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The theory of the relational work of nurses is a psychodynamic theory of the relational practice of

women and the workplace. Simply it is a theory that asking the reader if there are certain gender
allowed to work in this specific field. Nursing is the profession that feminism forgot and still ignores
through all its changing lenses of gender, race, class. The derived theory explicitly recognizes the
uniqueness of nursing as a profession largely of women. Gender is the source of understanding the
relational work of nurses. There are lot of theories used to derived the theory of relational work of
nurses. But in the end, we all know that no matter what gender it is as long as we can do the job then
it’s okay. Nurses are carrying same responsibilities no matter what gender, race, class. The most
important goal for the nurses is to give quality care to the patient. When giving quality care is gender
matter? Absolutely not, Quality care is given through skills and knowledge. Preventing the client to get ill
or injured. In the end of the day, all gender is welcome to apply on specific job as long as they can do it,
they know their responsibilities and obligations. And the most important is our goal as a human.

Defrino view of nursing is, nursing work as having been structured as a job held by woman, I’m totally
disagree with her. They say nursing field is job for women only because it started by a woman, they
think that it is a cycle that women are only allowed to apply to this job. However, there are certain work
that women cannot implement such as carrying heavy patients not being biased, the only key here is
only teamwork, no gender barriers created to this work. Collaborative work will make the client health
well. As long as we aiming the same goal for our client. There is no specific gender to make the client
health. Another example, does women are allowed to work in army? Before no but now they are
accepted in the society, today gender barriers are removed because no matter what gender it is as long
as they are capable to do job is enough. The major issues in science and nursing is the field of work or
should I say is the distribution of work. Which gender is good to this certain work? They still want to
know it even are society accepted the gender barrier. They say that women are most likely capable to
handle emotional problem, but for me it depends on the person how willingly he/she to listen. how they
can handle the situation. In the end of the day, the only thing that we want is to contribute to our
humanity without asking for exchange. Contributing to our humanity, we never learn this in our school
because you gain this when you understand the meaning of life and that is how it work.

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