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Australian culture

Australia is one of the countries where you will find extraordinary things, highlighting its inhabitants for their education,
safety, fun, landscapes, beaches, among others, demonstrating the beauty that is maintained in such a solid way.
First talk about the Aussies that they are shown as kind and simple people, Australians are shown with a high rate of
happiness in terms of everyone, this is due to the culture they present with a simplicity that shows the difference between
other countries.
Australia is a country that is presented in a way where you can find different people from other countries, this is due to
immigrants, this will be normal since it is a very warm country between cultures.
Another thing that the culture of Australians presents is that they are lovers of sports and adventure, this is something very
cool since they see the secret of happiness saying that it is the love of physical activity. Activities such as surfing,
swimming, cycling, tennis, soccer, athletics, soccer, among others.
Something that stands out a lot Australia is the great care and protection of nature the great culture has an impressive
respect for nature, knowing that in other places killing a spider or small insects is seen in other parts of the world, in
Australia it looks very bad This behavior, another thing is the flora and fauna is unique and unmatched, strongly showing
this respect so that even the food is organic and you will see it in all the supermarkets or farmers and farmers that meet to
offer products.

Geography of Australia
Australia is a country in the Oceania geographic part, located between the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean.
Being the sixth largest country in the world with a total of seven million six hundred eighty-six thousand eight hundred
fifty square kilometers of surface, including Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island.

Australian Currency
The currency of Australia is the Australian Dollar which has a fraction of one hundred cents in banknotes divided by five,
ten, twenty, fifty and one hundred dollars. In coins it is divided into five, ten, twenty and fifty shillings and pence. Two
dollars per pound, that is, ten shillings per dollar, these banknotes are made of a polymer to increase durability and
complicate their counterfeiting by presenting the watermark in a transparent way that has an embossed image on it.

Australian customs
One of the customs of Australia and the one that in almost all the countries of the world can’t miss is a great barbecue, for
Australians barbecues are synonymous with a perfect plan to spend with friends and a great meal, doing it at festivities,
typical celebrations or simply because they want to enjoy a fun afternoon with friends.

The typical food that is presented in Australia, if something attracts the attention of Australia it may be the food, although
it cannot be said that they have the best gastronomy in the world, but what you see the most is the Vegemite, which is a
yeast concentrate with a somewhat balanced flavor that is accompanied by toast, people who have been in the first stay
will not like it, but as time passes you will get a taste of it.

The Australian celebrations include Christmas, New Year and Halloween, which in a certain part in any part of the world
this is celebrated, in itself it is very similar since Christmas is identified as the beginning of the summer holidays, another
of the dates important is January 26, Australia Day, a day that is celebrated with picnics, parades and live music, this is a
feeling of positive energy as you gather with family and friends around a barbecue. On the other hand, celebrated on April
25 is to commemorate the tribute of the Australian soldiers who fell in the First World War at the Battle of Gallipoli.
A very interesting thing about Australia in terms of customs is the shouts for example Aussie, aussie, aussie that this
group uses to support their athletes in sporting events in that case one must respond with a Hey, hey, hey! Each country
itself shows support for athletes in a sporting event, but this is seen to be quite fun and striking to do.
in Australia they are presented in a history of the Constitution of Australia beginning with the moves towards federation
in the 19th century. This leads to the Australian colonies coming together to form the Commonwealth of Australia in
1901, Australia does not lead to seeing that the laws are quite fixed and logical. As for example alcoholic beverages are
prohibited in public places, in this you will realize when you buy a bottle or beers that they will also give you a cardboard
bag or box to cover them and not have problems. On the other hand, it is only allowed to sell and buy alcohol in specific
establishments where you will see different places where you have to pay for your drinks. Smoking is also prohibited in
government offices and public buildings, workplaces, restaurants or bars, schools, shopping centers, etc.
There are laws in Australia that prohibit the movement of food, roots and soil between states. In Australia abortion is also
legal show that in other countries like Queensland it is a serious crime.
Part of the traffic You cannot stay up late in a car or van with a bed in any parking lot near the beach, but the good thing is
that there are mobile applications that tell you areas where you can sleep for free, this way you save the fine.

The history
from Australia it is believed that the Australian aborigines arrived by boat from Southeast Asia about fifty thousand years
ago when the Europeans arrived in Australia and colonization, about a million aborigines lived in the territory and were
engaged in hunting and agriculture, During the 17th century several explorers reached the coast of Australia and in 1770
Captain James Cook landed and claimed the territory for the British crown.

The language of Australia

It can be said that it does not have something official since in itself the language of English is presented as the national
language of this country. Australian English is one of the great varieties of the language with a distinctive accent and
lexicon and slightly shows a variety of English in grammar and spelling, although according to studies, 70 percent of the
population speak Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese at home. and Italian, then you can be surprised with
everything in Australia of things as minimal as the language, it is also said that there are more than two hundred and fifty
aboriginal languages of Australia at the time of the first European contact, but what is most impressive is that they present
a sign language known as Auslan which is the primary language of some five thousand five hundred deaf people.

In Australia the weather

It is temperate most of the year, but it will vary according to the size of the continent, the northern states generally have a
much warmer climate all the time, while the southern states have colder winters, the best option to travel to Australia is
travel in June to August if you want to visit the entire coast of Queensland which is the center and north of the country
and from September to May if you want to better focus on other places in Australia such as Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia is the main country with the most landmass

from the platform called Saul, as well as some islands in the Pacific, Indian and Antarctic oceans. Australia has become
the sixth largest country in the world with an area of seven million seven hundred and forty-one thousand two hundred
and twenty kilometers squared, it is estimated that in this year 2020 there are more than twenty-five million inhabitants
concentrated mainly in the large coastal cities, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and the capital Canberra.

Written production presentation to Professor Paola

Good morning Professor Paola, in this case I will present you in a clear way why you should go on vacation to Australia,
first of all, it is a country where the climate is something that brightens the days, months of good weather, sun, heat,
beaches, among other things. To say that the weather in ourselves has a great impact on our mood, on sunny days it will
be more than happy to share with the people with whom it accompanies it, another of the things for which it should go and
enjoy the lands African women is for the simple fact that they are quite friendly and will receive you with such a happy
energy that you will want to stay there forever, I can also say that you will appreciate the most beautiful animals,
kangaroos since it is said that in Australia there are more Kangaroos that people so the chances of seeing them are quite
high, you can enjoy the beautiful beaches these are presented with beautiful turquoise waters and white sand and
something very important about Australia is that in this country the fauna of the coral barrier is presented more largest in
the world this opens the doors to underwater excursions, I hope you have opened your imagination and can realize the
great adventures you could have in Australia. Thank you very much.


In this essay I will present in your minds and your imagination the adventures that you could have in the most beautiful
country. Australia, a country where it has great attractions where with your loved ones or friends you can spend the best
days, from going underwater expeditions to see the great coral barriers, feeling that friendly energy that Australians
present to the inhabitants of other countries, yes You are lucky enough to show up before January 26, you will be able to
enjoy one of the celebrations in Australia where, they have picnics with friends gathering together as companions, you
will have the opportunity to see kangaroos in such an open way that it will seem strange to you, other things that can be
appreciated in Australia are beautiful sunsets during the sunset at Ayers Rock, know the great aboriginal culture that is so
interesting and unique, in Australia many things can be presented wherever you are, the Gold attraction parks Coast are
some of the best places in the world to have those adrenaline charges that you want so much, the most exotic species of
animal It is found in Australia, you can meet the great Tasmanian devil in its natural habitat, in short, Australia is one of
the perfect countries to enjoy an experience that will turn the world upside down.

Brief historical review.

Beginning with this essay, it is believed that the first Australians showed up around sixty thousand years ago when small
groups crossed the straits of Papua New Guinea, this strongly marked the beginning of all that Australia is known for,
lands with a great culture. And unique in the whole world, the aborigines exchanged goods, such as objects of importance
with which they performed great spiritual spells, the great dances and songs, for sacred places, with these dances they
would form the world that crystallized the beliefs that are defined as spirituality indigenous. The great Australians did not
usually go hungry since they had knowledge of plants and other foods to survive, something too interesting is that to
attract food they burned plants so that they would come to the fire and thus hunt them, when the Europeans arrived the
aboriginal population was divided into 300 groups where they presented different languages, the diversity that was
presented in these groups was full of diversity where everyone had things in common and shared everything they could
have to stay alive, but something that marks Australians is great skill. that they could have and the knowledge linked to
their own territory since instead it was something outside the forest that formed their lives.

Customs and traditions

Australia is one of the countries where you will find extraordinary things, highlighting its inhabitants for their education,
safety, fun, landscapes, beaches, among others, demonstrating the beauty that is maintained in such a solid way. First talk
about the Ahuséis that they are shown as kind and simple people, Australians are shown with a high rate of happiness in
terms of everyone, this is due to the culture they present with a simplicity that shows the difference between other
countries. Australia is a country that presents itself in a way where you can find different people from other countries.
This is due to immigration; this will be normal since it is a very warm country between cultures. Another thing that the
culture of Australians presents is that they are lovers of sports and adventure, this is something very cool since they see
the secret of happiness saying that it is the love of physical activity. Activities such as surfing, swimming, cycling, tennis,
soccer, athletics, soccer, among others.
Something that stands out a lot Australia is the great care and protection of nature the great culture has an impressive
respect for nature, knowing that in other places killing a spider or small insects is seen in other parts of the world, in
Australia it looks very bad This behavior, another thing is the flora and fauna is unique and unmatched, strongly showing
this respect so that even the food is organic and you will see it in all the supermarkets or farmers and farmers that meet to
offer products.
One of the customs of Australia and the one that in almost all the countries of the world cannot be absent is a great
barbecue, for Australians barbecues are synonymous with a perfect plan to spend with friends and a great meal, doing it at
festivities, typical celebrations or simply because they want to enjoy a fun afternoon with friends.
The typical food that is presented in Australia, if something attracts the attention of Australia it may be the food, although
it cannot be said that they have the best gastronomy in the world, but what you see the most is the Vegemite, which is a
yeast concentrate with a somewhat balanced flavor that is accompanied by toast, people who have been in the first stay
will not like it, but as time passes you will get a taste of it.
The Australian celebrations include Christmas, New Year and Halloween, which in a certain part in any part of the world
this is celebrated, in itself it is very similar since Christmas is identified as the beginning of the summer holidays, another
of the dates important is January 26, Australia Day, a day that is celebrated with picnics, parades and live music, this is a
feeling of positive energy as you gather with family and friends around a barbecue. On the other hand, celebrated on April
25 is to commemorate the tribute of the Australian soldiers who fell in the First World War at the Battle of Gallipoli.
A very interesting thing about Australia in terms of customs is the shouts for example Aussie, aussie, aussie that this
group uses to support their athletes in sporting events in that case one must respond with a Hey, hey, hey! Each country
itself shows support for athletes in a sporting event, but this is seen to be quite fun and striking to do.

Geographic situation
Australia is one of the countries that is in the geographic unit of Oceania, being the sixth largest country in the world with
a total of 7,686,850 square kilometers of surface, in my opinion it is a country in a situation whose form of government is
the monarchy constitutional federal parliamentary. This country uses most of the continental mass, Australia itself is
already quite large, it has an extension located between the southern hemisphere between the Indian and Pacific oceans,
being surrounded by seas that extend through great straits to the northeast of the coral sea.

Talking about weather in Australia

it stands out quite a lot for the time that passes with a sunny climate this, in Australia it presents in some places a
temperate climate most of the year, this is apparently varying by the size of the continent, for example in some northern
states there is generally a Very warm weather to go with friends to the beaches and have a fun afternoon, while other
states have colder winters, the good thing would be to see the latitude that can be presented in each place we have to take
into account that Australia is in the hemisphere South, then the seasons happen in the opposite way to those of other
countries, when in other places it is winter, in Australia it is summer, summer occurs from December to March, with
average temperatures of 29 ° C and winter goes from June to August with temperatures around 13 degrees, thus being a

place with very varied climates but still you can enjoy the best views in terms of the trip you are taking .

Language Australia
In Australia the language can be said that it is not something that is presented in a fixed way since they themselves can
present more than one language and that is why it is interesting to know more than one Australian to know much more
about the languages than they do. possess and you can acquire more knowledge about extraordinary languages, if it can be
said that 70% of the population speaks in English, but the remaining 30% has that part of knowing much more about other
languages, the official language can be said which is English, although more than 200 languages are spoken in terms of
their native language, the population maintains their own languages until they have a sign language for deaf people that
only they know.

Australian Currency
The currency of Australia is the Australian dollar, these were discovered in 1851 carrying their respective gold coins from
the country and stimulating the development of banking, the currencies themselves were witnessed when the metal was
present in the territory, banks when They realized this they began to produce banknotes, although even so in 1910 the
Australian pound was established as something that would become more normal in forms of payment, today in this
country full of culture you can find the metallic coins that are the pennies and dollars, they themselves appear the most
characteristic animal that is presented in Australia, the kangaroo, the bills were also made of plastic, a material that could
resist water and thus making its watermark to make counterfeits difficult, it is Interestingly, Australia each year presents a
new silver coin with different designs with an animal called kookaburra, which is an Australian bird.

As a conclusion to this essay I can say that Australia is one of the most emblematic countries to visit and have fun days
and a good afternoon of dancing and joy with great people, knowing both the customs and the food and not forgetting the
great sunsets and the beautiful animals that are in such an area, a trip that you will never forget and that you will want to
return again for the great experience.

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