach are basic. That is, if a quality prod-
uct can be efficiently produced and distributed The market window technique is consi-
by producers and the price of that product in a dered to be a simple, inexpensive, and reliable
target market exceeds the sum of the per unit screening device for those investigating the
cost of production plus the per unit costs market potential for different crops. It also aids
incurred in accessing that market, a “market in determining what changes in production
window” exists. While the concept is simple, costs, yields, transportation costs, or other fac-
effective application of the rationale involved tors may be needed to enter a market
can be rather detailed and time consuming. (0’Rourke). The evaluation process consists of
Evaluations using this approach can vary from seven steps or componenw
cursory comparisons of per unit prices with per
unit production and marketing costs to detailed 1) identification of feasible commodities,
studies of these items and their variation plus
the levels and variation in their constituent 2) identification of potential target markets,
3) establishment of price expectations,
This paper provides a discussion of the
nature of the technique with emphasis given to 4) development of production cost estimates
the requirements for undertaking such analyses (cost expectations),
and caveats in using this approach. Approaches
used in seven studies and results for two enter- 5) estimation of marketing and transporta-
prises (broccoli and squash) are evaluated in tion costs,
isolation and in the aggregate to analyze poten-
tial impacts on the industry if recommendations 6) analysis of market alternatives, and
are implemented.
7) identification of feasible markets and
Overview of Market Window Methodology market periods.

In a planning context, market window Consideration of these components can vary

analysis represents the basics in evaluating feas- substantially among different individuals and
ibility of production of fresh fruit and vege- studies. Research involving market window
table enterprises for the market. This is clear analysis has used techniques ranging from
when the feasibility criterion is analyzed simple visual anal ysis of price and volume
trends to more complicated empirical pro-
(1) Market level - gramming models (Mook). (See Table 1 for
details of particular studies.)
Price par unit > Production coct + (Tranqxwtation +
at target per unit marketing coete to
market target market) /unit
In identifying feasible commodities for
evaluation, factors such as production history
or of the are% resource, market, and infrastructure
availabilit~ capability and commitment of pro-
(2) Farm level - ducerq and competition from other areas are
important. Advice from production and horti-
Price par unit - (Transportation + > Production coct cultural specialists can also be beneficial in
at target marketing coete to par unit terms of defining soil, water, disease, pest,
market target market) /unit
plant, and other agronomic considerations.
If equation (1) or (2) is affirmative, a
market window is assumed to exist. Note the Fruit and vegetable production for com-
implicit role that components of this formula- mercial markets is intensive and requires a high
tion play; that is, opportunity for feasibility is degree of management acumen. Areas having
enhanced through operational efficiency if pro- producers with experience who produce high
duction and marketing costs are minimized and valued crops and who understand the risks and

Journal of Food Distribution Research February 89/page 143

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February 89/page 144 Journal of Food Distribution Research



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Journal of Food Distribution Research February 89/page 145



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February 89/page 146 Dktribution Research

management requirements of such production ment. Alternative approaches for addressing
are likely to access markets successfully if they these questions and issues are presented as a
also have q favorable resource base and part of the discussion of studies which have
infrastructure. Quality management, sufficient been completed.
resources, and proper facilities play an impor-
tant role in influencing the yield and quality of Cost and return budgets may be used to
the product. Ultimately, if a high quality prod- derive cost expectations (break-even price) or
uct that has low production and distribution cost per unit for the area under study. Budget-
costs is offered to the market, chances for suc- ing can be a complex process that involves
cess are enhanced, numerous assumptions about prices, costs,
equipment complements, appropriate levels of
Accessibility to markets and competitive technology, yields, size of operation, etc. If a
status with other producing areas are key factors market window analysis is being conducted for
affecting identification of target markets, an area that is outside traditional supply
Analyses of volume, price, and sources of pro- sources, what are reasonable assumptions about
duce in a particular market over time can pro- these items? Should budgets for inexperienced
vide clues as to potential, If low volume in a fruit and vegetable producers reflect lower
market comes at a time when production and yields and higher costs per unit and, if so, by
access to the market are favorable for an area, how much? That is, what is a reasonable level
the first major step in identifying feasibility is of yield risk--a 10 percent, 30 percent, 50 per-
complete. That is, feasibility from the supply cent, etc. reduction of “standard” yields? Cer-
side of the market seems positive. However, tainly, this depends somewhat on the nature of
high quality data for some markets are often the area being evaluated and its producers.
lacking and such evaluation is thus frequently
limited. Also, how much effort should be devoted
to making budgets sensitive to higher produc-
Establishment of price expectations over tion costs and lower yields that are typically
i period of time for particular products and incurred as the production season progresses?
markets is one of the most difficult tasks in That is, are changes in irrigation, insecticide,
market window analysis. Historically, farmers herbicide, fungicide, etc. costs with the pro-
have used rather basic price expectation pro- gression of the production season sufficient to
cesses in planning, such as last year’s price, the alter cost expectations? Since feasibility can be
price at planting, or the price at planting greatly influenced by assumptions about yields
adjusted for experiences and expectations of the and costs, careful attention should be given to
producers. While these may sometimes be rea- this area.
sonably correct, prices for fresh fruits and
vegetables are quite volatile and thus such To evaluate market feasibility effectively
estimates may be insufficient. Given this, how either for a market or between markets, an
should price expectations be formulated? estimate of marketing cost is needed. This can
Which prices should be used--daily, weekly, or be accomplished by establishing a flat rate (per-
monthly; how should price be represented-- centage of price such as 9, 12, 15, etc.) to
average, medium, high, low, or some forecasted reflect transportation, marketing, etc. costs, Or,
level for some base period--3, 5, 7, etc. years? a marketing cost per unit can be derived by
What level of the market should be used-- collecting data for brokerage fees, handling
wholesale, FOB shipping point, wholesale costs, transportation rates, etc. and weighting
adjusted for marketing and transportation costs, the aggregation of these costs by units handled.
etc.? This approach has the advantage of being more
representative because marketing cost differen-
Even before these issues are settled, if the tials among commodities can be addressed in
market is somewhat thin, the analyst must gauge evaluation of market potential. However, it can
whether volume is sufficient to make a price be more complex and time consuming because
expectation “reasonable.” Also, what price of data and analysis requirements.
should producers who are outside traditional
supply areas expect? Since firices are highly Once all data are available, the final two
volatile, consideration should be given to varia- steps of the market window procedure involve
tion in price as well as level so that price risks an analysis of market alternatives and definition
can be evaluated. Alternatives may include the of feasible markets and market periods. While
variance, standard deviation, coefficient of the criterion for feasibility is simple and
variation, etc. While this entails a higher degree straightforward, its application can be much less
of sophistication, it also requires more involve- clear. For example, is simply having the price

Journal of Food Distribution Research February 89/page 147

expectation (say the average weekly price for California being the dominant supplier of broc-
the last three years) above expected cost suffi- coli and market prices being highly sensitive to
cient to define feasibility of a market window? additional quantities in the market, additional
Or, should feasibility be defined as periods production by one or several of the areas could
when price less one standard deviation exceeds depress market prices and adversely influence
the expected cost? That is, how should the feasibility. That is, viability of the approach
issue of price variability be addressed? And, if depends to a degree on structural stability of
feasibility is defined for a week, what number markets. Somewhat offsetting this concern is
of feasible weeks justifies attempts to exploit the fact that the various studies evaluated
that market. Or, giving consideration to the several different niarkets, and feasible market-
buying side of the market, how long must you ing periods vary due to weather conditions.
be able to supply produce to a market for pur-
chasing firms to be willing to abandon Summary, Implications,
“traditional” suppliers and suPPly areas to buy and Recommendations
from you? Obviously, there is much room for
judgment in this process. The ability to produce and market fruits
and vegetables is greater in some areas than in
As indicated earlier, market window anal- others. However, fruit and vegetable produc-
ysis represents the basics in planning. Detailed tion in each “non-traditional” producing area
application of this technique forces the pro- requires consideration of many factors. The
ducer to evaluate factors which will ultimately studies evaluated recommended several actions
determine profitability, i.e., efficiency in pro- that must be implemented for these areas to
duction and marketing. Major shortcomings produce profitably >.:Non-traditional” area pro-
involve assumptions that firms can produce ducers should also be aware of competing
sufficient volumes of quality product to access regions’ shipment periods to the market in order
“commercial” outlets and that these markets can to fill the “slack” periods when prices would be
be accessed by the producing units. Neither of more favorable. If feasible, development of
these is assured, especially for producers in storage capability could allow producers some
areas that are outside “traditional” supply flexibility in entering markets for certain com-
regions. modities. This should be evaluated cautiously,
especially for early season producing areas
Examples of Results from which face strong competition from other areas
Market Window Analyses as the season progresses.

Results of market window studies For the production of fruits and veget-
undertaken in Alabama-AL (Zwingli et al.), ables to be feasible, producers in the “non-trad-
Georgia-GA (Mizelle), Kentucky-KY (Love et itional” supply areas must obtain high yields and
al.), Louisiana-LA (Hinson and Lanclos, a, b provide high quality shipments to the market.
and c), Mississippi-MS (Task Force), High yields result in lower per unit costs and
Oklahoma-OK (Mook and Anthony), South high quality makes the product more desirable
Carolina-SC (Venturella et al.), and Virginia- in the marketplace. Since fresh produce buyers
VA (Runyan) are presented in Tables 2 and 3. may be reluctant to purchase from non-tradi-
With the exception of the Louisiana and tional supply areas, these factors can enhance
Oklahoma studies, spring and/or fall market the opportunity for market entry. Producers
windows were identified for each enterprise. must be conscious of quality enhancement and
The spring window for broccoli generally maintenance factors at the production, harvest,
spanned a period from early April through June and marketing stages.
while the fall season ranged from late August or
early September to early December. Similarly, To enhance feasibility, producers should
for squash, the spring season started in June and attempt to extend their traditional marketing
extended into July while the fall window was periods by such means as alternative varieties
primarily in September and early October. and technologies. For example, use of early
Thus, on a state-by-state basis, implications are maturing varieties or plastic can allow the pro-
for producers to increase the acreage of broccoli ducer to enter markets when prices are often
and squash. more favorable. Also, early and late plantings
can be beneficial. However, these alternatives
However, when results of the alternative generally entail higher risks and should be eval-
studies are evaluated in the aggregate, difficul- uated cautiously.
ties with these recommendations become
apparent, especially for broccoli. With

February 89/page 148 Journal of Food Distribution Research

Table 2. Summary of Potential Market Window for Broccoli as Derived from
selected Studies in Various States and Areas, 1978-87a.

and Week AL GA KY Mb Ms OK Sc VA
Jan 1
Feb 5
Mar 9


May 18
Jun 22

24 [_
Jul 26

Aug %!

Sep 35


Ott :

43 I
Nov 44

Dec :: I!I

%everal studies evaluated multiple alternative markets. Results presented are for the most feasible
“Themarketw indow ranges from week 36 toweek260f the following year.

Journal of Food Distribution Research February89/page 149

Table 3

Summary of Potential Market Windows for Squash

As Derived from Selected Market Window Studies in Various States and Areas, 1978-87’

State or Area
and Week AL GA KY LA MS OK Sc VA


Jun 22
25 ‘[
Ju] 26
Aug 31

1 I

Ott 40
Nov 44

%everai studies evaluated multiple alternative markets. Results presented are for the most feasible

February 89/page 150 Journal of Food Distribution Research

While the market window technique is tion costs, transportation costs, yields, and other
relatively simple and is quite useful for factors are necessary for a crop to enter into a
planning purposes, it is not without limitations. particular market. Further research and more
In some of the studies analyzed, volume move- efficient use of market window techniques are
ments of a particular commodity through speci- needed to make sure the conclusions are jus-
fic terminal markets were difficult to obtain. tified. Primary data such as direct producer
This is important because volume data are and buyer surveys and interviews can be used to
needed to assess effectively whether a potential substantiate analytical results. While market
market window is present since the producer window analysis has its shortcomings and thus
would want to enter into a market when there is basically reflects a “first analysis” of feasibility,
sufficient demand for the product at a price it is extremely useful in planning because the
favorably compared to the costs incurred in analysis involves consideration of potential costs
production. However, potential as defined by to be incurred, markets to be evaluated, and
the market window approach does not guarantee price expectations for the various commodities
market entry. considered.

Most market window studies are based on Selected References

supply and demand factors which affect the
volatility of fruit and vegetable prices. These Collette, Arden W. and Brian G. Wall. 1978.
factors are highly influenced by conditions that “Evaluating Vegetable Production for
the market window technique does not take into Market Windows as an Alternative for
account, such as climate and other producing Limited Resource Farmers,” So. J. Agr.
areas entering into the market. This is an im- Econ., 10(2)189-93.
portant limitation since prices of many com-
modities are highly responsive to volume Hinson, Roger and Kent Lanclos(a). 1988.
changes and a relatively small increase in pro- “Wholesale Market Opportunities for
duction and supply could alter the profitability Louisiana - Produce& Snapbeans, Sweet
of a commodity. Thus, some knowledge of Corn, Irish Potatoes, and Sweet Potatoes.”
price-quantity relationships for a market could AEA Information Series No. 65; Louisiana
help define the responsiveness of price to Agr. Exp. Sta.; Baton Rouge, La.
changes in volume in that market.
Hinson, Roger and Kent Lanclos(b). 1988.
The expected market price also cannot be “Wholesale Market Opportunities for
determined exactly. However, after a period of Louisiana - Produced Broccoli, Cabbage,
years in most markets, price trends can be Cauliflower, and Strawberries.” AEA
observed and, as long as there is no significant Information Series No, 66; Louisiana Agr.
change in the production areas supplying a par- Exp. Sta.; Baton Rouge, La.
ticular product to the market or other major
structural changes, prices should remain fairly Hinson, Roger and Kent Lanclos(c). 1988.
reflective of market conditions. Other problems “Wholesale Market Opportunities for
exist with obtaining transportation and market- Louisiana - Produced: Cucumbers, Yellow
ing costs data. Probably the most important Squash, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, and
limitation of market window studies is the fact Watermelons.” AEA Information Series
that no cost data exist for a commodity in the No. 67; Louisiana Agr, Exp. ~ta.; Baton
precise growing conditions confronted by a new Rouge, La.
producer or production area. Thus, researchers
for most market window studies have based Love, Harold G., Andrew Jermolowicz, and
much of their cost and some price and volume Forrest E. Stegelin. 1985. “Options for
data on information reported in the most recent Kentucky Farmers.” University of
comparable studies. This practice can lead to Kentucky, Department of Ag. Econ.
inappropriate conclusions and recommendations Departmental publication, Lexington, Ky.
because the data are derived by “considering”
historical relationships rather than current con- Mizelle, William O. 1983. Market Windows for
ditions. Selected Georgia Vegetables. University
of Georgia, Cooperative Extension Service
Even with these shortfalls, the “market Bulletin No, 887; Athens, Ga.
window” technique appears to be a simple and
inexpensive device for evaluating market
potential of a variety of crops and is also
helpful in determining what changes in produc-

Journal of Food Distribution Research February 89/page 151

Mook, Richard G. and Joseph P. Anthony. 1986. Runyan, Jack L. 1986. Determining Commercial
“Market Analysis and Potential for Marketing and Production Opportunities
Selected Commercial Vegetable for Small Farm Vegetable Growers. USDA
Production in Southeastern Oklahoma.” Marketing Research Report No. 1146.
Oklahoma State University, preliminary
draft publication; Stillwater, Ok. Task Force (Verner Hurt, A. D. Scale, Gale
Ammorman, Steve Windham, Joseph
Mook, Richard G. 1985. “Applications of Schmidt, Mary Acock, Paul Thompson,
Market Window Analysi.x An Example.” Vance Young, Lanny Bateman, Boyette
A paper presented at the Analyzing the Graves, and Charles Walden). 1986.
Potential for Alternative Fruit and “Feasibility of Fresh Market Vegetables in
Vegetable Crop Production Seminaq New Mississippi.” Mississippi State University,
Orleans, La.; pp. 82-93. Unnumbered manuscript, Starkville, Miss.
Narrie, David B. and Joe W. Free. 1986. Venturella, Julie Giordano, P. James Rathwell,
“Identifying Market Windows for Larry L. Bauer, and Royce Caines.
Tennessee Valley Produced Vegetables.” “Potential Market Windows for Selected
Tennessee Technological University, Vegetable Crops in South Carolina.”
preliminary draft report. Preliminary draft report, Department of
Agricultural Economics, Clemson
O’Rourke, Desmond A. 1984. Market University.
opportunities for Minor Washington Fruits
and Vegetables. Washington State Zwingli, Michael E. 1986. “Market Potential for
University Agricultural Research Center Fresh Vegetables Grown in the Sand
Bulletin, Pullman, Wash. Mountain Region of Alabama.” Auburn
University, M.S. thesis, Department of
O’Rourke, Desmond A. 1985. “Use of the Ag. Economics; Auburn, Ala.
Market Window Technique in Evaluating
Potential for Interregional Trade.” A Zwingli, M. E., J. L. Adrian, W. E. Hardy, and
paper presented at the Analyzing the W, J. Free. 1987. Wholesale Market
Potential for Alternative Fruit and Potential for Fresh Vegetables Grown in
Vegetable Seminar; New Orleans, La.; pp. North Alabama. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul.
68-81. 586, Auburn University.

February 89/page 152 Journal of Food Distribution Research

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