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The design that has been made by the planner is realized
through the implementation of work in the field. Implementation of
work is a very important stage and requires good arrangement and
supervision of work, so that can be obtained good results, timely,
and suitable to the deign that has been made.

The work implementation phase is the stage that determines

the success or failure of a project, therefore need to be prepared all
things related to technical work, work plan, and executive staff,
especially professionals who can manage the work well and can
take decisions about the problems encountered in the field of

Implementation of practical work undertaken at The

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project which lasted for 3 (three)
months by reviewing structural work on the Dermoleng Flyover
Construction Project consisting of pile cap, bearing pad, erection
girder, diaphragm, floor plate and parapet work .


4.2.1. Bored Pile
Bored pile foundation is a tube-shaped foundation that serves
to pass the loads of the building into the ground. Bored pile is
classified to deep foundation. Bored pile work begins with drilling
the ground to the desired depth, then installing of reinforcement
steel and followed by concrete casting.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
In “Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project” bored pile is used
in 9 (nine) points, with diameter 1,2 m and various depth from 16 m
to 24 m.


Shop Drawing

Heavy Equipment Mobilization, Measurement & Marking Are


Drill & install pipe casing

Check NO


Install Steel reinforcement

Install Tremi Pipe


Remove the pipe casing


Figure 4.1 Bored Pile Process Flowchart

a. Preparation Work

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
- Analyze the design drawing (location, depth, width and
length). Assemble the bored pile reinforcement in stock
yard marking bored pile points, using theodolite. Prepare
the equipments and materials

Figure 4.3 Bored Pile points on Abutment A1, A2

Figure 4.2 Bored Pile Points on Pier P1, P2, P5, P6, P7

b. Drilling
- Setting Bore Pile Machine
- Drill to 6m depth using auger drill bit and install the pipe
casing to the drilled hole

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.4 Drilling Process Using Auger Drill Bit
- Flow water and bentonite into drilled hole
- Drill to the specified depth using auger drill bit

Table 4.1 Bored Pile Depth

- Check if the depth has met the specified depth
- Clean the bottom hole from mud using cleaning bucket

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
(a) (b)
Figure 4.5 Casing Pipe Installation (a), Cleaning process using cleaning
bucket (b)
c. Reinforcement work
- After reach the desired depth, followed by cleaning
process, install the bored pile reinforcement steel
- Each segments of the reinforcement is connected using
the welding tool
- The final cleaning by spraying pressurized water for ± 10
minutes through a trimie pipe to clear the hole from the
mud deposit.

Figure 4.6 Detail of Bored Pile Reinforcement

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171


15 D32

SPIRAL D16-200
15 D32


SPIRAL D13-200



8 D32

SPIRAL D16-300
8 D32


SPIRAL D16-300



8 D32
SPIRAL D13-300

8 D32

SPIRAL D13-300




Figure 4.7 Bored Pile Reinforcement Detail

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.8 Installation of Bored Pile Reinforcement
d. Casting
- Setting mobile crane and mixer truck
- install the bucket and tremic pipe using mobile crane
- Pour K250 ready mix concrete into the bucket

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.9 Casting Process
- Casting can be stopped if the concrete mixture reaches
the surface of the hole (overflowed) and is completely
clean from the mud.
Concrete Quality : K250
Steel Quality : BJTS 40

Amount of pile Diameter
A1 6 points 1,2 m
P1 4 points 1,2 m
P2 4 points 1,2 m
P3 5 points 1,2 m
P4 5 points 1,2 m
P5 4 points 1,2 m
P6 4 points 1,2 m
P7 4 points 1,2 m
A2 6 points 1,2 m

Table 4.2 Amount & Diamater of Pile

4.2.2. Pile Cap

Pile cap is a reinforced concrete structure that serves to bind a
group of piles into a single unit, resist the shear forces and transfer
the loads from column to the bored piles.

In “Dermoleng Flyover Consctruction Project” there are 9

points of pile caps.

Dimension of Pile Diameter of

Cap (m) Reinforcement steel
A1 12 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P1 5,4 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P2 5,4 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P3 6,643 x 6,643 x2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P4 6,643 x 6,643 x2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P5 5,4 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P6 5,4 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
P7 5,4 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32
A2 12 x 5,4 x 2,4 D13, D25,and D 32

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Table 4.3 Dimension of Pile Cap


Shop Drawing

Materials and tools mobilization, assembly reinforcement



Check the depth


Cutting Bored Pile

Lean Concrete Work

Install Formwork

Instal Reinforcement Steel



Figure 4.10 Pile Cap Work Flowchart

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
a. Excavation work
Pile cap work begins with digging the location to a certain
depth according to the design plan. Excavation work at the site
is done with excavator. Excavation work begins with digging
road pavement (for the part that covered with road pavement).
This work is done manually with manpower, with the help of a
large chisel and a hammer. After the road pavement on the
surface of the footing work is done, then followed by
excavation with excavator.

Figure 4.11 Pile Cap Excavation Process

b. Cutting Bored Pile
Cutting bored pile is intended to get iron cuttings from the
bored pile for structural binding with the pile cap, bored pile
reinforcement is left 60 - 80 cm long as a hook with the pile
cap reinforcement. Cutting bored pile is also aimed to remove
bad quality concrete on the bored pile foundation. The casting
system with the tremie tube makes the top concrete of bored

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
pile has bad quality, because it is mixed with mud and water,
therefore this bad quality concrete needs to be removed so it
won’t damage the structure. Cutting bored pile work is done
with excavator and manually with manpower with the help of
hammer and welding tool.

Figure 4.12 Cutting Bored Pile

c. Lean Concrete Work
Lean concrete is made with a thickness of about 10 cm,
the purpose of making the lean concrete is to prevent the pile
cap concrete structure directly tangent to the ground, so the
quality and strength of the pile cap concrete is not disturbed.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.13 Lean Concrete work

d. Formwork Installation
Formwork installation process begins with the
measurement with theodolite to determine the points of
formwork, in this system, the formwork using wood (fenoid)
that will later be reassembled.

(a) (b)
Figure 4.14 Measurement (a), Formwork Installation (b)
e. Reinforcement Steel Installation
Reinforcement of pile cap is done on-site. The reinforcing
steel was previously cut in various sizes and bent in such a
way in the stockyard, thus forming an easily assembled of pile
cap reinforcement. The cutting and bending work of the
reinforcing steel is calculated in such a way that not a lot of
scraps of steel are wasted, thereby increasing the cost
The parts of the reinforcement are then taken to the work
site for further assembly in place in accordance with the
design plan. The reinforcing parts are fastened/connected to
each other using bendrat wire or welded.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.15 Pile Reinforcement Steel Installation
e. Casting
Before casting process, it’s important to clean the work
site from dirty water, mud, and garbage or other things that
can disturb with casting process. Casting pile cap using K350
ready mix concrete and using vibrator to prevent segregation.


4.3.1. Column (Pier) Work
Column is the vertical bar of the frame of the structure that
carries the load from the bridge, which passes it from the top to the
lower elevation until it reaches the ground through the foundation.
The role of the column is very important in the construction of the
bridge, the role of the column is very important in the construction of
the bridge, so the column work should be done carefully.

In Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project for column work

used K350 ready mix concrete.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171

Shop Drawing

Materials and tools mobilization, assembly reinforcement, and marking


Install Reinforcement

Install Formwork

Casting Concrete



Figure 4.16 Colum Work Flowchart

a. Reinforcement Installation
Column reinforcements are imported from fabrication in the
stockyard, before the installation, team surveyor marking
position to take the coordinate point of the reinforcement, the
mounting of the reinforcement is then attached to the column
location by placing it on the foundation overstek connected by
welded. After the reinforcement installation is completed, steel
reinforcement should be checked by QC and Supervising
Consultant to ensure the reinforcement is in accordance with
the design plan.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.17 Colum Reinforcement Installation
b. Formwork Installation
Formwork installation process begins with marking the points
of formwork coordinates by the surveyor team. The formwork
installation work in this project is carried out by the
subcontractor of PT. PUJA PERKASA where used
manufacturer formwork that can be used repeatedly. The
mobilization of the formworks is carried out by truck mounted
crane. If the pier formwork is ready, both vertical then
checked by QC and Supervisor Consultant. After checking the
formwork installation completed, then the casting can be done
by permission of Supervisor Consultant. The column
reinforcement is done with the help of mobile crane.

Figure 4.18 Formwork Installation Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
c. Casting work
Column casting is done by the help of bucket, tremic pipe and
mobile crane followed by concrete vibrator to prevent
segregation. The casting process begins by attaching the
bucket to the crane, so the bucket can be lifted and lowered.
The bucket is then filled with concrete from the mixer truck,
then the bucket is lifted above the column. The bottom cover
of the bucket is then opened so that the concrete flows fill the
In this project, for the column casting work using K350 ready
mix conrete from PT. VARIA USAHA BETON.

Figure 4.19 Column Casting Process

4.3.2. Pier Head Work

Pier head is a structure that serves as a pedestal of girder
beam that will carry the loads from the top structure forwarded
down through the column and the foundation. The stages of pier
head work are :

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171

Shop Drawing

Materials and tools mobilization, assembly reinforcement, and marking


Install Reinforcement

Install Formwork

Casting Concrete



Figure 4.20 Pier Head Work Flowchart

a. Preparation Work
Pier head work begins with team surveyor marking
position to take the coordinate point of the reinforcement
based on the design plan/drawing.
b. Reinforcement installation
After marking the position, then install the scaffolding as
the buffer and install lower part of pierhead formwork as
a base of reinforcement. Reinforcement work is done
directly on the spot connected by welded, after the

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
previously the reinforcement steels manufactured in the
stock yard according to the design.

Figure 4.21 Scaffolding Installation

Figure 4.22 Pier Head Reinforcement Installation

c. Formwork Installation
Pier head formwork installation is done with the help of
mobile crane, in this project for the formwork used fenoid
wood this formwork can be used repeatedly.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.23 Pier Head Formwork Installation
d. Casting Work
After reinforcement, formwork installed and checked the
next step is casting work. Before the casting, the
additives concrete poured to the column concrete as a
glue between old concrete and fresh concrete to be
poured later. In this project, for the pier head used K350
ready mix concrete from PT. VARIA USAHA BETON.

Figure 4.24 Pier Head Casting Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.3.3. Bearing Pad Work
Bearing is a mechanical device mounted between a deck with
a pier or abutment that serves as a dampening device between the
bridge and the main foundation. Before the erection girder is
performed, the elastomer must be installed first. Elastomers serve
as girder placement.

The steps in this work are:

a. After the abutments and piers reach the required

strength to withstand the load, the surface at the girder
placement location is leveled.
b. The location of the placement should be clearly marked
about the type and location of the installation. The survey
team conducted stake out and marking to ensure the
location and elevation according to the drawing / design

Figure 4.25 Bearing Pad Leveling Position

c. The work site should be clean of dirt or unused material
before mortar casting.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.26 Bearing Pad Mortar Making.
d. After the elastomer bearing pad is installed, the surveyor
team will re-examine the elastomer's elevation and

Figure 4.27 Elastomeric Bearing Pad 35 m Span

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.28 Elastomeric Bearing Pad 40 m Span


Shop Drawing

Measurement, marking points


Leveling Concrete

Check the Elevation & Flatness


Install Bearing Pad


Figure 4.29 Bearing Pad Work Flowchart

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.3.4. Girder Stressing Work
Girder beam is a beam between two buffers (pier or abutment)
on the bridge that serves to support the structure above. In this
project the top structure of the flyover used precast girder beam
(PCI Girder) from PT. ADHI BETON with a span length of 35.8
meters and 40.8 meters. This girder uses the post tensioning
method where the girder produced in segments that are then united
by stressing work. The girder stressing work in this project is
performed by sub-contractor PT. TENSINDO KREASI


Shop Drawing

Mobilization, Land Preparation, Materials and equipments


Install Strand

Strand Cutting Install Strand

Install anchor, wedges and Jack





Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.30 Girder Stressing Work Flowchart

The steps of girder stressing work are :

1. Preparation Work
Land preparation for the stressing work and mobilization of
girder beams with mobile crane. In this project, the stressing
work is performed at the Dermoleng flyover construction site.
The stressing location should be with a flat and strong surface
condition because before the stressing work girder beam must
be on the same elevation level using hydraulic .

Figure 4.31 Girder Mobilization

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.32 Girder Leveling
2. Strand Installation
The Strand is cut to a length that has calculated based to the
design. Strand cutting is done with a cutter grinder. After cut,
the strand is rolled up to be lifted to the installation position,
For installation, the strand windings are opened, then inserted
into the ducting tendon with amount according to the design.
The strand is moistened with dromus for maintenance and
easy installation.

Figure 4.33 Strand Installation Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
(a) (b)
Figure 4.34 Amount of Strand, 40,8 m Span (a), 35,8 m Span (b)
3. Stressing process
The next step is stressing, stressing strand is the process of
strand withdrawal with certain tensile strength using the tool
jacking force and stressing pump.
- Install the Anchor head, wedges on the both side of the
girder edge.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.35 Anchor and Wedges installation

- Instal Jack, anchor head and wedges to the jack.

- Before the stressing, on each segment were given
epoxy adhesive as the adhesive of the structure

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.36 Epoxy Adhesive Coating
- The first stressing is segment tightening.
- After the segment is connected then performed
stressing per tendon in accordance with the calculation

Figure 4.37 Stressing Squence

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
- The stressing force is controlled by reading the
pressure on the hydraulic system and measure the
extension of the cable.

Figure 4.38 Reading The Force

- at every 10 MPa pressure increasing, the cable
extension is recorded.

Figure 4.39 Girder Beam Stressing Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4. Grouting Process
Grouting is the process of filling the air cavity between the
strand with the ducting with the grout material. The aim is to
prevent corrosion and to tie the strand with the concrete into
one unity.

- After the results of stressing get approval from the

consultant, then grouting work can be done
- Grouting work begins with cutting prestressed steel
cables (strands) that reside in the living anchor. The
Strand is cut at least 3 cm from the outside edge of the
- The anchor block with the cut strand is closed with
mortar and sand to prevent leakage of Grouting
material from the sidelines of strand or wedge. This
work is called patching. After the hatching patching is
hardened, grouting work can be done. The grouting mix
is composed of a mixture cement, clean water, and
grout admixture.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.40 Patched Girder Beam
- In the implementation of Grouting work, cement, water,
and admixture are stirred using Mixer, then pumped
into a sleeve with Grout Pump. Grouting material is
pumped in through Grout inlet and after Grout fluid out
on Grout vent (Grout outlet) then Grout outlet and Grout
inlet closed by tied with wire, and Grouting work
Grout Composition :
 PC – 50 kg
 WATER – 22 Litters (W/C Ratio 0,420)
 Grout Adhitive Delta Grout – 0,227 kg

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.41 Grout Admixture

Figure 4.42 Grouted Girder Beam

4.3.5. Erection Girder Work

After girder beams stressed, the next is the erection girder
work, erection girder is the placement of the beams (girder) to be
placed on a cradle that is on the abutment or pillar.

The sequence of erection girder work is ilustrated through the

following flowchart :

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171

Shop Drawing

Mobilization girder, mobilization launcher


Install Launcher

Transport Girder

Lifting girder with launcher


Figure 4.43 Erection Girder Work Flowchart

- Erection girder work begins with installing the launcher,

Figure 4.44 Launcher Installation

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
- The girder that has been stressed is transported from
the stock yard to the point where the girder erection will
take place by trailer truck and boogie .

Figure 4.45 Girder Mobilization from Stockyard

- After the girder is in the location, then the girder lifted by
truss launcher. The girder linked by winch and to be
placed on the bearing pad.

Figure 4.46 Girder Lifting Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.47 Erected Girder

6 5 4 3 2 1

Figure 4.48 Girder Placement

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.3.6. Diaphragm Work
Diaphragm is a structural element that serves to provide bond
between PC-I Girder so that will provide stability in each PC-I Girder
in the horizontal direction. The binding is done in the form of
stressing on Diaphragm and PC-I Girder so it can work as one
unite. In this project using precast diaphragm concrete.


Shop Drawing

Mobilization diaphragm

Erection Diaphragm

Instal Strand



Figure 4.49 Diaphragm Work Flowchart

The steps of diaphragm work:

a. After all girder successfully erected, the next step is the

installation of diaphragm between girder. The installation is
done with the help of mobile crane

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.50 Diaphragm Installation
b. The next step, instal strand on the diaphragm. The Strand is
cut to a length that has taken into calculation of the length of
withdrawal and the anchoring. After the strand is installed
then the next step is stressing diaphragm.

Figure 4.51 Diaphragm Strand

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.3.7. Slab (floor plate) Work
Slab structures in this project is continous slab using link slab,
with the width of 12 m. The concrete quality of slab concrete is
K350 ready mix concrete.


Shop Drawing

Location, Manufacture reinforcement, Mobilization Materials

Instal Bondex

Instal Link Slab

Instal Reinforcement

Instal Formwork




Figure 4.52 Slab Work Flowchart

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
The steps of slab work implementation :

a. Preparation Work
Materials Mobilization, reinforcement steel
manufacture, marking points and cleanig location.
b. Metal Decking (Bondex) Installation
Bondex is cut into segments using wedling tool, bondex
installed between the girder gaps.

Figure 4.53 Bondex Installation

c. Link Slab Installation

Link slab is installed on each of girder gap (on the top
of pier head). In the project the link slab is made from
polycarbonate sheet.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.54 Link Slab Location

Figure 4.55 Link Slab Installation

d. Reinforcement Installation
Floor plate reinforcement consist of D16, D19. And
D25/ during the reinforcement installation the decking
concrete is installed. After the reinforcement installation
is completed the followed by formwork installation. The
stake of road transverse slope is installed.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.56 Slab Reinforcement Installation

Figure 4.57 Slab Cross Section

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

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Figure 4.58 Slab Formwork Installation
e. Casting
After the checklist is done by the contractor in the field
to ensure the installation of reinforcement is in
accordance with the working drawings, the floor plate
casting process can be done.. K350 ready mix concrete
is transported from batching plant using concrete mixer
truck and casting using concrete pump.

Figure 4.59 Slab Casting Process

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
f. Curing
After the casting process is completed, the next step is
concrete treatment (curing). After the concrete
hardened, the concrete was covered with plastic/non
woven and watered the concrete

Figure 4.60 Slab Concrete Curing

4.3.8. Parapet Work

Parapet is a concrete barrier which is located at the edge of a
bridge. Parapet serves for vehicle safety and comfortability. The
steps of parapet implementation work are, reinforcement, formwork
and casting. Parapet reinforcement work is carried out
simultaneously with the floor plate reinforcement. The reinforced
steel used as parapet in this project are the size of D13 and D19. 

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171

Shop Drawing

Manufacture Reinforcement, Formwork Mobilization, Marking


Install Reinforcement

Install Formwork



Figure 4.61 Parapet Work Flowchart

a. Preparation Work
Parapet work begins with marking the area, reinforcement
manufactured and formwork mobilization

Figure 4.62 Manufactured Parapet Reinforcement

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
b. Reinforcement Installation
The parapet reinforcement steel in this project used the size
of D13 and D19 consists of two types of reinforcement
vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

Figure 4.63 Parapet Reinforcement Installation

Figure 4.64 Parapet Reinforcement Detail

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
b. Formwork Installation
After the Paarpet reinforcement is completed, the next step
is Formwork Installation, in this project used fabricated
formwork made from steel.

Figure 4.65 Parapet Formwork Installation

c. Casting
After the checklist is done by the contractor in the field to
ensure the installation of reinforcement and formwork is in
accordance with the working drawings, the floor plate casting
process can be performed. K250 ready mix concrete is
transported from batching plant using concrete mixer truck
and casting using concrete pump.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
d. Finishing
After the casting is completed and the concrete is hardened,
the parapet is finished with painting.

Figure 4.66 Parapet Finishing


In the implementation of a project there will be found
unexpected problems, the problems that encountered in the field,
will certainly hinder the progress of the project and can cause
delays. Therefore, it is necessary to find an effective solution for
any problems that exist in the Dermoleng Flyover Construction

Problems arising from several factors such as weather factor,

location factor, tehcnical implementation work factor, and
occupational safety and health factor.

4.4.1. Weather Factor

Weather is a condition of nature that can not be predicted
accurately. A good or bad weather can happen at any time.
However, with the occurrence of bad weather during the

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
process will hamper the work implemetation. Problems that occur
when bad weather happens are:

a. Project Implementation is forced to stop while waiting for

the rain to stop, or continue to work by putting up a tent.
b. Time schedule of the construction may withdraw from the
schedule of the plan if it continues to rain out of
proportion so that it inhibits the project implementation.
c. Casting must be stopped if the rain pours down, then the
contractor will bear the cost of ready mix that has been
sent to the project location.

Troubleshooting solutions :

When the impementation work of the project encountered bad

weather problem then the thing that needs to be done is the
contractor asks for tolerance to the Consultant or Owner to submit a
change of work plan. Where later when the weather has improved
there will be the addition of workers and overtime work. In order for
the work plan to go back to normal and the left behind work can be
re-pursued as planned.

Figure 4.67 Rain during the Project Implementation

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.4.2. Technical Implementation Work Factor
a. Porous Concrete
There is porous concrete when the casting has been completed
and the opening of the formwork is done, due to the lack of
vibration at the time of casting

Figure 4.68 Porous Concrete

Problem Solution :

To overcome the porous concrete, performed grouting

method. It fills the cavities in the porous with the material grout

4.4.3. Occupational Safety and Health Factor

Lack of awareness of workers to comply with the regulations
made by the OSH team (Occupational Safety and Health).

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.69 The Workers is not Wearing Helmet

Problem Solution :

To overcome the problem of OSH, the sign of OSH rules is

installed to raise awareness of its workers in the project site. In
addition, K3 staff also provide project helmets, safety shoes, and
other protective equipment.

Figure 4.70 Sign of OSH Rules

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
4.4.4. Location Factor
A narrow and limited location, and located on an active road
made it difficult to mobilize and demobilize heavy equipment and
materials, the scaffolding that was installed had been knocked out
by passing trucks.

Figure 4.71 The Project is Located in an Active Road

Locations that are on the railway, could hinder the work of
erection girder
Location that intersect with water channel make the water
channel embankment could be broken.

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.72 Flood from Broken Water Chanel Embankment

Problems solution :

Conducted the detour work and making small roads from

residents' homes, and diverting traffic flow, for water channel
embankment is done with sack containing soil.

Figure 4.73 Detour Work

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Figure 4.74 Patching of Water Channel Embankment

Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project

Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171
Dermoleng Flyover Construction Project
Oky Fajar Rochman 114130171

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