Statement of Purpose Edenred

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Nicolas Marié Berheide

Vallvidrera 147, 1º 2ª 08035

May 2020 Barcelona (Spain)
To whom it may concern,

I am a fourth-year student of the Bachelor’s in Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and I am applying for
the international volunteer in Edenstep.

Studying at UPF has not only given answer to my strong eagerness to learn about Economics and business,
but it has also further developed my motivation to keep studying and acquire advanced knowledge, in order to
become a professional within an international environment.

During my undergraduate studies, I have learned some of the Economic techniques and models that are
necessary in order to shape a solid and rigorous training in the field. Similarly, I have enjoyed the study and
discussion of some very influential papers in the realm of Economics, which have helped me build a critical
thinking perspective. At the same time, I have been able to learn about different aspects of the business field
such as finance, accounting, logistics, industrial organization, digital marketing, markets and derivates. It
should be noted that most of the subjects I studied were in English.

I am currently finishing my last semester in Rio de Janeiro, at the university Fundaçao Getulio Vargas, the
leading university of Business and Economics in Brazil and Latino America. This experience has already
being very enriching on both personal and professional aspects as it has allowed me to work together with
people from all over the world and to make some interesting courses such as Public Policy focused in Brazil
and implementing corporative projects in a Brazilian firm while achieving a very good level of Portuguese
speaking. It has also allowed me to know more about the Brazilian culture even that I already knew about,
thanks to a volunteer program I did in the same country. Finally, it strengthens my belief in my abilities to
adapt myself to different environments, my constant desire to get out of my comfort zone and my worldwide

My passion for languages and my history of experiencing various cultures allows me to connect and
communicate with people with great ease. I have been lucky that I have a French father and a Spanish mother
which allows me to have two native languages. Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to learn to
speak three more languages, English, Portuguese and Catalan and I intend to continue learning more. This is
one of the reasons why I believe that my language skills can be a useful asset in the international business,
and it makes me a good candidate for this master.

I am a confident and outgoing person who enjoys working with and leading teams or projects. I know I have
the skillset and adaptability to thrive in this industry and due to my keen interest, numerical proficiency and
language adaptability, I see myself as a strong candidate for this master. I strongly believe that in the
globalised world that we live in today, communication is the most useful asset for client-focused operations,
as well being able to provide more diverse and open-minded insights. I assume that my ability to understand
other people and different cultures may help me to prospect and obtain potential customers.

I am applying to this opportunity because it is the best option I found and an excellent path in order to follow
my international career. I strongly believe that through it, I can acquire the knowledge and necessary tools to
become a product manager professional and, in a future, create a subsidiary in Brazil.
Thank you for all your time and consideration

I look forward to your reply. Best regards,

Nicolas Marié Berheide

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