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President Bush’s management skills:

a Harvard case study
resident George W Bush is the very first President to hold a The comparatively small amount of attention paid by the politi-

P Masters Degree in Business Administration. Even better (or

worse, depending on your perspective), his MBA is from
Harvard Business School, where postgraduate management train-
cal press to the President’s Harvard MBA partially reflects a general-
ized ignorance of, and hostility toward, the degree itself. More impor-
tantly, acknowledging that he learned any valuable intellectual per-
ing was invented in the early part of the last century, and which to spectives would contradict the storyline that young W was a party
many stands as a symbol of the good, the bad, and the ugly faces of animal, who coasted through his elite education, scarcely cracking a
modern management. Harvard MBAs indisputably lead more book. In other words, he is too ‘stupid’ to have picked up any tricks
major corporations, receive higher starting salaries fresh out of across the Charles River from Harvard Square.
school, and carry with them more élan and glamour than the grad- This is patently incorrect. Having attended Harvard Business
uates of any rival business schools – facts which do not necessarily School at the same time as the President, graduating from the two-
lead to admiration and love. year program a year after he did, and then serving on its faculty after

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a year’s interval spent writing a PhD thesis, I am intimately familiar THREE STRATEGIC GOALS
with the rigors of the program at the time, and the miniscule degree A second broad and important lesson the President learned at
of slack cut for even the most well-connected students, when their Harvard Business School is to embrace a finite number of strategic
performance did not make the grade. goals, and to make each one of those goals serve as many desirable
There is simply no way on earth that the son of the then- ends as possible. The truism of this lesson is that if everything is a pri-
Ambassador to China (technically, head of the Beijing Liaison ority, then nothing is a priority. If you can’t focus on everything, then
Office), or anyone else, could have coasted through Harvard Business you need to be able to focus on those few goals that will have the
School with a ‘gentleman’s C’. I never, ever heard of a case of an broadest impact, leading to a future capacity to attain other desirable
incompetent student being allowed to graduate, simply because a cer- ends. No exact number of goals is the limit, but three is an awfully
tain family was prominent. On the contrary, I did hear stories of well- good number to aim at. Those goals should be mutually consistent, so
born students having to leave prior to graduation. The academic stan- that the step-by-step accomplishment of each one aids in the achieve-
dards were a point of considerable pride. ment of the others.
An inability to learn and apply the lessons of the classroom and There is both evidence and logic to suggest that George W Bush
the voluminous nightly study materials, from regression analysis to has chosen just a small handful of major goals. His current number
strategy-formulation to marketing to human behavior in organiza- one priority was thrust upon him: winning a complete victory in the
tions, was simply not tolerated. Grading took place on a strict curve, War on Terror. There is no evidence that this was on his initial short
and those who found themselves on the lower range of the curve in list of priorities. But after 9/11, he made himself very clear, very
too many subjects hit the dreaded ‘screen’ and had to supply convinc- quickly, that his priorities had drastically changed. He also set out a
ing rationales to the Academic Performance Committee as to why realistic time frame – decades – for this number one goal. From this
they should be allowed to attend the second year of the program, broad goal cascade a series of subordinate tasks, from persuading dic-
much less graduate. The screen was a vital component of the HBS tators that it is in their interests to eschew support for terror groups,
quality assurance program, itself an essential method of protecting the to strengthening American military, intelligence and domestic law
value of the school’s MBA ‘brand’. Harvard Business School would no enforcement capabilities, for example.
sooner voluntarily graduate an incompetent MBA holder than Coca I think his second broad goal is to build a long-lasting pattern
Cola would ship-out bottles containing dead mice. of Republican political dominance of government, by forging a
Accepting the premise that George W Bush actually learned the new grand coalition of voting blocs, adding to the existing GOP
lessons taught him at Harvard Business School, there are a number of stalwart groups (conservatives, low tax lovers, the traditionally reli-
characteristics of his administration which become far more under- gious and small business owners) a substantial number of lower
standable. Here are a few of the more important ways in which his income, but upward-mobility-aspiring members of every group,
Harvard MBA explains the way he governs. including ethnic minorities.
The very first lesson drummed-into new students, as they file into The goal is not simply to attract people by serving their interests,
the classrooms of Aldrich Hall, is that management consists of deci- but to convince them to identify themselves with the Republicans, as
sion-making under conditions of uncertainty. There is never perfect the political instrument of their dreams.
information, and decisions often have to be made even when you’d President Bush addressed his base directly during the election
really prefer to know a lot more. Given this reality, students are taught campaign, but also made it a priority to reach out to expand his vot-
many techniques for analyzing the data which is available, extracting ing support (for example, by his appeals to what he called ‘discerning
the non-obvious facets, learning how to read into it the reasonable Democrats’) as he did on catering to his base.
inferences which can be made, while quantifying the risks of doing so, A third major goal, closely related, is to get and keep the econo-
and learning the costs and value of obtaining additional data. my growing at a healthy pace. A healthy economy that creates oppor-
The job of the executive is to weigh probabilities in evaluating tunities for work and self-advancement generates new members for
imperfect information; to assess the costs and benefits of acting or not President Bush’s Republican coalition. A robust and successful con-
acting; and to construct scenarios around the various possible time duct of the War on Terror secures domestic safety, encouraging invest-
frames for taking action, taking into account the probable reactions of ment and growth, and brings pride as an American to all groups in
the other vital actors. Sometimes the costs of not acting are simply too society. All of these factors encourage more people to identify as
great, and the downside potential of erroneous information are too Republicans, securing the political goal of the President. The three
low to prefer inaction. goals mutually reinforce one another.

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resolving the problems described in the B-

school’s famous cases. A well-structured spirited
discussion has the virtue of systematically reveal-
ing the implications of different courses of action,
allowing deeper analysis, and ultimately leading
to better decisions. President Bush’s preference in
his first term for keeping senior advisors of dif-
ferent persuasions, such as Colin Powell and Paul
Wolfowitz, reflects the value he places on hearing
the best case made for alternative courses of
action. Critics who speak of a power struggle
which needs to be resolved in favor of one side or
the other, completely miss the point.

One final note on George W Bush’s man-
agement style and his Harvard Business
School background does not derive from the
classroom, per se. One feature of life there is
that a subculture of poker players exists.
Poker is a natural fit with the inclinations,
talents, and skills of many future entrepre-
neurs. A close reading of the odds, combined
with the ability to out-psych the opposition,
leads to capital accumulation in many fields,
aside from the poker table.
By reputation, the President was a very avid
and skillful poker player when he was an MBA
student. One of the secrets of a successful poker
player is to encourage your opponent to bet a
lot of chips on a losing hand. This is a pattern
MANAGEMENT STYLES of behavior one sees repeatedly in George W Bush’s political career.
Another basic lesson young George W Bush learned in the class- He is not one to loudly proclaim his strengths at the beginning of a
rooms of Harvard Business School is that different managers have campaign. Instead, he bides his time, does not respond forcefully, at
legitimately different styles of operating as executives. There is no one least at first, to critiques from his enemies. If anything, this apparent
right way to manage. Successful executives develop a style which is passivity only goads them into making their case more emphatically –
true to their own nature, and which builds on their strengths. George or, to continue the poker analogy, into betting a lot of their chips on
W Bush is a natural delegator, an executive who seeks the best possi- one side of these questions. ■
ble people to work for him, instills loyalty (by practicing it himself ),
and then gives them plenty of room to operate. His ‘sins’ as an exec-
utive have been, and are likely to remain those of a loose leash, allow- Thomas Lifson is the editor and publisher of The American Thinker, a website featuring daily analysis and commentary on issues of
ing ineffective subordinates too much time and too much room. This public importance. A former professor at Harvard Business School and Columbia University’s
Graduate School of International Affairs, Dr Lifson is also a consultant to Western and
is why it has taken him so long to remove certain cabinet officials. Japanese businesses on organizational and strategic issues. He may be contacted at
The case study method as practiced at Harvard Business School
features intense discussions of alternative plans for defining and then

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