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Elliptical Construction #4. Penggabungan Setara 1. Positif Untuk kalimat positif digunakan kata hubung ‘so. dan too’. Pola Contoh a | Menggunakan auxiliary Sule is funny and Azis is too $1 + auxiliary + (V) - and - $2 + auxiliary + too Sule is funny and so is Azis S1 + auxiliary + (V) and — so + auxiliary + S2 Jenis-jenis auxiliary (Kata kerja bantu): Present: is, am, are, do, does Past: did, was, were b.| Tidak menggunakan auxiliary Tlike bakso. Bentuk present: My father likes bakso S1+V1—and—S2 + do/does + tooo Pola 1: | like bakso and My S1+V1—and—so + do/does + S2 {father does too. Pola 2: | like bakso and so does My father. Bentuk past: (Grandfather came there. S1+V1-and-S2 + did + too |Grandmother came there $1 + V1—and-—so + did + S2 Pola 1: Grandfather came there and Grandmother did too Pola 2: Grandfather came there and so did Grandmother 2. Negatif Pola Contoh le S1+auxiliary not (V) — and -S2 + auxiliary Shinta is not singing. Jojo is not not + either singing © S1+auxiliary not (V) — and — neither + Pola 4: Shinta is not singing and auxiliary + S2 Jojo is not either Pola 2: Shinta is not singing and neither is Jojo 2B. Penggabungan Setara Berlawanan [Untuk kondisi berlawanan digunakan kat hubung ‘but’/while’_ Pola Contoh 'S1 + auxiliary (V) — but/while — S2 + '* lam interested in wathcing football. auxiliary not My Sister is not interested in 'S1 + auxiliary not (V) — but/while — S2 + watching football auxiliary ¢ lam interested in wathcing football but My Sister is not ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa indonesia, Bahasa inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 195. [ST + V1 —butwhile - S2 + do/does note like bakso but my father doesn't. S1 + V2 — but/while — S2 + did not |» My father came while my uncle didn't + The pilots could lend their planes, but the drivers couldn't. 4C. Parallel Structure Rumus Contoh Penggabungan 'You are a student. |e Both you and | are student. c lam astudent. + Not only you but also | am Either student, Neither ... nor + Either you or | am a student. ¢ Neither you nor | am a student. (2 CONTOH SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN Soalt Because of the rain, the teacher couldn't come on time and... A. I neither could C. also | could not E. so I didn't B. neither did | D. | couldn't either a _Jawab: Pada soal tersebut, kalimat inti di atas berpola negatif dengan menggunakan auxiliary modal “couldn't’, sehingga bentuk elipsnya hanya menggunakan either atau neither. Polanya adalah S + auxiliary + not + either atau neither + auxiliary +S. Pola yang tepat untuk mengisi jawaban tersebut adalah” | couldn't either”. Jawab :D Soal 2 “Yanti didn’t like the movie and Tati didn’t either” means ... A. Yanti and Tati didn't like the movie B. Yanti didn’t like the movie as much as Tati did C. Only Yanti didn’t like the movie D. Yanti didn’t like the movie but Tati did E. One of the two girls didn’t like the movie 2S. Jawab: “Yanti didn’t like the movie and Tati didn’t either” . Artinya Yanti dan Tati tidak menyukai film Jawab: A | think that my mother will be interested in reading this novel, but ... A. so will my father C. so does my father E. my father is not B. my father won't D. my father will be 196 | Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam 2S. Jawab: Kata kerja inti adalah “will be interested” berbentuk future. Jadi kata bantu/auxiliary untuk kalimat eliptiknya adalah “will”, Kata “but” menunjukkan pertentangan, maka kalimat berikutnya harus dalam bentuk negatif (my father won’t) Jawab:B Soal 4 His shop was brunt down, his car that was parked nearby. ... A.and either did B. alsowas C. butneitherwas D. so did E. and so was 2S. Jawab: Auxiliary pada kalimat soal adalah “was”, maka kalimat elipsnya harus ber-auxiliary sama dengan “was”. Kalimat dalam bentuk positif, jadi digunakan “so” atau “too” sebagai elips. Dengan demikian jawaban yang tepat adalah “and so was”. Jawab : E Soal 5 “| don't think Amir knows anything about computers” “Buthe ___. He took a computer course last year” A. knows B.does C.know D. do 2. Jawal Kalimat “Amir knows” adalah present tense dan pernyataan awalnya adalah “don’t think” (bentuk negatif). Maka elips setelah but harus auxiliary berbentuk present positif “does” Jawab:B Soalé “ haven't heard anything from Leni” A So have | B.!haven't also C. Either have | D. Neither have | E. Me, neither 23. Jawal Kalimat soal di atas berbentuk negatif dengan kata bantu/auxiliary “haven't”, sehingga bentuk elipsnya hanya menggunakan either atau neither. Polanya adalah S + auxiliary + not + either atau neither + auxiliary + S. Pola yang tepat untuk mengisi jawaban tersebut adalah “Neither have I". Jawab:D ‘Menguasai Matematika Dasar, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris: Sistem Kebut Semalam | 197

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