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What is the state of science and technology in the Philippines after we have gained independence, and

how does it compare to our neighboring countries? Support evidences from the literature that you have

According to the literature, even the Americans continued to regard Filipinos as unqualified for science,
the Philippines still gained its independence and still developed the science and technology in the
country. As the new republic of the Philippines founded in 1946, the science and technology started by
setting up its own Weather Bureau, the Jesuit scientists after their release from internment planned a
new observatory would leave aside meteorological work and concentrate on seismological and
ionospheric research. In the 1950s civic enthusiasm allowed the Philippines to publish twice as many
scientific and technical journals, including the Philippine Journal of Science like the other southasian
countries. More of that Science and technology was more supported by The National Research Council
and continued to guide science policy, and universities began to assert the value of original
investigation. In 1956 the government created a National Science Board to provide support for research
projects. The state of science and technology in the Philippines after we gained independence is more
on recognizing, supporting, developing and having a collaborative way of researching, and investigating
for more discoveries about the science and technology in terms of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture,
marine and forest resources, industrial and etc. 

What were the challenges that the field of science and technology faced during the post colonial period

During the post - colonial period the science and technology in the Philippines are in the process
of development and discovery of new things and ideas for the development of different aspects in
science and technology. One of the challenges during the post – colonial period is the diseases that they
discovered and its outbreak. The laboratory experiments and investigations of the scientists and
researchers during this period are crucial. According to the writings in the literature, When the cholera
broke out in 1914, the bacteriological laboratory staff had to cope with an influx of over 126,000 fecal
specimens. Wearied by the climate, isolated from colleagues in the United States, few scientists stayed
longer for a couple of years. Still, many of them did find time for useful research. The field is new to
them and the practicable problems, which looked easy of solution to the mind of the investigator, were
so numerous that often it was difficult to select which was important and easiest of solution. During this
period, some of the scientists for human experimentation nearly ruined their careers. They cost some
lives of the Filipinos. One circumstances in the human experimentation occurs to the 24 inmates of
Bilibid prison with a experimental live choler vaccine. Unfortunately, the cholera cultures had become
contaminated with plague organisms and thirteen of the research subjects died. When this happened, it
seemed that laboratory might reshape the lives of the Filipinos as effectively as any religious ritual
performed during the Spanish era, but soon American and Filipino elites accepted that they needed a
laboratory to understand health and disease.

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