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SAE Aerospace AEROSPACE SAE ams2759/9D SAE tuemaons| Gop MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Revoes 2008.08 ‘Supersediing AMS2759/9C Hydrogen Embrittiement Relief (Baking) of Stee! Parts RATIONALE AMS27520 was issued fo corest a publishing enter in “Tours retumed to "24" ours. 1. SCOPE 44 Purpose This specication covers the requirements for embrittoment rlit (baking) of hest treated stee! parts to remove hydrogen infused during plating and certan other chemical prooessing such as stripping, chemical miling, pickling, and etching 1.2 Application This specification is applicable to parts made from carbon, low.alloy, and martensitic slainiess stae! heat treated 1o a mninimum strength of 180 ksi (1241 MPa) or beat treated to a minimum hardness of 40 HRC or equivalent. It's also applicable (o threaded festenets made from carbon, low-alloy, oF martensitic stainioss steels heat treated to @ minimum strength of 180 kai (1094 MPa} or 34 HRC or equivalent, parts made from righ strangtn precipttion hardening stainiess stele other than A286, and stool paris which have been cass hardened (carburized, niiided, niirocarburized, or carbonitrised). Soe €.2. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: ‘The issue of the following dacuments In effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The supplier may work lo a subsequent revision of a document uniess a specific cocument iesue is specified, When the reterenced document has been cancelled and no supersading document has becn specified, the last published issue of that document shall apply. 24. SAE Putiteatione Available from SAE International, 400 Commonwoaith Drive, Warrendale, PA 15090-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada) or 724-776-4976 (outside USA),, AMS2049 Eich Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts, AWS2750 —— Pyrometry ‘AMS2759 Heat Treatment of Steal Parts ‘SAE Tesivical Glavdarde Dowd Ruea pride tha “Tia porn publihed by GAE Wo aeseren te eas of tetra ard engneerhg cciences. Tho use oie report = Shits oolny onda opteas iy aebectsly trey arn ns on/ patente gmat eg hr a esonely B e EAE rein each eh repro! ee foyer tik ee Ly orem, cd ereaoste, SAE rvs youre caer ae sggesins Cape 62008 SAE remetona| fi gv series. No oat of ts pubeaon may ba werodu tre pe veoa too Kamil, bay fom 01 Oy 969 powering canny orerewon, wba taper wee auras of OAS" locas esha FORAGE ACOBUEMTONEARe Ins. a”Paee7a weteUEAarécoasy) [SAE values your Input To provide fodback i GEG eases ag fon this Technioa! Roper, losce itt eames eee ene tpn eae ergfechnicistndnsfAMS275990 ASSIS aE snaetnne liwneen ig SAE AMS2TS59/90 Page 2 of § 3, TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Inthe event of 2 confict between this specication and the document citing this specification, that document shall prevell. 3.1. Pyromielry shall conform fo AMS2760 furnace class 5, inslrumantation type D, as a minimum. 3.2 Heat treatment equipment shall conform to AMS2769 and requirements specified herein, Furnacos shall bo ‘irculating-air type. 3.3 Proceduro 33.4 Cleaning Parts shall be clean prior fo baking 33.2 Racking end Spacing Paris ehell bo placed in taoks of trays, mado of mosh or oxpanded metal, or eupportad or suspended so as to atlow free ‘lreuiation of the heating medium, oxcopt small parts may ba randomly arrangad in rays providing that layers of parts are not thicker than 2 Inches (61 mm) and the distance betwaen the layers Is not les than 2 inches (54 mn). 3.3.21 Thleknese of layors of smelt parts randomly arrangad in trays may ba greater than 2 inches (64 mm), provided {ests have been made with load Unenmocouples fo conti that the center of the coldest load will each the set temperature minus 25 °F (14 °C) within one hour of tosding. 33.3 Parts shal be beked afier the completion ofthe chemical processing or plating designated in Tabla 1 or 2. (Ses 8.2.) 3331 Delay Time Limits The elapsed Ume botlwaen completion of plating or other chemical processing operations end start of heating parts in the baking furnace shell not exceed 4 hours except, when baking Is required after etch inspection (refer to foatnole 4 of Tables 1 and 2} to detect abusive grinding or machining, the elagsed time shall nol excaed 24 hours. 33232 Bake Set Temparetute 33.32.1 Standard bake eet temperature shall be 375 “F (191 °C) in cecoréance with Table 1, nonstandard baking set temperatures listed in Tablo 2 shall be used for parts made from the folowing matarialsiprocesses: + Carburlze or eatbonliride case hardening heat treatment + AIS!52100 sles! + Type 440¢ corrosion and heat resisting ste! + Muse wire + Other alloye tempered below 400 “F (204 °C). 3.333 Bake Soak Timo ake coak time chall be as designated In Table 1 or 2, as applicable 3334 Startof Soak Tine Soaking time shall commence when parts are placed in the furnace, the furnace door(s) are closed, end the temperat.xe indicated by the furnace conical instrument is within 26 °F (14 °C) of the set temperature. SAE AMS2759/9D Page 3 of 5 3.3.35 Sooking Intetuptions Il the delay tme ( Is lass than 2 hours, soaking may be interrupted for the purpose of adding or removing parts. If he delay tie ( is 2 hours or more, parts shall bo soaked for at least one hour be‘ore any such interruption, 3.9:35.2 If tho tomperature indicated by tho control Instrument crops more than 25 °F (1d “C) below the set tomperaturo, te time during which the Indicaled temperature was below that temperalure shal not be Considered part of the soaking dme of ary paris In the furnace. ‘TABLE 4 - MINIMUM BAKE SOAK TIME (HOURS) AT 375 °F (191 °C} Seated Tiiags® hence! Treatments stetpart isan cecerston™ | Stange — | SF I ye ] ol een ota [a tml cr | an | on | ag | As | so | za] Crem?) een sini, [oa | " TO Hal (24 Pap ‘Ato 1685 wsceel alate {ales {efels[ > | « | HP onricoase, a ajwlsftalel|s s|sialos | « ‘arte : - ‘iter Ho ‘trongh Cordon, | 22041 (1517 MP3} ‘ mere eaasr ere! aa | zo | | a |e | a | s |e] a] s “eat Sil * - ear eae) j Catte,tow | c0Dbsi (124 Ps) oe sorscoatyer) ofa {a |)alefs|s|ale]a | a “ool See tian Steen tatenstic [tamactctz ua) os | 2s | 8 | a | a | a | a | 6 | a] 6 NA 2400 - } tows Stora Tao cioat Pa) waters oxscatyral! sf ys | 3 | as} a | s | a | a |e | a | Ns sre serene fenton, wean, 826) 4 | rae 14980, aHS0| ee SY a a | Be) |) $ESPHO Si ” - cusTow as50 wees asso | wosatio | 2s ]as] sj] s|s|s |e fal} sa | mm Starla | NOTES: NB Not appcais ({) Ocoqutvacnt fo) teludoselozrctaes nist unlacsagahartored within cur hours af plating {@) Choral Processing: Etching Spina Picking, Chericel ing {8}, Exp inepacton we dotect asive gradrmchning or he oresonoe of carburang- Baking is reqied afr ech Inspection whan hysrochors of ober agus acd fused (0, AMSDSID, Type 2 myroeniore ace dos), (9) Ornigher. 2 Peng ransmure less then Z20 Ss (1617 MPa) 048 HRC. {8} Ortignerspaciid winknum herds {©}. Taresdos stance minimum 160 ws (1030 GPa) and Higher or 34 HRC oc eeuvaint but lemurs har 100k (1261 WH) or IO HRC or oqunclon- trea Rowe ral procossos. (@)_ For slings nol etd, use baling tro shown fer eadium. (©) © Gustan4ss anc Custom 4€¢ se rgisbred ads names of Carpenter Technoioy Cow. T7oTBH, 15.604, 167PH,PHISE Mo, ae 17-42} are rocsiced ademarts of AK Seal (Am). SAE AMS2759/9D Page 4 of 5 ‘TABLE 2 - MINIMUM BAKE SOAK TIMES (HOURS) ON HIGH ALLOY, ULTRAHIGH STRENGTH STEELS, ‘AND FOR GASE HARDENED SURFACES a hen Preis ol susiron, | specnet | ate f= 4 - essiaon | sinimum,. | Tepgestre |S | on! 6, | 70) oy [cv | ag cele wen oo” |e, [icire AL [eesrrnea"o)} a fee |e feel alelels|s|=l|~ |» a9 emo? [zea] |x| a lelslalmtsts|sl» |« 00 Tiare [sercero] [a |alelmlalets}sfe| «| 4 06 9 weno? |sco-rtseo)| m0 | ae | a [ole] a|e|s|alz] 6 [an Cortauriced = iF (198°C Car nipaw zre-r cero] || oialmlale|s|sial » | & Nees | Mrox loercorofe | e|elalelsl*[e[sle| s [« NOTES: ~ ~ ~ =o ateabie fh) Oraqaeannt 12) Inctaes sectolees nike unloss agp hardoned wihin our nour (8). Chemica Prosaaing: Ekdang, Supp, Posing, Croat Ning {@)_ Eta irspecton i detoct abusive grealginechring re presence of carburizing - Beng is requred afer eth inspection lnhen hyerctior or nr reauang ane Is used (ag, AMS2640, Type 2 pyseennic ao Masts) (6). Orhighor spose mlimum harcae (6). For oats nals, uss baths five shown forcecnia, 0). Triveansacheerum pltng fe. ANS2438). (6). Fortsaucten nardones or crouse pare, en cena bare te in oxcass of 29 hours sph, (8) Other alors er ober atoystrapered 2 200 "F (149 "C} cr nr, «bohing sched of 275 °F (135°) for 8 nour shat [Se wed. Porelrealoysfrmpared # <00°F (208°C) as hota baka schedule of 375 'F (16% °C) for 29 hous shal be eee. Fortier aloys tompetea satween 400" (148°C) and 400 °F 4G), contac he eoerlzanerghwatng ganar {o ory fe preps: bong echt, 3.3.36 Multistep Processes ‘An additional Intermediate baking treatment Is required if there Is an interruption between steps excaeding 2 hours or If the elapsed time between the start ofthe fist step and start of nal baking exceeds 2¢ hours. When the strength is 240 Kal (1656 IMpa) or lower (49 HRC or less), tho Intermediate bake soak time shall be ‘S hours minimum, unloes parte aro nickel plated. See When the strength is over 240 ks! (1685 Mpa) (over 49 HRC), the intermediate bake the soak time shall be 6 hours minimum, urlass parts are nickel plaled. See3.3.3.63. 3.3363 When parts are nickel plated and heat treated to 200 ksi (1979 Mpa) or higher (43 HRC or harder, the intermediate bake soak time shail be the full amount of time shown in Table 7 or 2, a8 applicable. 3.3364 After completion of the final step of chemical treatment or plating, full baking In accordance with applicable ‘Teblo 1 oF 2 is required. 34 Records Records shall be maintained that show the Identification and the folowing for each it: 344 Date end time of completion ofthe plating ar other chemical process. 9.42 Date end time of start of baking. 84:3 Dato.and timo of start of soak, SAE AMS2759/90 Page § of § 2.44 Dato and timo of completion of baking, 3.45 Furnace control istumert sol femperate 3.4.6 Furnace identification, 4. QUALITY ASSURANGE PROVISIONS 44 Reports Processors reports shall include the baking me and temperature and shall stato that baking was performed in ‘accordance with AMS2759/9D. 4.2 Records shall be velained for at least 5 years, incluxing all information required in 3.6, end shal! be available for revieur by authorized representatives of purchaser. 5, PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY In accordance with AMS2769. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENT In accordance with AMS276a, 7. REJECTIONS In accordance with AMS2759. 8. NOTES 8.1 A change bar (1) located In the left margin Is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the decurnent te indicales a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars anct {R) are not used In original publications, nor in documents thet contain editoriat changes only. 82 Ordering Data In order to ensure that the appropriate baking treatment is applise to each lot of pars, it Is essential hal the processor be furnishod wrth information identifying the matoria) and its minimum strength or herdness or, in the case of precipitation hardening stainless steel, its temper. Addilanally, the tempering temporatures should be fuinished to the processor for carburized or carbonitided parts and parts fabricated from music wire, 52100, 440C, or any other alloy tempered below 375° (181 °C), 83° Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917. 844° Dimansions and properties in ineh/pound units and tho Farrenhelt temperatures aro primary: dimensions and properties in SI units and the Celsius temparatures ara shown as the approximate equivatents of the primary units and are presented only for information. PREPARED BY “AME” AND AMS COMMITTEE

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