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Her fingers trailed up the middle of a deeply ridged six pack that rippled and flexed

beneath the delicate touch.

“Snow...I really need to get back.”
“I know,” Snow White huffed. She rolled to her back and pulled the crimson sheet to
cover her nakedness. “But Xander’s not coming back until tomorrow. Stay with me,
Bash? I’ll make it worth your while.”
A soft snore drew their attention to the man sprawled behind her and Snow White
looked over her shoulder at Sleepy.
“I think we tired Lee out.” she laughed and turned back to face Bashful. He draped a
thick thigh over her small, thinner ones and drew her down into a heated kiss that lasted
several minutes.
“Fine. I'll stay for a few more hours but Lee and I have to be gone once the sun
comes up. The maids will talk if they see men leaving your rooms instead of dwarfs.”
Bashful covered her with his six foot three frame and nudged Snow’s thighs apart.
She widened them willingly and moaned when the heat of his erection settled against her
cool skin. His lips moved over her throat, a molten trail of kisses from the edge of her jaw
that ended with a searing torrent of ecstasy as they closed over the taut peak of her right
Snow dug her small, oval nails into the thick muscles of Bash’s shoulders as he
flicked the firebrand of his tongue over her nipple. Her left leg draped over his hip, the
round of her heel pressed into his backside as she urged him closer.
“Easy, Snow.” he murmured against her breast. “I’ll get there all in good time.”
She moaned and writhed beneath him. The inky strands of her hair slithered over
the silk sheets as Snow shook her head in disagreement.
“No. Now.” Her hips tilted up as she sought to impale herself on the thick length of
his cock. “Please, Bash. Please.”
His large hand gripped her left hip and held Snow White still as he took his time
with her. Inch by inch he kissed his way down the front of her until she was a quivering
mass of anticipation and lust.
When he moved passed her core Snow dug her hands into the glossy black depths of
Bash’s hair and tugged but he continued his way down her thigh.
“Hush. I don’t get you to myself very often.” he nipped at the inside of her left knee.
“Let me do this my way.”
She gazed down the length of her body to meet the dark chocolate pools of his eyes
and Snow groaned at the determination she saw within them. He was right, her husband
– Xander – would be back in the morning and, of the seven dwarfs, Bashful was the one
who rarely got a night alone with her.
A wicked grin spread over Bash’s lips and Snow laughed as she laid back and waited
to see what her lover would do next.
Bashful didn’t disappoint her. Whatever she had expected from the shy, quiet dwarf-
shifter, it hadn’t been for him to flip Snow White onto her stomach. Strong fingers,
callused from his days working in the mines, slid over the smooth backs of her thighs and
parted the globes of her ass.
The warm, moist flat of his tongue swept from hole to hole and Snow moaned into
her pillow. Her hips lifted and she wiggled her bottom in invitation.
“Don’t stop – please?”
She looked over her shoulder at him and caught the wicked gleam in Bashful’s eyes.
“No plans to stop until you’ve screamed my name so loud they hear you in the next
He winked at her and the giggle that bubbled from her lips cut short as a cool length
pushed between her folds. He’d found the glass dildo they’d used earlier. She pushed
back onto it until the tip bumped deep inside of her and whimpered when Bashful pulled
it back. The dildo pumped into her a few more times before he stopped again despite her
“Keep it in, Snow. If it’s not still there when I come back - I won’t screw that sweet
little pucker the way you want.”
Snow White closed her eyes and focused on keeping the glass rod in place. Her
control lasted seconds before she reached back and grasped the end of the dildo in her
hand. She thrust it in deep and slowly withdrew it again.
Bash’s fingers, slick with oil, massaged her anus and Snow moaned at the dual
stimulation. She pushed back again and impaled herself on his thumb as the rod slid
deep inside of her pussy.
“Bash, please!”
“Please, what?” he asked as he removed his thumb. He pressed the tip of his cock
against her puckered, pink opening and teased her by applying light pressure against it.
“Fuck…me.” Snow growled between clenched teeth.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
He pushed in and their mutual moans mingled as her body adjusted to the
incredible fullness of the dual penetrations. His cock kicked inside of her and Snow
dropped her forehead to rest on the pillow.
“Snow? Are you okay?”
“Fantastic,” she whispered. Snow White rocked her hips forward, her body
shuddering with barely controlled ecstasy as Bashful held still and let her determine the
The soft sound of their bodies coming together blended with Bashful’s hushed pants
and Snow’s muted moans to form an erotic symphony. Lost to the sensation of fullness
that he created inside of her, Snow let the dildo drop to the mattress as she reached
forward to grasp the headboard.
“Snow? Wha - ?”
Bashful was denied the right to finish his question when Snow reared up and drove
herself back against him. The smooth globes of her ass smacked against his hips as she
quickened the pace and rode him hell for leather.
Their sensual symphony transitioned to a chaotic crescendo of ecstasy. Soft,
feminine moans turned to keening pleas for more, harder, faster. Deep, male groans
turned to grunts and rumbled promises of “Anything, as long as you don’t stop.”
Fingers dug firmly into the silken sheets, Snow rested her forehead between her
clenched fists and gave herself up to the onslaught of Bashful’s passion. Explaining the
bruises his grip was sure to leave on her hips was the least of her concerns as each one of
her senses, every nerve and fibre focused on the glide of his cock inside of her and the
frantic pounding of their bodies as they came together.
Between one thrust and the next, Snow tensed as Bashful locked his body against
hers. Their tandem cries rose together and filled the room with their mutual pleasure.
A small, bereft moan slid from Snow White’s lips as she collapsed onto the bed and
Bash slid free of her tight confines. He crumpled to the sheets beside her, careful to avoid
their sleeping companion and they panted together in the quiet afterglow.
His arm circled her waist and Snow White snuggled close.
“No more sharing.” her lips brushed his chest. “You come alone from now on.”
Bashful’s soft laugh ruffled her damp hair. “I am alone, pretty much. Lee could sleep
through a hurricane, so - technically - we are alone.”
Snow nodded and yawned as her body continued to relax against his. She tucked her
head beneath his chin and allowed her eyes to drift shut.
“Mhmm... I suppose you are.”
“Go to sleep, my sweet. Lee and I will see ourselves out.”

“What in blazes is this?” Xander’s voice cut into the delicious dream she was having
and Snow sat up, suddenly awake.
She drew the sheets up to cover herself and her eyes dropped to Sleepy and Bashful.
They lay sprawled naked in their dwarf forms on either side of her. She chuckled softly
and turned her eyes back up to her husband.
“What does it look like?” she replied brazenly. Xander gaped at her and Snow White
laughed. “You didn’t seriously think I’d stay out in the wood with seven men unless there
was some sort of benefit in it for me, did you? Come, Xander. You know me better than
He threw his coat on the chair by the window and moved closer to the bed.
“I do my saucy little slut of a wife. Now come,” Xander held a hand out to her. “I’ve
been on the road for days, I’m dusty and I want my wife clean before I have my own turn
with her.”
Snow White dropped the sheet and took his hand with a laugh. “I knew there was a
reason why I loved you.”

Copyright © 2011 Danielle Gavan

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