Conditional Sentences & Subjunctive PDF

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IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE FACT it is possible to S+Modal1(will)+inf.+O happen. | will take master degree in July. Maree oe Tene ke master degree in July. if+Simple Present If | graduate in march ‘Contoh: J+ if |have much money, | will buy a new car. je if he is here, | will give him mone} 2, PRESENT UNREAL (TIPE 2) ‘Kondisi/fakta bertentangan dengan masa kini / present). IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE [Simple Present 'S+Modal2(would)+inf.+O | don't graduate in if+Simple Past If graduated in Ji would take master degree in July. | March so | can't take master degree in July. > if |had much money, I would buy a new car. = if he were here, | would give him money. POLA INVERSI: were he here, ! would give him money. Kondisi/fakta bertentangan dengan masa lampau / past! [Simple Past if Past Perfect |S+Modal2(would)+have+V3+O I couldn't take master If |had graduated || would have taken master degree in |degree in July in March. July. because | didn't graduate in March ‘Contoh : = if |had had much money, I would have bought a new car. > if he had been here, I would have given him money. POLA INVERSI: had he been here, I would have given him money 198 | Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam Pola Contoh. Future $1 + wish + S2 + Would/Could + || wish you would go there V1 + Keterangan waktu future tomorrow Kenyataannya: You won't go there Present S1 + wish + S2 + Past Tense I wish | knew the answer Kenyataannya: He didn’t know Past $1 + wished + S2 + Past Perfect |I wished she had been here. #C. Bentuk “If only” Kenyataan: She wasn't here Bentuk Pola Contoh Present _ |if only+S + Past Tense Tonly Iloved her deeply. |Kenyataan: | don’t love her deep! Past if only + S + Past Participle (V3) |If only he had been very kind. Kenyataan: He wasn't kind #D. Bentuk “would rather” Bentuk Pola Contoh Present |S1 + would rather + S2 + Past | would rather stayed with my ‘Tense + Ket. Waktu Present parents Kenyataan: | don't stay with my| parents Past 'S1 + would rather + S2 + Past | would rather they had chosen Perfect + Ket. Waktu Lampau him as a chairman. Kenyataan: They didn’t choose him as a chairman #E. Bentuk “as iffas tough” Bentuk Pola Contoh Present |S1 + V1 + as if+S2+V2 ‘She acts as if she were beautiful. $1+V1+as tough + S2 + V2 Kenyataan: She isn't beautiful. He talks as tough he knew everything. Kenyataan: He doesn’t know anything Past S1 + V2 + as if + S2 + had +V3 He acted as if he had owned the IS1 + V2 +as tough + S2+ had +V3_ |place. to be Past Subjunctive harus selalu ‘were’ Kenyataan: He didn’t own the place. ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 199 FR us Praktis PENGANDAIAN FAKTA Wouldicould V1 Possibility (will + V1) Vai were Virisfamiare Had V3 v2 Kalimat Negatif ¢) Kalimat Positif (+) Kalimat Positif (+) Kalimat Negatif (-) £2 CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN Soalt the trip if they had known she was sick. A. had postponed C. will have postponed —_E. would postponed B. would have postponed _D. would postpone : “if they had known she was sick” (Bentuk Past Perfect) Bentuk yang harus mengikutinya adalah: S + Modal 2(would) + have + V3 +O Jawaban yang tepat adalah “would have postponed” Jawab : B Soal 2 Katty ........... you if she had your phone number. A. will call B. would call C. called D. would have called E. would had called 2. Jawab: IF CLAUSE: ” if she had your phone number” (Bentuk Simple Past) Bentuk yang harus mengikutinya adalah: $ + Modal 2(would) + inf. +O. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “would call” Jawab :B Soal 3 Aisyah : Will you come to the meeting? Kirana : | don’t know. | can’t make up my mind. What is the topic we're going to talk about? Aisyah : Water supplies for our village. It's interesting, isn’t it? Kirana : Okay then. | will come ifit....... A. doesn't rain B. isn’t raining C. didn’train D. hasn’trained —E. won't rain 23. Jawab: MAIN CLAUSE: * | will come” (Bentuk future) Bentuk IF CLAUSE yang harus mengikutinya adalah: If + Simple Present. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “doesn't rain” Jawab: A Soal 4 Had she found the right buyer, she ...... the house. A. would have sold C. will sell E. sells B. would sell D. sold 200 | Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam 2S. Jawab: IF CLAUSE dengan pola inversi: " Had she found the right buyer” (Bentuk Past Perfect) Bentuk yang harus mengikutinya adalah: S + Modal 2(would) + have + V3 +O Jawaban yang tepat adalah “would have sold” Jawab: A Soal 5 ‘Had the company been fair in giving bonuses, the employees would not have gone strike.” From the above sentence, we may conclude that. A. the employees are still going on strike B. the company gave the employees fair bonuses C. the employees were not given bonuses at all D. the company has lost many employees E. the employees were very dissatisfied 2S. Jawab: Bentuk conditional sentence pada soal di atas adalah bentuk past unreal dengan pola inversi. Maksud soal di atas adalah jika perusahaan telah memberikan bonus yang adil, maka pegawai tidak akan mogok kerja. Kenyataan yang terjadi adalah para pegawai telah melakukan mogok kerja karena telah kecewa dengan pembagian bonus. Kita bisa menyimpulkan “the employees were very dissatisfied”. Jawab : E Soal 6 ‘Do you know Tanto had withdrawn his money from the bank just before it was liquidated’ ‘Oh yes, otherwise he a great deal A. lost C. has lost E. would have lost B. would lose D. had lost 2 Jawal Kata otherwise yang berati jika tidak (if not) merupakan kalimat prasyarat (conditional) yang berfungsi sebagai IF CLAUSE. Sedangkan MAIN CLAUSE-nya adalah : Tanto had withdrawn his money (bentuk perfect). Maka sub clausenya harus dalam bentuk past future perfect (would + have + V3/been). Jawaban yang tepat adalah “would have lost” Jawab : E Soal7 “Is Evi still sick?” “Yes; | wish she here now to help me type the report” Ais B.willbe C.were D.hadbeen E. would be ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 201 2S. Jawab: Apabila keterangan waktu dalam pola subjunctive menunjukkan waktu sekarang (now) maka harus digunakan bentuk Past Tense. Dalam subjunctive untuk semua subject digunakan to be “were” Jawab: C Soal 8 "You didn't like the horror film you saw yesterday, did you?” “You're right. | really wish__’ A. | did not see it D. | had not seen it B. | would not see it E. I would not have seen it C. | have not seen it 2S_Jawab: LIHAT pertanyaan yang berupa FACT dalam bentuk Simple Past Tense (You didnt like the horror film you saw yesterday). Maka SUBJUNCTIVE WISH yang digunakan harus dfalam bentuk PAST PERFECT (HAD VIII) Soal9 “You didn't forget your appointment, did you?’ _, might have forgotten it. A. If Tom hadn't reminded me B. Had Tom reminded me C. If Tom didn’t remind me D. When Tom didn’t remind me E. Even if Tom reminded me 2S. Jawab: If+ S + Past Perfect Tense , Subject + Modal Perfect If + S + Had VIII diperlukan untuk memberi pasangan .../ might have forgotten it. Jawab : A Jawab: D 202 | Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam

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