Plenum Called Being. Change Is Merely An Illusion

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Introduction to the philosophy of the human person:

The first pillars of philosophy:

- It all started in Ancient Greece
- A well-developed society (in all aspects cultural,
religous, social) 2. HERACLITUS - was known for his idea about
Miletus: birthplace of Western Philosophy (ca. 630
B.C.) - He believes that the only thing that is permanent
in this world is change (flux or becoming).
The Miletians: Pre-Socratic Philosophers – they started
- Heraclitus viewed the world as always changing
which he likened to an ever-living fire.

CHANGE: Just like the flames that constantly flicker, the

The Miletian philosophers: world is always changing and you cannot hold on to it at
- They were the first to give humanity a unifying any given point.
and coherent explanation of the nature of reality,
a non-mythological account of reality.
- Formulated the doctrine that all matter has life 3. Parmenides of Elea – There is no such as change
because they believed that the universe is alive
or motion because there is something
or animate and material. – they can sense,
seen or touched. indestructible, immovable, complete and without
beginning and end, which he called being. 
1. Thales - The Father of Western Philosophy - was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from
- He taught that the fundamental substance or Elea in Magna Graecia
primary constituent of reality is water. Is
Concrete tangible.objective BEING - the only thing that is permanent in this world,
- Earth is flat. that is, reality is made up of one continuous object or
plenum called being. Change is merely an illusion.
2. Anaximander - Anaximander claimed that the
infinite or the apeiron is the infinite substance of
4. Empedocles - Reality is made up of four
Apeiron is ageless and eternal, and encompasses all substances: fire, earth, air, water
worlds. Such is an abstract and speculative idea of
reality rather than based on observation.
5. Anaxagoras - There is not just one element that
Apeiron – abstract reality & steculative.
reality is made of because there are as many seeds
- Earth is Cylindrical
or elements as there are kinds of things.
3. because air hold our souls together, it encompasses - The nous or the mind, it is external but is infinite
the whole world. and is self-ruled and “has the greatest strength
and power over all things.”
- The earth and other heavenly bodies, according
to Anaximenes, are like saucers floating on 6. Leucippus & Democritus - Atoms
air. Thus, the earth is flat and - The ultimate substance that reality is made of.
round. Atomos, “indivisible,” “uncuttable”

Other Pre-Socratic Philosophers:

1.PYTHAGORAS - is the first pre-Socratic philosopher

to use the term logos by trying to explain the nature of
the universe through rational thought

“Philosophy is a way of life.”

- Philosophy and religion are connected and

merged into one

φιλοσοφία, philosophia from where the word philosophy

is derived.

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