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Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook RAYDEO ENTERPRISES, INC. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM Page 1 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook SECTION 1 ~INTRODUCTION.. 1.1 Letter fromthe President 1.2 Mission Statement. 13 Customer Value Statement.. 1.4 Employee Manual Policy Statement. 6 15 — Employment Rel: shi SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS OF EMPLOYEE STATUS 2.1 “Employees Defined” 2.2 Introductory Peri SECTION 3 - EMPLOYMENT POLICIES 3.1 Equal Employment Opportunity 3.2. immigration Law Compliance 3.3. MotorVehicleRecord Checks - - 8 3.4 Substance Abuse Policy Statement...... - BL 3.5 NoHarassment. 3.6 Union Free Workplace. - - B 3.7 Open Door Policy ... 3.8 Personnel Files and Personnel Data Changes. 3.9 Work Schedule (Lunch & Break Times)... 3.10 Attendance. 3. Dress Code. 3.12 Cell Phone Usage. 3.13 Telephone Usage. 3.14 Internet and Social Media Pol 3.15 Work Area Appearance, 3.16 Tobacea Policy. 7 3.17 On the Job Injuries - - 7 Page 2 of 36 1.13 15:17 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook 3.18 Medical Emergencies. 17-18 3.19 Incident Reporting 18 3.20 Workers’ Compensation .. 18-19 3.21 Mileage Reimbursement. 3.22 Prohibited Conduct... 3.23 Disciplinary Action 19.20 3.24 Resignations. 20 3.25 Terminations... 3.26 Inclement Weather... 3.27 Building Security 3.28 Visitors in the Workplace. 3.29 Applicable Laws and Regulations 3.30 Non-Disclosure. 3.31 Non-Solicitation. 3.32 Non-Disparagement. 3.33 Outside Employment. . 3.34 Wage and Salary SECTION 4 - PAYPOLICIES 4.1 Pay Day. 4.2 Errorsin Pay 4.3 Pay Rate. 44 Time Reporting. 25-26 45 Overtime. 6-27 4.6 Performance Reviews. 4.7 Employee Pay increases and Bonus Programs. SECTION 5 - LEAVE, BENEFITS, & SERVICES 5.1 Leavesand Family Medical Leave Act. 28.29 Page 3 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook 5.2 Jury Duty and Military Leave. 5.3. Paid Holiday: 5.4 Paid Time Off 5.5 Medical Insurance. 30 5.6 Dental & Vision Insurance. 30-31 5.7 Short Term Disability. 5.8 Cobra 31 5.9 Social Security Insurance. SECTION 6 - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAM. . 32-34 Acknowledgment for Receipt of Employee Handbook /Occupational Health and Safety Program. Page 4 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Dear New Employee, Welcome to Raydeo Enterprises Inc. As the President, | am pleased that you have joined our team and look forward to answering questions you may have about who we are and what wedo. The success of this firm depends upon you. That is why we carefully select our employees through written ap plication, careful screening, interviewing and reference checking, Our objective in this process is to find employees who want todo a job well. We need employees who will carry on the work, to the best of their ability and who will find themselves at home in our company. After all available information was carefully considered and evaluated: you were selected to become a member of our team based on total assessment. We hope that our future relationship will be along one. All employment offers are onan “at-will” besisand are not tobe construed asan employment contract in any manner. During your first few days, you will get an overview of our facility and the important role you will play in the manufacturing of our products. You will also meet many new people and become acquainted with the different aspects of your job. As you work and progress with us, you will learn about safety, the quality of our products, and our pursuit of excellence in every area of operation. Safety is your priority as a Raydeo employee. You are responsible to know and follow all safety rules for your job as well as the plant's general safety rules. Youwill be trained in the correct operation of machinery and tools and the use of any required personal protective equipment (PPE}. If you have any questions, besure to ask your supervisor or the plant manager before you begin the day's work. ur continued growth depends on the safe work behavior of each employee. Remember, NO JOB ISSO IMPORTANT, OR SERVICE SO URGENT, THAT IT CANNOT BE DONESAFELY. Sincerely, Jchn P Mercure President Raydeo Enterprises Inc. Page 5 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook 1.2 MISSION STATEMENT To be a moderately sized company, specializing in producing creative and qualty-built projects that satisfy and fulfill the needs and desires of our customers, while maintaining fair and responsible treatment end pay to our employees and producing aresponsible profit to the stakeholders, shareholders, and owners of Raydeo. 13 CUSTOMER VALUE STATEMENT Our custamers are the mast important part of our business, either in the field, in person, or on the phone. “Our Customers are not dependent upon us, we are dependent upon them” We care deeply about our customers’ satisfaction and well-being. We work together to meettheir needs and deliver on our promises. It is our job to actively listen so that we understand those needs and do our best to fuifil them. We strive to exceed their expectations in quality, affordability, and on time Installation/celivery of our products. We ere each personally accountable for the highest standards of behavior, including honesty and foimessin all aspects of our work. We will consistently treat customers and company resources with the respect they deserve. 1.4 EMPLOYEE MANUAL POLICY STATEMENT This manual is the property of Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. This handbook has been prepared to inform new employees of the policies and procedures of this company and to establish the company’s expectations. itis not all-inclusive or intended to provide strict interpretations of our policies; rather, it offers an overview of the work environment. This handbook is not a contract, expressed or implied, guaranteeing employment forany length of time. The company reserves the right to modify, revoke, suspend, terminate, or change any of its polices in whole or in part, at any time. Ifany discrepancy between this handbook and current company policy arises, conform to current company policy. Every effort will be made to keep you informed of the company’s policies. Feel free to ask questions about any of the information within thishandbook. The policies end procedures within this manual will be reviewed on e regular basis. This policy is intended for both employees of Raydeo Enterprise Inc., as well as leased employees to our facility 15 EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP Employment at this company is at-will. An at-will employment relationship can be terminated at any time, with or without reason or notice by either the employer or the employee. This at-will employment relationship exists regardless of any statements by office personne! to the contrary. Only the company’s CEO is authorized to modify the at-will nature of the employment relationship, and the modification must be in writing. Page 6 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook SECTION2 DEFINITIONS OF EMPLOYEE STATUS 21 EMPLOYEESDEFINED Introductory Period: Employees who have worked for Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. for less than 90 days of continuous employment. Part-time: Part-time employees are normally scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours per week and are not eligible for company benefits nor PTO Regular: Full-time emplayees who have completed their probationary period and who are working an average of 40 hours a week or more. 2.2 INTRODUCTORY PERIOD The 90 days of employment with Raydeo Enterprises Inc., is an introductory employment period. It gives you an opportunity to find out whether youare goingto stay with the team, and it gives us achance to find out whether your work, attitude, and attendance measure up to our standards of a good employee. During this introductory period after your hire date, should we feel that your working habits are not ‘meeting our standards then we may release you from Raydeo Enterprises, inc. Of course, during this period you may decide to resign without any effect on your employment record. We thinkitis only fair for each of us to have a period to adapt to our working environment before it becomes permanent. However, experience is the best teacher in our business. You were hired based on the information you provided which is what led us to the understanding that you are a seasoned, dedicated, dependable, and experienced individual with the adequate qualifications forthe job. We will help you perform your Job the right way by providing proper instructions. Your supervisors an experienced employee who wil give you full opportunity to learn the best ways of doing your job, Should you have difficulty or have a problem, please talk it over with your supervisor. Page 7 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook SECTION 3 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES 3.1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT This company isan equal opportunity employer and does not unlawfully discriminate against employees, or applicants for employment based on an individuals race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, marital status, veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law. This policy applies to all terms, conditions end privileges of employment, including recruitment, hiring, placement, compensation, promotion, discipline and termination. Whenever possible, the company makes reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent required by law. Employees who would like to request a reasonable accommodation should contact Hunan Resources. 3.2. IMMIGRATION LAW COMPLIANCE Raydeo employs only United States citizens and those non-U.S. citizens authorized to work in the United States in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Each new employee, as a condition of employment, must complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form 1-9 and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility for €- Verify approval. Former employees who are rehired must also complete the form if they have not completed an 1-9 with Raydeo within the pest three years orif their previous 1-9 is no longer retained or valid. 3.3. MOTOR VEHICLE RECORD CHECKS For employees who drive vehicles in the course of their duties, we will check motor vehicle records (MVR) of all applicants prior to making them offers of employmentand of all current employees at least twice a year. As part of our hiring process, applicants will be required to signa written consent form allowing the company to check their MVR at any time prior or during theiremployment. Any employee who operates a company vehicle MUST have a current DOT physical and be trainedon vehicle log books, vehicle records tracking, and any other vehicle requirements per usage maintenance. Anyone caught using avehicle outside of this training will result in disciplinary action upto and including immediate termination. 3.4 SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY STATEMENT A, DEFINITIONS Company property: All Company owned or leased property that is used by employees, including Company vehicles. Controlled substance of abusi Substance Act, as amended. Drug: Any chemical substance that produces physical, mentel, emotional, or behavioral change inthe Any substance listed in Scheduled I-V of Section 202 of the Controlled Page 8 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook user. Drug Paraphernalia: Equipment, a product, or material that is used or intended for use in concealing an illegal drug or otherwise introducing into the human body, an illegal drug, or controlled substance. legal drug: a. Any drug orderivative thereof whase use, possession, sale, transfer, attempted sale or transfer, manufacture, or storage is illegal or regulated under any federal, state, of local law or regulation, b. Any drug, including - but not limited to - a prescription crug, used for any reason other than that prescribed by a physician. c. Inhalants used illegally. Under the influence: A state of not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties resulting from the voluntary introduction into the body of an alcoholic beverage, drug, or substance of abuse. 8. DRUG FREEWORKPLACE Raydeo provides employees with a workplace that is free of drugs and alcohol in accordance with the provisions of 0.C.G.A. §§ 34-9-410, et. seq, The Company discourages drugand alcohol abuse by its employees. The Company has 2 vital interest in maintaining safe and efficient working conditions for its employees. Substance abuse is incompatible with heaith, safety, efficiency, and success at the Company. Employees who have any detectible amounts of drugs or alcohol while on the job compromise Company Interests, endanger the employee’s own health and safety and the health and safety of others and violate contractual agreements with clients and/or client polices and procedures. This can cause @ number of other work-related problems, including absenteeism and tardiness, substandard job performance, workplace accidents, increased workloads for coworkers, behavior that disrupts other ‘employees, delays in the completion of jobs, inferior quality in our work products, personal injury or property damage, and disruption of customer relations. The Company has azero-tolerance policy regarding drugs and alcohol. All potential employees are subject to potential new hire drug screening, and all employees are subject to rendom, reasonable suspicion, post- accident, and routine fitness for duty drugand alcohol testingat Raydeo’s expense in accordance with state, federal, and local laws. Any identified usage of drugs or alcohol, or any detectible amount, during working hours will be grounds for discipline, up to and including immediate termination Further, the company prohibits all unlawful drug use, possession, or distribution, whether on or off duty - drugs can stay in one’s system and affect work later. Refusal to submitto a drug test will begrounds for discipline, up toand including immediate termination. Employees who refuse to submita test, or test positive for alcohol or unlawful drugs may be disqualified for unemployment and worker's compensation benefits. All drug testing records and results will be kept as part of employee's confidential personnel file. Employees must also comply and cooperate with any drug and alcohol program required by contracts with the Company's customers or business associates if any employee or potential employee receives a positive confirmed drug test result, such employee may contest or explain the result to Raydeo in a writing delivered to management within five working days after written notification of the positive test result. Such explanation or contest does not guarantee any leniency in the discipline implemented by the Company in response to the positive test: This option to contest or explain a positive test result does not limit the Company's right to institute immediate disciplinary actions, including termination, upon the receipt of a positive test result. Page 9 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook The use or possession of alcohol or drugs, other than prescription medications for which an employee has @ valid prescription, at work is prohibited and can lead to termination. The so-called "designer drugs,” “look-alikes,” synthetic drugs, and similar substances are also considered illegal drugs for purposes of this policy, even though state or federal law may not specifically prohibit them. This policy also inckides other drugs that may be abused, whether available legally or not, such as cough syrup or other over-the-counter medications. This policy also includes the abuse of prescription drugs or products which were never intended for human consumption, such asglue. Itis Raydeo’s policy to help any employee who has problem to seek professional help and appropriate treatment. Raydeo maintains a resource file of providers of drug and alcohol abuse assistance program providers, mental health providers, and other professionals able to assist employees with other personal or behavioral problems, and such resource fle shall be available toany employee upon request to representative management and/or HR. Any employee who has a drug or alcohol problem should Initiate a confidential discussion with management and/or HR. Our policy is to help employees in any way we can; however, violation of the policy will not be tolerated. SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY Inkeeping with Raydeo's commitment to 2 workplace free of drugs and alcohol, the following rules regarding alcohol and drugs of abuse have been established for all employees and staff members regardless of rank or position, including both regular and temporary employees. The rules apoly during working hours to all employees or contractors of the Company while they are on Company premises. 1. The manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or purchase of controlled substances of abuse on company property including vehicles or the property of any company customer is prohibited. 2. Being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or substances of abuse on Company property is prohibited. 3. Working while under the influence of prescription drugs that impair performance isprobibited. 4. Tampering with or aduiterating any drug test semple is prohibited. Consistent with the rules listed above, any of the following actions constitutes a violation of the Company's policy on drugs and alcohol and may subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination: 1. Using, selling, purchasing, transferring, manufacturing, or storing an illegal drug or drug paraphernalia, or attempting to or assisting ancther to do so, while in the course ofemployment. 2. Working or reporting to work, conducting Company business, or being on Company property while under the influence of an illegal drug or alcohol, or in an impaired condition. Any suspected illegal drug confiscated will be turned over tothe appropriate law enforcement agency. Any employee taking medication should consult a medical professional to determine whether the drug may affect his or her personal safety or ability to perform the essential functions of the job and should advise his or her supervisor or manager of any job limitations. Upon notification of job limitations, the Company will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the limitation. If the medication you aretaking Page 10 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Includes @ WARNING LABEL “MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS” OR "DO NOT TAKE WHILE OPERATING MACHINERY", YOU NEED TO BRING THE PRESCRIPTION IN AND SEE YOUR SUPERVISOR BEFORE YOU REPORT TO YOUR ASSIGNED WORK POSITION, To the extent any federal, state, ar local law, rule, ar regulation limits or prohibits the application of any provision of this policy, then to the minimum extent necessary and only for that geographical area, this policy is deemed to be amended in compliance. 3.5 NOHARASSMENT Semual harassment and unlawful harassment are prohibited behavior and against Company policy. The Company is committed to providing a work environment free of inappropriate and disrespectful behavior, intimidation, communications, and other conduct directed at an individual because of his or her race, religion, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, severe/morbid obesity, medical condition, miltary or veteran status, genetic information, marital status, ethnicity, or alienage, including conduct that may be defined as sexual harassment. We do not tolerate the harassment of applicants, employees, customers, or vendors. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. ASEXUAL HARASSMENT Applicable federal and state law defines sexual harassment as unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, of visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission of the conduct is made a term or condition of employment; or (2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as basis for employment decisions affecting the individual; or (3) the conduct hes the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the employees work performance or creatingan intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. The following non-exhaustive list contains examples of prohibited conduct. They include, but are not limited to: ‘© Unwanted sexual advances; ‘+ Offering employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors; ‘+ Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexualadvances, + Visual conduct suchas leering, making sexual gestures, or displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, or posters; ‘= Verbal conduct such as making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, sexuallyexplicit jokes, or comments about any employee's body or dress; ‘Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentary about an individual's body, sexually, degrading words to describe an individual, or suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations; ‘+ Physical conduct such as touching, assautt, or impeding and/or blockingmovements; ‘+ Retaliation for reporting harassment or threatening to report harassment, Semual harassment on the job is unlawful whether it invalves coworker harassment, harassment by a ‘manager, or harassment by persons doing business with or for the Compary, such as clients, customers or vendors. 8. OTHER TYPES OF HARASSMENT Page 11 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Prohibited harassment on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, severe/morbid obesity, medical condition, military or veteran status, genetic information, marital status, ethnicty, alienage or any other besis, protected under local, state or federal law, includes behavior similar to sexual harassment, suchas: © Verbal conduct such as threats, epithets, deragatary comments, arslurs; * Visual conduct such as derogatory posters, photographs, cartoons, drawings, or gestures; . Physical conduct such as assault, unwanted touching, or blocking normal movement; . Retaliation for reporting harassment or threatening to report harassment. C. _ANTLFRATERNIZATION POLICY While Raydeo encourages healthy friendships among its employees and does not wish to interfere with the personal conduct of its employees outside of the workplace, certain types of off-duty conduct and relationships may interfere with the Company's legitimate business interests. if any fratemnization, Including consensual romantic or sexual encounters and/or relationships, between employees results in any disruptions in the workplace or other performance problems, the fraternizing employees will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. Fraternization which includes a supervisory or management employee may be perceived as favoritism or sexual harassment. To prevent unwarranted sexual harassment claims, confidentiality lapses, uncomfortable workplace relationships and environment, morale problems among other employees, and the appearance of impropriety, fraternization, including consensual romanticor sexual encounters and/or relationships, between a supervisor or manager and an employee is strictly prohibited by Raydeo. Fretemization between supervisors and subordinates is clearly not in the best interest of the Company, managemert, or employees and violation of this anti-fraternization policy may subject an employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. D. RETALIATION itis unlawful and against Raydec's policy to retaliate against anyone who has lodged a harassment complaint, has expressed a concem about harassment, including sexual harassment, or has cooperated ina harassmentinvestigation. Therefore, the initiation of a complaint, in good faith, shall not begrounds for disciplinary action. However, ingividuals who make complaints that are demonstrated to be intentionally false may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination E. HARASSMENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE if you have any concern that our No Harassment policy may have been violated by anyone, no matter how slight the actions may seem, you must immediately report this matter, Due to the very serious nature of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, you must report your concerns to your direct Supervisor; however, in the event that your direct supervisor is the alleged harasser or discriminator, you should report the incident to any other supervisor, member of the management team, or HR staff. Any individual who has witnessed harassment is also urged to report the incident so that prompt action may be taken. Any individual who makes a complaint that is demonstrated to be intentionally false, may be subject to discipline, up to and inciuding termination. Reported incidents of prohibited harassment will be investigated in a timely manner. When the investigation is complete, a datermination regarding the reported harassment will be made and communicated tothe emplayee who complained and to the accused harassed. During theinvestigation, Page 12 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook confidentiality will be preserved to the extent possible without compromising the Company's ability to conduct a good faith and thorough investigation. Ifthe Company determines that prohibited harassment has occurred, the Company will take effective remedial action commensurate with the circumstances. Appropriate action will also be taken to deter any future harassment. If a complaint of prohibited harassment is substantiated, appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including discharge, will be taken. The Company recognizes that actions that were not intended to be offensive maybe taken as such. An employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment by anyone is encouraged, but not required, to promptly tell the person that the conductiis unwelcome and ask the person toimmediately stop the conduct. A person who receives such a request must summarily comply with itand must not retaliate against the employee for rejecting the conduct. The Companyencourages, but does not require, individuals to take this step before utilizing the above Complaint Procedure. 3.6 UNION-FREE WORKPLACE (Our work environment at Raydeo Is good and we plan to keep it that way. In today’s complex society we have enough pressures without theadded tensions created when outsiders, such as a union, intervene on our one- on-one relationship with each other. We firmly believe that a union would be of no advantage to any of us — in fact, it could hurt our business and your job rewards if it were to draw attention away from our basic relationships and duties. Furthermore, we enthusiastically accept our responsibilities to provide good working conditions, competitive pay, excellent benefits, and the personal respect which is rightfully yours. (ur concern for you Is genuine. It cannot be tought by paying union dues. We know that you want and are able to express yourselves, your problems, comments, and concerns, and we want you to speek up for yourselves directly to us. You can do this without having a union jammed between you and your ‘manager. We do our best to listen and respond to your concems and feel strongly thatis the best way to maintain a cooperative atmosphere and a profitable business. We are committed to high standards of individual treatment and respect for allemployees. You can be sure we will constantly seek to maintain your respect and acceptance of our concems for you. Forthis reason, we will oppose any attempt by any third perty to separate us and interfere with the one-on-one communications we have established. 3.7 OPEN DOOR POLICY Raydeo operates with an open-door mentality. fat any time you feel the need to expressa concern oF complaint, you must first go to your direct supervisor. In the event that you feel your concern or complaint has not been resolved amicably, you are welcome to make an appointment with the Plant ‘Manager and Supervisor then up to the HR representative for further unresolved concems or complaints. HR will communicate and involve the Company President for direction in serious matters. 3.8 PERSONNEL FILES AND PERSONNEL DATA CHANGES: Employee personnel files include the following: . Employee information sheet, resume * Employment Application . Employment eligibility 1-9 * State Tax Form G-4 + Federal Tex for W-4 Page 13 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook + Criminal background check + Drugscreening testresults + Employment references + Signed Job Description * Signed Employment Conduct Agreement - Emplayee Handbook * Signed Safety Agreement + Copy of Driver's License [renew asneeded) + Training check ist + Competency evaluations + Complaints or Grievances * Termination of Employment Information Personnel fles are the confidential property of Raydeo and access to the information is restricted. Only management personnel of the Company who have a legitimate reason to review the files are allowed to do so. Upon request, employees may review their own file in the presence of the HR Representative, No documents can be permanently removed. These files are to be kept fora minimum of 5 years after employee resigns or isterminated ‘An employee's personnel data should be accurate and current at all times. It is the responsibility ofeach employee to promptly notify the HR Reoresentative of any changes in personnel data such as: . Mailing address + Telephone numbers + Name and number of dependents, and doctors * Individuals to be contacted inthe event of an emergency 3.9 — WORK SCHEDULE (Lunch & Break Times) Your supervisor will set your sched ule in accordance with the company’s business needs and your schedule is subject to change at anytime. Lunch and break times are set by your supervisor and may be varied to meet business and customer needs. Employees will have alunch period, which is deducted from hours worked, and two break periods for each 8 hours or more worked which is not deducted from hours worked. 3.10 ATTENDANCE Each of our employees plays an important role in getting the work done at our facility. Therefore, each employee is expected to be at his or her work area on time each day, limit breaks to the time allowed, and stay at work until scheduled to leave. Absenteeism or tardiness, even for good reasons, is disruptive to our operations and interferes with our ability to satisfy our customer's needs. If you are going to be tardy or absent from work for anyreason, you must personally notify your Supervisor as far in advance as possible, with at least one-hour notice prior to your starting time so that the proper arrangements can be made to handle vour work during your absence. Failure to report any absenteeism or tardiness can resultin discipline up to and incudingtermination. Itis your responsibility to call the office or your manager’s cell phone number so that we candocument your file. If you leave a message, you must leave contact information so that we can call you back. Inthe Page 14 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook event an emergency prevents prior notice from being given, you are expected to notify your Super visor as soon as possible. ifreturning from sick time or any medical reason, a full release to work must be noted from a physician that you are able to perform all assigned duties 3.11 DRESS CODE Office employees are not required to wear 2 uniform; however, part of the professional feel of our office center is a result of proper dress and appearance. You are required to maintain good personal hygiene and clean, un- torn clothing, Al Shop and Install Employees are required to wear long pants (.2..no shorts), shirts with sleeves, and OSHA approved safety shoes. Installers and shop personne! will be provided with “Raydeo” shirts and are required to wear them. Female employees may wear skirts or dresses as long as their capacity is limited to the office area. if you have any questions regarding proper dress, please talk with your supervisor. 3.12 CELL PHONE USAGE Employees with a company cell phone are to follow contractual agreement when receiving a cell phone. No personal cell phone usage during company work hours, onsite, or in a facility during workhours. EXCEPTIONS are break time and lunch time. OUR SAFETY POLICY DEMANDS YOU NEVER USE A CELL PHONE WHILE OPERATING MACHINERY. Not abiding by these rules will resultin disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination, 3.13 TELEPHONE USAGE Only emergency calls will be relayed to employees. Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. will not accept personal phone calls. This also pertains to company personal pages, and cell phones. You are here to work on Raydeo projects, not coordinate personal events or conduct other personal business. Should you need to coordinate personal events, please oso on your own time (i.e. during breaks, lunch, or before/after work hours}. 3.14 INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIAPOLICY The Company understands the potential benefits of the internet and social media. However, use of the internet and social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. Inappropriate use of the intemat and social media can also damage the Company's or a client’s reputation and standing. In order to assist you in making responsible cecisions about your use of the Internet and social media, we have established the following guidelines for appropriate use of the Internet and socal media. These guidelines apply to all employees of the Company. 1 Guidelines In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media can mean many things. Socal ‘media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Page 15 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Internet, including to your own or someone else’s web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with the Company, as well as any other form of electronic communication. The same principles and guidelines found in Company policies should apply to your activities online. Uitimately, you are solely responsible for what you post online. Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind thatany of your online conduct that adversely affects your job performance, the performance of fellow employees or otherwise adversely affects, customers, suppliers, people who work on behalf of the Company, or the Company's legitimate business interests, reputation, etc. may result in disciplinary action up to and includingtermination. 2. Know and Follow the Rules Carefully read these guidelines, the General Conduct Guidelines and the No Harassment policies, and ensure your postings are consistent with these policies. Inappropriate postings that may include discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct, or any postings that may damage the reputation of the Company, clients or coworkers will not betolerated and may subject you to disciplinary action up to and includingtermination, 3. Be Respectful ‘Always be fair and courteous to fellow employees, customers, members, suppliers or people who work on behalf of the Company. Also, Keep in mind that you are more likely to resolve work-related complaints by speaking directly with your supervisor or co-workers rather than by posting complaints to a social media outlet. Refrain from using statements, photographs, video or audio that could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage the Company or its employees, clionts, or suppliers, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm the Company's, client’s, or someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company policy. 4, Be Honest and Accurate Make sure youare always honest and accurate when posting information or news, and if you make a mistake, correct it quickly. Be open about any previous posts you have altered. Remember that the Internet archives almost everything: therefore, even deleted postings can be searched. Never post ary Information or rumors that you know, or should have known, to be false or inaccurate about the Company, fellow employees, clients, suppliers or people working on behalf of the Company or competitors. 5. Post Only Appropriate and RespectfulContent + Maintain the confidentiality of Company Confidential information and Trade Secretinformation. + Respect financial disclosure laws. It illegal to communicate or give a “tip” oninside information to others so that they may buy or sell stocks or securities. + Donot create a link from your blog, website, or other social networkingsite toa Companyor client website. «Never represent yourself a5. spokesperson forthe Company. Page 16 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook + Never make any post about a customer or any company afilliated with a dient, 6. Using Social Media at Work Using the internet or social media during work time is strictly prohibited, with the exception of lunch time and breaks 7. Retaliation is Prohibited The Company prohibits taking negative action against any employee for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation. 3.15 WORK AREA APPEARANCE We expect employees to maintain their work areas ina neat, professional, and acceptable manner. Please do not have anything else besides water when working in the shop. Other drinks or snacks need to be consumed at break or lunch time. Fach employee is responsible for their own work area and all employees are expected to help maintain the common areas. 3.16 TOBACCO POLICY Itis the policy of Raydeo Enterprises to prohibit smoking except on break or lunch time in designated areas. The law defines smoking as the act of inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carryingany lighted tobacco product including cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco (0.C.G.A. § 31-12A-2). Raydeo also specifically prohibits the use of electronic cigarettes or vaporizers in all Smoke-Free areas. This Tabacco Policy is made in compliance with the provisions of 0.C.G.A. §§ 31-12A-5, and to the extent any terms of this policy conflict with said statute, the provisions of the statute shall becontrolling, The Smoke-Free areas ap ply to: +All areas of buildings occupied by company employees. +All vehides owned or leased by the company. ‘+All contractors and temporary employees working on company premises ‘+ The front parking lot andin the immediate area surrounding the front entrance of the building. ‘+ Any designated smoke-free areas of Raydeo’s customers and clients’ properties. Smoking is permitted in: + The back-employee parking lot marked areas. ‘+ Outside of the building away from the doors in marked areas. 3.17 ON THE JOBINJURIES Personal injury on the job, no matter how slignt, must be reported immediately to your Supervisor. Full detalls must be given immediately to the Human Resources Department for Insurance and record keeping. Drug testing is also required immediately. 3.18 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES Inthe event an employee requires medical attention, whether injured or becoming ill while at work, the ‘employee's personal physician and emergency contact must be notified immediately. If itis necessary for the employee to be seen by the doctor or go to the hospital, a family member will be called to transport the employee to the appropriate medical facility, or if a life-threatening iliness/injuryhas Page 17 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook occurred 911 emergency services will be called. The supervisor on duty at the time of incident may direct another employee to transport the injured employee to the appropriate medical facility at his/her discretion. 3.19 INCIDENT REPORTING Raydeo requires that all incidents are reported within 24 hours of occurrence. All emplayees are required to file @ report with documentation of any unusual, harmful, or potentially harmful occurrence involving employees, visitors, property, product, procedure or other. A complete description of the events must be noted. This will be reported on an Incident Report form. All incident Reports will be reviewed and evaluated, and potential risks identified. This is a tool to reduce employee and corporate liability exposures and to follow up with our commitment of safety to our employees. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of an "Incident," which is an occurrence that is unusual in the course of the Company's business which results or may result in harm for the customer, employee, visitors, or property. Injury or alloged injury related to Raydeo. Employee injuries or ilness which may be related to Companyoperations. Accidental injuries to employees, visitors, or property. Property damage, loss, or breakage. Ifyou are unsure about whether something qualifies as an "incident" under this Section, ask management. Any work-related accident or injury will be reported to Workers’ Compensation and will become a part of the personnel file. The Incident Report will be viewed by management and any necessary corrective action will be taken. 3.20 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION The Company provides workers’ compensation insurance atno cost to employees. In the event ofa work-related injury or cordition, workers’ compensation insurance may provide medical and wage continuation benefits. Following an accident at work, or should an employee suffer a medical condition arising out his or her employment, the employee must notify his or her supervisor or management immediately so that a report may be filed with the Company insurance carrier. A work-related incident must be reported to Workers’ Compensation immediately and the report becomes part of the personne! file. A work-related incident that needs to be reported includes but is not limited. to personal injury (including falls) and unusual occurrences. Once an employee has suffered a work-related injury that reauires medical treatment, a physician's “return to work” notice is required prior to allowingan employee to return to work. Company may abo require the employee to submit to an independent medical evaluation by a doctor ofits choice or by that ofits insurance carrier. Page 18 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook The name of the Company's workers’ compensation insurance carrier and other pertinent information is posted. The carrier governs insurance benefits provided by the Company. These contracts shalll not be limited, expanded, or modified by any statements of Company personnel or Company documents. Any discrepancios shall be determined by reference to the insuring contracts. 3.21 MILEAGEREIMBURSEMENT Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. will reimburse employees for mileage driven in their personal vehicles for company use. All mileage must be pre-approved and submitted to Accounting on an expense report form approved by your supervisor. Raydeo assumes no liability in the use of personal vehicles. 3.22 PROHIBITED CONDUCT Raydeo holds each of its employees to certain work rules, policies and procedures and standards of conduct, as outlined in this handbook. When an employee deviates from the rules, policies, and procedures and standards, disciplinary action will be taken by management. Though committed to a progressive approach to disciplinary action, the Company considers certain rule infractions and violations of policy and procedures and standards as grounds for immediate termination of employment. These inciude, but are not limitedto: + Lying dishonesty, or deception of any form + Theft of any form, including not working while clocked in or taking unauthorizedbreaks + Failure to follow instructions + Failure to comply with company policies and procedures + Insubordinate behavior or disrespectful + Vandalism or destruction of company property + Boing on company property during non-businesshours +The use of company equipment without prior authorization by management + Untruthfulness about personal work history, skills, training, education, or legalstatus + Any act that harms the reputation of Raydeo + Violating any work safety related policy or procedure + Divulging Compary business practices, Confidential information, and/or Trade Secret Information to any third-party + Misrepresentation of Raydeo to a customer, prospective customer, general public, referral sources, or an employee * Frequent tardiness or absenteeism + Unexcused absenteeism + Sexual or other harassment + Positive results on a drug test + Committing any act of moral turpitude 3.23 DISCIPLINARY ACTION In the event of an infraction of company rules by an employee, your supervisor will record the infraction and corrective disciplinary action on a counseling form and present to you for signature. The signed disciplinary action will be filed in your employee file. Verbal warnings will be noted in the management records as well. Page 19 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Corrective action is progressive in nature. That is, the action teken in response to a rule infraction or violation of standards typically follows a pattern increasingin seriousness until the infraction or violation is corrected orthe employee is terminated. The usual sequence of corrective actions includes an oral warning, a written warning, probation, and finally termination of employment. In deciding which initial corrective action is aporopriate, management will consider the seriousness of the infraction, the circumstances surrounding the matter, and the employee's previous record. 3.24 RESIGNATIONS Should an employee wish to resign from Raydeo Enterprises, Inc., then the employee is asked to give at least two (2) weeks’ notice of his/her intent to leave. When proper notification is given, all firm property has been turned in, and personal charge accounts have been paid, the employee will receive all wages due atthe date of the payroll following his/her last day worked. Otherwise, final pay will be held until firm property is returned and proper accounting of such property and account can be made. Company also reserves the right to dismiss the employee before the full notice is worked. This request does not alteran employee's at will relationship with the company. All PTO will be lost. When resigning from Raydeo Enterprises, inc, cashing out these days will not be an option. 3.25 TERMINATIONS Should any employee be terminated asa result of disciplinary action, positive drug test results etc., all eamed PTOwill be lost. In the event that termination is 2 result of a layoff, downsizing, or no fault of their own, all earned vacation or sick time will be evaluated by the supervisor to determine if payout will be granted. Ary such decision shall be made in the sole discretion of thesupervisor.. 3.26 INCLEMENT WEATHER At times, severe weather or power failures can disrupt company operetions. In this event the decision to close the business will be made by management. When the decision is made to close the plant, employees will receive notification from management. if you are unsure of whether the business is closed, you must contact your supervisor or the HR Manager for clarfication, At times work may be postponed due to weather or unforeseen circumstances, while unfortunate, the Company is not responsible for compensating during these situations where work is notbeing performed. 3.27 BUILDING SECURITY All employees who are issued keys to the office, shop, vehicles, and gate are responsible for their safekeeping. The last employee, ora designated employee, who leaves the plant at the end of the business day shift is required to ensure that all doors are securely locked, and all equipment, machinery, and lights are turned off. All employees are encouraged that their own personal insurance policies cover the loss ofanything Page 20 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook occasionally leftat the business. Raydeo assumes no risk for any loss ordamage to personal property. 3.28 VISITORS IN THE WORKPLACE To provide for the safety and security of employees, visitors, and the facilities at Raydeo, only authorized visitors are allowed in the workplace. Restricting unauthorized visitors helps ensure security, decreases insurance liability, protects confidential information, safeguards employee welfare, and avoids potential distractions and disturbances, 3.29 APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS * Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) - Establishes minimum wages, overtime pay, record keeping and child labor standards for private sector and government workers. The FLSAisadministered and enforced by the Employment Standards Administration’s Wage and Hour Division. + Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - For Employers with more than 50 employees, the FMLA provides an entitlement of up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month Period to eligible, covered employees for the following reasons: 1) birth and care of the eligible employee's child, or placement for edo ption or foster care of a child with the employee; 2) care of an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent] who has a serious health condition; or 3) when the employee is unable to work due to his or her own serious health condition. The FMLA is administered and enforced by the Employment Standards Administration’s Wage and Hour Division. * Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Requires employers to comply with occupational safety and health standards Issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and to provide employees with e workplace that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. The OSH Act isadministered and enforced by OSHA. + Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA] - Prohibits most private employers from using lie- detector tests, either for pre-employment screening or during the course of employment. The EPPA is administered and enforced by the Employment Standards Administration’s Wage and Hour Division. + The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) - Requires employers to provide to employees notice of their rights, benefits, and obligations under USERRA. Employers may provide the required notice by distributing it or posting it where employee notices are customarily placed. USERRA is administered by the Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS). 3.30 NON-DISCLOSURE A. CONFIDENTIALINFORMATION ‘As used herein, the term “Confidential information” means information about the Company and its past or present customers, customer prospects, past or present employees, subcontractors, lenders, Investors, and/or vendors that is not generally known outside of the Company, which employees lear in connection with their employment with the Company. Confidential Information may include, without Page 21 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook limitation: (1) the Company's past, current, and future business polices, finances, and business plars; (2) the Company's financial projections; (3) sales information relating to the Company's rate schedules, marketing strategies, or product roll-outs; (4) customized software, marketing tools, and/or supplies that employee was provided access to by the Company and/or that the employee created: (5) the identity of the Company's customers, customer prospects, and/or vendors (including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of customers, customer prospects and/or vendors); (6) any lst(s) of the Company's customers, customer prospects, and/or vendors; (7) the account terms and pricing upon which the Company obtains products and services from its vendors; (8) the account terms and pricing of sales contracts between the Company and its customers; (9) the proposed account terms and pricing of sales contracts between the Company and its customer prospects; (10) the names, addresses, and rates of pay of the Company's employees and other business contacts of the Company; (11) the techniques, methods, and strategies by which the Company develops, manufactures, distributes, and/or sells any of its product or services; (12) customized methods, designs, configurations, or plans that Company utilizes, In the operation of its facilities and equipment; (13) information relating to any past or present employee of the Company that is protected from disclosure by federal, state, or local law; and (14) information relating to any past or present employee of the Company that may be discussed by members of management or executives of the Company and that is not publicly known. TRADE SECRET {As used herein, “Trade Secret Information” means information, without regard to form, relating to the Company's business which fs not commonly known by or available to the public and which derives economic value, whether actual or potential, from not being generally known to other persons and is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy or confidentiality, "Trade Secret Information" includes, but is not limited to, technical or non-technical data, formulze, patterns, compilations, programs, devices, methods, techniques, drawings, process, financial data, financial plans, product plans, services, or lists of actual or potential customers or suppliers. NON-DISCLOSURE The protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secret Information is vital to the interests and success of Raydeo. Employees of Raydeo occupy a position of trust and confidence with the Company and have and will have access to and may develop Confidential Information and Trade Secret Information of actual or potential value to or otherwise useful to the Company. Therefore, you will hold such Confidential information in strictest confidence and will not, without the express written authorization of the Company, disclose, use, orauthorize anyone else to disclose or use any Confidential Information on behalf of you or any person or entity other than Company, while you are employed by Company and for all times following the date that your employment with Company is voluntarily or involuntarily terminated. You must hold any such Trade Secret Information in strictest confidence and will not, without the express written authorization of Company, disclose, use, or authorize anyone else to access, disclose or use any Trade Secret Information on behatf of you or any person or entity other than Company, while you ate employed by Company and for so long a period as such information remains Trade Secret Information for any reason, Nothing contained herein shall mit any right or remedy of Company for the protection of Confidential Information and Trade Secret Information under applicable law. Page 22 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook All Company tangible and intangible property, including but not limited to all Confidential Information or Trade Secret Information developed, revised, altered, accessed or improved by you or otherwise made known to you during your employment shall remain the exclusive property of Company upon the voluntary or involuntary termination of your employment, and you shall not retain any interest, claim, or title to such Confidential information or Trade Secret Information or the benefits thereof. Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action, induding termination of employment and legal action, even if they donot actually benefit from the disclosed information. 3.31 _NON-SOLICITATION Employees shall not, on an employee's own behalf or on behalf of others, at any time during his orher ‘employment with the Company, and for a period of two (2) years after the date of termination of an employee's employment with the Company, solicit, divert or hire, or attempt to solicit, divert or hire, any person or entity employed by the Company or previously employed by the Company within the preceding twelve (12) months. Additionally, for a period of two (2) years following the date of the voluntary or involuntary termination of an employee's employment with the Company, said employee shall not, either for himself/herself or as the owner or organizer of a business, or asan independent contractor or agent for any entity other than Raydeo, solicit any customer of the Company or provide products and/or services in amanner substantially similar to the scope of his or her duties as an employee of Company to any customer or client of Company. 3.32 NON-DISPARAGEMENT Employees shall not et any time duringhis or her employment with Raydeo directiy, indirectly, or through the actions of another person or entity make any oral r written derogatory, negative, or disparaging comments, or comments that could be interpreted as such, to any individual or entity, including, without limitation, companies, clients, customers, employees, competitors, and financial or credit institutions, concerning Raydeo and any of its owners or employees. This policy includes comments made in any form ar forum, including internet postings, social mediapostings, statements to television, newspaper, magazines, or other news media outlets. In the event that the Company is contacted for an employment reference from a former employee, the Company may provide the dates of employment, rates of pay and state whether it would re-employ the employee again in the future. 3.33. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT All Raydeo employees must report any outside employment to their direct supervisor and the HR Manager. Working for a competitor of Raydeo is strictly prohibited and will lead to immediate termination. Employees may hold outside jobs in non-related businesses or professions on days and times that the employee is not working at Raydeo, as long as the employee continues to meet the performance standards of their job description with Raydeo. Employees should consult this policy and get the appropriate approvals from their supervisor and the HR Manager before accepting outside employment. Page 23 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Any outside employment must not require the employee's use of Raydeo property, time, orinformation or create an inherent conflict of interest with the individual's employment at Raydeo. A Raydeo employee may not accept outside employment that includes, but is not limited to, workthat: ‘+ Requires the employee to perform during regular work hours of the individual's Raydeo position; + Requires the employee to perform work using the individual's Raydeo computer or equipment: * Requires the employee to perform work using information the employee obtains fromRaydeo; + Would materially interfere with the employee's job responsibilities at Raydeo;or + Would require the employee to disclose confidential information or trade secrets of Raydeo. The decision of whetheran employee's current or proposed outside employment violates the provisions of this Section, and thus is prohibited, isin the discretion of the employee's supervisor and HR Manager. ifat any time an employee's previously approved outside employment begins to interfere with his or her duties to Raydeo or violates this provsion in any other way, the previous approval is subject to revocetion and the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. 3.34 WAGE AND SALARY DISCUSSIONS For all employees that occupy a supervisory role with Company, the terms and details of their wages, salary, and/or compensation plan are strictly confidential between the employee and the Compary. Disclosure of the terms of a supervisory employee's wages, salary, or compensation plan is expressly prohibited, and shail constitute grounds for termination of the disclosing employee’ sempioyment. All employees that do not occupy a supervisory role with Company may discuss wages or other conditions of employment with other employees oniy while engaging in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection. Employees that occupy a role where he or she has direct access to Company payroll records and/or the wage, salary, or compensation pian information of other employees may not disclose such records to other employees or any third-party. Page 24 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook SECTIONS PAY POLICIES 41 PAYDAY Hourly and salaried emplayees are paid bi-weekly. Checks will be distributed at morning break time every other Friday for the prior two weeks worked. NOTE: The company offers a direct deposit program free of charge to you. We prefer direct deposit, please be prepared to provide payroll with your banking. information. Ifa payday falls within a holiday, your vacation period, or you are absent from work for any other of the acceptable reasons, you will receive your pay no later than the next regular businessday. Employees that have resigned or have been terminated will be paid any monies owed to them on the regular payday. Raydeo Enterprises reserves the right to deduct for any company property not returned, loans, and/or tools due to Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. by the employee. 4.2 ERRORS INPAY This office makes every effort to provide you with an accurate paycheck each pay period. if there is a question about your pay or think an error has been made, notify your supervisor immediately. Any corrections needed will occur in the next pay period 4.3. PAY RATE Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. makesa sincere effort to pay employees faitly and has established a system which provides for adequete differentials among positions of varying responsibilities. This permits individual consideration so that each employee is paid based on his or her responsibilities and performance. 4.4 TIME REPORTING Each employee is responsible for keeping an accurate account of his or her time worked. All employees are required to clockin at the beginning of their shift, “take a break” for lunch, clock backin when resuming work and then clock out at the end of thelr shift. Your supervisor will tain you on proper clocking and transferring procedures. Ifyou forget to clock in or out, you must inform your supervisor immediately so your time can be adjusted. You must clock out or “take a break” before performing personal routines (i.e. lunch, clothes change, leaving the building for personal appointments etc.) and clock back in when youare ready to work. If yourtime records are net properly completed, you will not get paid until the following pay period, if this occurs repeatedly, you could be terminated. A. BYOD- Bring Your Own Device: Time tracking is now a part of your cellular device so at Raydeo Enterprises it is a requirement of, employment to provided a personal smartphone that supports Android or Apple applications. The Page 25 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook business may require room for 4 to 6 applications at any given time. This is due to several applications used by everyone for the following: + Timekeeping + Scheduling * Electronic Tracking * Pay Check Data Access * Personal Time Off Request and Approvals # Building Security Access * Company Email Access * Business Softphone (Field Leaders only) 8. Electronic Tracking Technology Policy The purpose of this Administrative policy regerding Electronic Geo-Tracking (referred to herin as “this policy’) is to provide guidance to managers, supervisors, and employees regarding Raydeo Enterprise's Uses of Electronic Tracking Technology for itsemployees. This policy allows Raydeo to monitor employee and vehicle location, elevation, and velocity. This policy use is for public safety to greatly enhance job performance, personal safety, situational awareness, and may aid in critical scenarios. This policy may also be used for other business-related purposes, including but not limited to: measuring productivity, providing aid to vehicles that breakdown, increasing employee sefety, managing Raydeo resources effectively, or ensuring that employees are following their routes or assignments C. Definitions Electronic Tracking Technology means a technological method or system used to observe, monitor or collect information including telematics, Global Positioning System (GPS), wireless technology, or location-based technologies. D. Company use of Electronic Tracking Technology Employees of the company during employment will be required to clock in and out with a smartphone equipped with Electronic Tracking Technology. Data collected will only be curing the times whereas the employees is “on the clock” for the company. The company may use data collected through Electronic Tracking Technology as part of a disciplinary investigation or discipline of its employees pertaining to inappropriate use of time, speeding or other misconduct. E. Responsbilities Data collecting using this policy is used by the company to further business purposes. Employees operating while being paid on company time shall have no expectation of privacy regarding the information that results from such monitoring. Employees are prohibited from altering or attempting to alter or disable Electronic TrackingTechnology while on company timeciock. 45 OVERTIME The Company may periodically schedule overtime or weekend work to meet our business needs. We will attempt to give employees advance notice, if possible. We expect that all employees who are scheduled Page 26 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook to work overtime or who are called out to work on a special project will be at work unless spectfically excused by their supervisor. Failure to report for scheduled overtime work may result in discipline, up to and including immediate termination, We only pay overtime to non-exempt employees. All hours worked in excess af forty (40) hours per week are overtime hours. All employees must have overtime preapproved by their Supervisor. For purposes of calculating overtime, only actual hours of work will be considered. Paid Time Offis not considered for purposes of calculating overtime. 4.6 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS When an employee begins to work, he or she is paid at arate comparable to their immediate responsibilities and qualifications. Subsequently, pay adjustments depend on how successful one is as an individual and how one applies themselves. + The ability to generate revenue from your efforts © Budget * Results Driven + Work eptitude + Quality of work * Attendance and punctuality + Initiative + Attitude * Cooperation + Overall dependability 4.7 EMPLOYEE PAY INCREASES AND BONUS PROGRAMS As emphasized throughout this document, Raydeo Enterprises prides itself on the merit system. Annual evaluations will be performed for communication and donot necessarily warrant an annual increase in pay. Management will track rates of pay, last raise dates, and perpetual performance issues. These are also based on the overall performance of your department and the company's profitability as @ whole. From time to time, as management sees appropriate, you may be called in forreview. At that time, raises and bonuses may be issued in eppreciation for a job well done. Should you fee! that you have been “overlooked! or are unfairly compensated, you should schedule a meeting with your direct supervisor to discuss these matters. Pay increases and bonuses are not guaranteed and are made in the sole discretion of management. No employee has a right to a payincrease or bonus. Page 27 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook SECTIONS BENEFITS AND SERVICES 5.1 LEAVES OF ABSENCE AND FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT There are occasional circumstances that make it necessary for employees to request time off from work activities, The following policy briefly summarizes the circumstances and the criteria that management will use to evaluate leave-of-absence requests. The following is intended as a brief summary only. If an extended leave of absence is necessary and the employee has no available PTO, then they may request an extended leave of absence without pay. Under these circumstances any benefits paid by Raydeo will becomethe responsibility of the employee during the pendency of the extended leave. Raydeo does not guarantee that the position held will remain open upon return. Leaves falling under the Family and Medical Leave Act will be granted and administered in accordance with the Act. All questions and leave requests should be directed to management. All employees are eligible to request a leave of absence, subject to the criteria set forth in the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). FMLAleave will only be permitted if required by Statute. All eligible employees under the FMLA may receive 12 weeks of unpaid leave for FMLA authorized absence if they have worked for the company for at least one year and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months Under the FMLA, eligitie employees are eligible for unpaid leave for one or more of the following: (a) the care of the employee's child, birth or placement for adoption or foster care; (b) the care of the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or parent who has @ serious health condition; or, (c) employee’s serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform their job. A “serious health condition’ is an injury, illness, impairment or physical ar mental condition that involves inpatient careor continuing treatment by a licensed health care provider. Employees may substitute eligible paid vacation and/or sick daysiin lieu of unpaid leave. Paid leave is, counted toward the 12 weeks of FMLA leave granted perleave year. The employee is required to provide advance leave notice and medical certification as follows: the employee must provide 30 days’ advance notice when the leave is “foreseeable.” If an employee failsto give 30 days’ notice with no reasonable excuse for the delay, the Company may deny the taking of leave until proper notice is received. Medical certification is required to support a request for leave because of 2 serious health condition of the employee, or to care for employees’ sons, daughter, spouse or parent. Medical certification is also required when an employee is unable to return from leave because of the employee's own serious health condition. Leave can be taken intermittently or on a schedule that reduces the usual number of hours perworkday or workweek to care for the illness of a child, spouse, or parent or because of the employee’ siliness. Intermittent or reduced leave schedules because of the birth of a child, adoption or foster care are subject to approval of the owners. Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees will be restored to their original or equivalent positions Page 28 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms, subject to employee's providing a "fitness for duty” medical certificate in case of employee's serious illness. If an employee fails to provide a requested fitness for duty certification to return to work, Raydeo will deny job restoration until the employee provides the certificate. If an employee unequivocally advises the Company that the employee doas not intend to return to work, the employment relationship is deemed terminated, and the employee's entitlement to reinstatement, continued leave, and benefits cease. Employees will provide management with 30-day status and intent to return reports. Ary employee who fraudulently obtains FMLA leave is not protected by FMLA’s job restoration provisions. The use of FMLA leave wil not result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee's leave. The use of unpaid FMLA leave will not affect an employee's exemptstatus, 5.2 JURY DUTY AND MILITARY LEAVE Employees will be granted time off to serve on ajury without pay and may be kept on active payroll until their duties are completed. A copy of the jury duty summons, and all other associated aaperwork are required for the personnel file. If an employee is absent from work to serve asa witness in response toa civil or criminal subpoena or other court order, the employee will be granted leave without pay when he or she submits copy of the original subpoena or court order to his or her supervisor or the HR Manager. The employee shall report to work on any day, or portion thereof, which is not actually spent in the performance of serving asa witness, if you are on an extended military leave of absence, you are entitied to be restored to your previously held position or similar position, ifavailable, without loss of rights, privileges or benefits provided the employee meets the requirements specified in the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). An employee who is a member of the reserve corps of the armed forces of the United States or of the National Guard or the Naval Militia will be granted temporary leave of absence without pay while engaged in military duty as required by federal or state employment law. A letter from the commanding officer is required to establish the dates ofduty. 5.3 PAIDHOLIDAYS Reguler, full-time employees who have completed the 90-day introductory period are eligible forthe following 6 paid holidays. ifthe holidey falls on a Saturday or Sunday the company will observe the holiday on the next business day: . New Year's Day . Memorial Day * Fourth of July * Labor Day © Thanksgiving © Christmas Any employee who is absent or works fewer than six hours without the Company's approval on the scheduled workday before and/or after a holiday is ineligible for Holiday pay unless you have approved paid time offor if there is plant closure, Page 29 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook 5.4 PAID TIME OFF Full-time employees are eligible for pald time off and begin to accrue PTO immediately from thet first full calendar month, Employees are eligible to use their accrued PTO after they have completed 90 days of employment. Accrual Guidelinas Years 1 thru 3 - (80 hours peryear accrued 6.66 hours per month) Years 4 and beyond (120 hours per year accrued 10 hours permonth) PTO Guidelines + PTO must be requested at least TWO weeks in advance. The use and duration are subject to supervisory approval. The company will make every effort to accommodate requests to schedule PTO but reserves the right to priorities request based on business needs, the seniority of the employees requesting PTO, the amount of advanced notice given by the employee, and the reason for thePTO. + PTO may be used for sick time, doctors, or other appointments + PTO balance may be carried, but employees may only carry the maximum emount associated with their tenure perthe accrual guidelines. Once the maximum is reached, employees lose the ability to accrue PTO. With this, the company encourages employees to take time off throughout the year for work-life balance. + Upon termination of employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, all unused PTO willbe forfeited and will notbe paid out. + NOPTO can be requested within two weeks of resignation. Each full day of PTO counts as eight (8) hours. PTO may be taken in increments as small os one (2) hour. + PTO may not be used to compensate employees of tardiness or unexcused absences. 5S MEDICAL INSURANCE Medical insurance is available to regular, full-time employees after the first of the month after 60 full days of continuous employment. If elected, benefits begin on the 1st day of that month. Dependent medical, dental, vision and life insurance are also available at the employee’s expense and & paid for through payroll deduction. Insurance premiums and benefits are subject to change, and employees may be responsible for paying future increases. Raydeo Enterprises pays $155.18 per pay period of only the employee's medical insurance. Ifyou do not elect benefits within 30 days after your eligibility date you are automatically forfeiting the opportunity to sign up until the next open enrollment. Temporary and part time employees working less than 30 hours per week are not eligible for medical insurance and other benefits. Medical insurance benefits under this Section are subject to revision at anytime. 5.6 _ DENTAL AND VISION INSURANCE Dental and Vision Insurance is available to regular, fulltime employees after 60 days of employment. If elected, benefits begin on the 1st day of the month after 60 days of employment. Dependent Dentaland Page 30 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Vision insurance is also available at the em ployee’s expense and is paid for through payroll deduction. Insurance premiums and benefits are subject to change, and employees may be responsible for paying. future increases, Raydeo Enterprises does not pay any portion of the dental or visioninsurance. Temporary and part time employees working less than 30 hours per week are not eligible for dental or vision insurance, Dental and Vision Insurance benefits under this Section are subject to revision at anytime. 5.7 SHORT TERM DISABILITY Short Term Disability insurance is available to regular, full-time employees atter 60 days of employment. Disability insurance provides partial paycheck reimbursement for times of serious illness or injury which leads to total disability. Premiums are paid at the employee's expense through payroll deduction The employee is responsible for notifying a supervisor of their disability, exoected date of retum, and the name of the attending physician. The company may request that an independent medical provider perform an examination. In addition, the company may require a medical release form priorto returning to work. For more information regarding disability benefits, contact HumanResources. Temporary and part time employees working less than 30 hours per week are not eligible for short term disability insurance. 58 COBRA Employees and their dependents participating in the Company's group health plan may be eligible for benefits continuation. Eligibility for this benefit continuation under COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) is triggered by 2 “qualifying event” such as reduction in hours of employment, divorce, or termination of employment for reasons other than gross misconduct and is subject to policy terms and conditions and applicable legal guidelines. 5.9 SOCIAL SECURITY INSURANCE The employee and Reydeo Enterprises, Inc contribute to Social Security through FICA payments each pay period according to the Social Security Act. The firm pays 50% of the total amount paid; the employee pays the other 50%, Social Security benefits are available in the event an employee becomes permanentiy disabled or chooses to retire (must be of retirement age to qualify for retirement benefits) For further information, you must consult your local state agency. Page 31 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM Page 32 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Corporate Safety PolicyStatement The occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 clearly states our common goal of safe and healthful working conditions. The safety and health of our employees continues to be the first consideration in the operation of this business. Safety and health in our business must be a part of every operation. Without question, safety is every employee's responsibilty atall levels. Itis the intent of this company to comply with all laws. To do this we must constantly be aware of conditions in all work areas that can produce injuries. No employee is required to work atthe job he or she knows is not safe or healthful. Your cooperation in detecting hazards and, in turn, controlling them isa condition of your employment. inform your supervisor immediately of any situation beyond your ability or authority to correct. The personal safety and health of each employee of this company is of primary importance. The prevention of occupationally-induced injuries and illnesses is of such consequence thatit will be given precedence over operating productivity whenever necessary. To the greatest degree possible, ‘management will provide all mechanical and physical facilities required for personal safety and health in keeping with the higheststandards. We will maintain a safety and health program conforming to the best management practices of organizations of this type. To be successful, such a program must embody the proper attitudes toward injury and illness prevention not only on the part of supervisors and employees, but also between each employee and his or her co—workers. Only through such a cooperative effort cana safety program in the best interest ofall be established and preserved. Our objective isa safety and health program that will reduce the number of injuries and illnesses to an absolute minimum, not merely in keeping with, but surpassing, thebest ‘experience of operations similar to ours. Our goal is nothing less than zero accidents and injuries. John P. Mercure, President Raydeo Enterprises, Inc. Occupational Health & Safety Program The company takes every reasonable precaution to ensure that empioyees have a safe working environment. Safety measures and rules are in place for the protection of all employees, To ensure the continuation of a safe workplace, all employees should review and understand all provisions of the company’s workpiace safety policy. fn addition to the rules below, all employees must review and comply with the specific health and safety procedures contained in the equipment manual notebooks in the workshop prior to operating any piece of manufacturing equipment. General Safety Rules for all Departments: The following safety rules are established by the Company as general safety rules for all departments/sections. 1. Never operate any machine or equipment uniess you are authorized and have been property trained. 2. Donot operate any defective equipment. Do not use broken hand tools. Report them toyour Page 33 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook supervisor immediately. 3. Obtain instructions from your supervisor before operating a machine that you are not familiar with. **Consult with your supervisor/department head for the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) that applies to the tool or machine. Check with your supervisor if in doubt. 4. Never starton any hazardous job without being completely familiar with the safety techniques ‘which apoly to it. 5. Make sure all safety attachments are in place and properiy adjusted before operating any machine. 6. Donot operate any machine or equipment at unsafe speeds. Shut off equipment which is not in 7. Wear all protective garments and equipment necessary to be safe on the job. Wear proper shoes; sandals or other open-toed or thin-soled shoes should not be wom, **(ANSI 287.1 approved eye protection is required in the shop while work is in progress). 8. Donot wear loose, flowing clothing, or loose hang hair while operating moving machinery. 9. Never repair or agjust any machine or equipment unless you are specifically authorized to do so by your supervisor/department head. **Proper Lock out/Tegged Out (LOTO} techniques should be applied prior to performing repairs of adjustments on anyequipment. 10. Never oil, clean, repair, or adjust any machine while it’s in motion. Proper Lock Out/Tagged Out (LOTO} techniques should be applied prior to performing repairs or adjustments on any equipment. 111. Never repair or adjust any electrically driven machine without opening and properly tagging the main switch 12, Put tools and equipment away when they are not in use. 13. Donot lift items which are too bulky ortoo heavy to be handled by one person. Ask for assistance. 14, Keep allaisies, stairways, and exits clear of skids, boxes, air hoses, equipment, andspillage. 15. Donot place equipment and materials so asto block emergency exit routes, fire boxes, sprinkler shutoffs, machine or electrical control panels, or fire extinguishers. 16, Stack ell materials neatly and make sure piles are stable. 17. Keep your work area, machinery, and all company facilities which you use clean andneat. 18, Donot participate in horseplay or tease or otherwise distract fellow workers. Do not runon company premises, always walk. 19, Power-truck operators must safeguard other workers at all times; workers must show courtesy to power-truck operators. 20. Filing cabinets, desks, storage cabinets, and other storage devices should have drewers closed when not in use to prevent trippinghazards. 21. Floor mounted extension cords should be placed so that they are always flush to the ground. 22. Coffee bar electrical outlets should be properly used. Never overload electrical outlets 23, Burned out light bulbs should be replaced immediately. 24, Frayed or damaged electrical cords should be replaced. 25. Hearing protection must be worn if sound is above 7Odbs and safety glasses must be worn atall times in the manufacturing facility or while on constructionsites. 26. NEVER USE A CELL PHONE while operating machinery, even atbreak time or lunch time. Not abiding by these rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediatetermination. 27. Never take chances. If you're unsure, you're unsafe! Page 34 of 36 Raydeo Enterprises Employee Handbook Acknowledgement of Receipt for Employee Handbook/Occupational Health and Safety Program \ acknoviledge thet | have read the “Employee Handbook/Occupational Health and Safety programm.” understand all the rules, regulations, terms, and conditions of my employment with Reydeo Enterprises, ine. Page 35 of 36

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