Assignment I

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Assignment I

Q1a) Find the Lorentz transformation equations for the simpler case when the relative motion
between the two frames is along the common x-axis.

b) What would be the Lorentz transformation equations if we choose the constants  &  of slide
 1
no. 35 to be -1 and respectively? What would these transformation equations reduce to in the
limit v  0 ? Consider general direction of relative motion.

Q2) Use the Lorentz transformation equations to explicitly show that

 2 2 2
 2
s 2  x 0  r  s 2  x  0  r  
Show that the above is a vindication that the transformation equations, which were derived after
longwinded algebra, are correct.

Q3) The radius of our galaxy (Milky Way) is 3 10 4 light years. Can a human being, in principle,
reach the edge of the galaxy in his lifetime of 70 years, assuming that the earth is near the centre of
the galaxy? If so, what should be the minimum speed with which the person must travel? Get to the
answer both from the point of view of i) the traveller ii) an observer on the earth.

Q4) Consider three frames, S, S’ & S’’, with axes parallel. Frame S’ moves with velocity v with respect
to S along its x-axis and frame S’’ moves with velocity v’ with respect to S’ frame, also along the
latter’s x’-axis. By compounding the two Lorenz transformations, one from S to S’ (call its matrix Λ)
and the other from S’ to S’’(call its matrix Λ’), through a matrix multiplications, find the matrix of
transformation from S to S’’(call it Λ’’) . Show that the resultant matrix Λ’’ corresponds to a Lorentz
transformation matrix for motion along the x-axis of S. Hence extract the relative velocity of S’’ w.r.t.
S from this matrix.

Note : X    X , X   ' X  , X     X (X’s are the column vectors of space-time


Q5a) Consider two frames S and S’, with axes parallel (our usual case) and relative velocity of S’ w.r.t.
S being v along the x-axis (Q1a). An image of a circle of radius R is engraved on the x-y plane of the S
frame (x-y plane is a concrete floor), with the centre at the origin. i) Write down the equation of the
circle in the S frame ii) Transform the equation to the S’ frame by applying Lorentz transformation
iii) Interpret the meaning of the equation in the S’ frame and show that it is compatible with length
contraction both along and perpendicular to the direction of relative motion.

b) If, instead of a circle, a cross ‘X’ is marked on the x-y plane of the S frame, with the two arms of
the cross intersecting at the origin at right angles, find the angle between the two arms as seen in
the S’ frame by transforming the equation of the lines.

Q6) As seen from the earth, two supernovae, separated by 10 light years, explode with a time gap of
2 years. For simplicity, orient the axes of the earth’s frame so that the two supernovae are on the x-
axis and the supernova that exploded first has a smaller x-coordinate.
a) If an observer is moving in a direction that makes an angle  with the x-axis (the line joining the
two supernovae), then find his speed so that the two supernovae explode simultaneously according
to him.

b) In the question of part (a) what is the largest value of  , so that the two supernovae explode
simultaneously for the moving observer.

Q7) As seen from the earth, two supernovae, separated by 10 light years, explode with a time gap of
2 years. For simplicity, orient the axes of the earth’s frame so that the two supernovae are on the x-
axis and the supernova that exploded first has a smaller x-coordinate.

a) Calculate the space-time interval between the two events (the two explosions). Show that they
cannot be casually connected (i.e., one cannot be the cause of the other).

b) Find the velocity of an observer, moving w.r.t to the earth along the line joining the two
supernovae, so that he finds that the supernova that exploded earlier according to the earth based
observer, exploded one year later than the other for the moving observer.

Q8) Two trains, moving on parallel tracks, approach each other with velocities of 3c/5 each with
respect to the tracks. Their proper(rest) lengths are  1 & 2 respectively. How long will it take the
two trains to cross each other according to i) an observer in train 1 ii) an observer in train 2 iii) an
observer on the ground?

Q9) Show explicitly through matrix multiplication that

T    

First try to prove by taking the LT matrix for a general direction of relative motion. If it proves too
unwieldy, then do it for the simpler case of relative motion along the x-axis.

Q10a) A spaceship is moving with a speed c with respect to the earth. A bullet is fired from the
spaceship at a speed c (w.r.t. the spaceship) in a direction making an angle  with the
longitudinal axis of the spaceship (longitudinal axis is the direction along which the spaceship is
propelled). Find the velocity of the bullet w.r.t. the earth. Find the velocity for the particular case of
  0 0 and   90 0.

b) If the bullet is replaced by a light pulse, find the velocity of the pulse w.r.t. the earth by an explicit
calculation (i.e., not quoting from the postulate of relativity)


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