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3ro A y B
Profs. María Paz González y Martina Franquet

Working with songs

Hi everyone! How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well and that you’re feeling happy and

Last week we worked with a song by Ed Sheeran but this time, you can choose to work with
whatever song you prefer (the only condition is that it must be a song in English). It has to be a
song that you really like and produces a certain emotion in you.

1. Pick a song you love. What’s the song’s name? Who is it by?
2. Share the YouTube link to it here:
3. Listening to the song you chose, answer these questions:

a. What emotion/s do you feel while listening to this song?

b. Do the lyrics:

- Tell a story? Describe.

- Express an emotion? Describe.

c. What lyrics stand out to you? Why?

d. What is the message the artist is trying to convey in this song?

e. What do you think this song is saying about life?

f. Is there something to be learned?

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