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Reg.#. ______________ Name:______________________________

Program: ___________________ Semester: 2020 fall

Course Code & Title:





Week: April 06-10, 2020 Submitted Date: ____________________________

Submitted to (Teacher’s Name):


To be filled by concerned Faculty Member: Marks Obtained ______________ Out of

______________ Remarks: __________________________________________

Answer the following questions

Q1. The following quotation from Jason Goodwin’s book Greenback and answer the questions
that follow.
“Money is a belief that has to be shared with other people… Otherwise money’s useless: you
can’t eat it or wear it, buy love with it (though you may broaden your chances), and you don’t
get to take it with you when you die. Money can be anything you like — gold or silver, peas
or paper, tiny shells or massive stones, or nothing at all but surf on the electronic highway.
But everyone must agree on what it is: we accept money because we believe others in turn
will accept it too. It works because it works.”
a. Explain how Goodwin’s writing supports the definition of money.
b. Write a persuasive argument for why a civilization should not choose dried peas as its money

Q2. What is coinage of money. Explain in detail what is meant by decimal coinage in Pakistan?

Coinage of Money

The main forms of coinage area unit; Free coinage: Coinage is claimed to be freed from the
folks are allowed to require metals to the mint for being born-again into customary coins while
not limit. Before, 1933, in America, U.K. And Japan, and also the system of free coinage was
rife. In undivided Bharat before 1893, folks might take silver to the mint and it born-again into
customary coins with none limit.

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