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ইহা দু ইটি টির াধমূ লক িারকে মাঝখারে িসরি।

যেমেঃ---He was intelligent but he was not selected.
He has much money but leads a simple life.

🎯-And(এিং):-ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস এিং দু ই িাকে দ্বা া সমাে টকছু িুঝায়।
যেমেঃ- He can read and write well.
Rahim took the pen and wrote a letter.

🎯- As well as : দু টি সমজাতীয় Structure যক েু ক্ত ক রত as well as িেিহৃত। as

will as এ পূ রিে যে parts of speech িেিহৃত হরি As will as এ পর ও যসই parts
of speech িেিহৃত হরি।
যেমেঃ Mr. Rashed is a noted chemist as well as an effective teacher .

🎯-Or/Otherwise (অেেথায়/োইরত) :-ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস এিং Or/Otherwise

এ Subject িসরি এিং তা প Verb িসরি।
যেমেঃ- Do the work at once or you will be punished.
Read attentively or you will find.

🎯-Yet (তা সরেও /তথাটপও):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস তরি যসটি সরেও টেরদেশ
কর ।
যেমেঃ He is poor. Yet he is happy.

🎯-While (অথচ /অেেটদরক) :- ইহা দু ইটি টিপট তধমেী িারকে মধেখারে িরস ।
যেমেঃ- He passed the examination while his sister could not.
I like it while he does not like.

🎯-Whereas (অথচ /অেেটদরক) :- ইহা দু ইটি টিপট তধমেী িারকে মধেখারে িরস বিপট ে
টকছু টেরদেশ কর ।
যেমেঃ-He is rich whereas his brother is poor.
He plays cricket whereas I play football.

🎯-Therefore : েু টক্ত টের্ে ফলাফল ির্েো ক রত therefore িেিহৃত হয়।

যেমেঃ- 2a is equal to 10 and therefore a is equal to 5

🎯-That (যে িা োহা):- এটি অথে যে িা োহা এটি দু টি িারকে মধেখারে িসরি এিং যে িা
োহা অথে প্রদাে ক রি।

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He says that he is honest.
Father told me that he won’t come.
I know that the earth is round.

🎯-For (কা রে িা কা র্):- For এ িাংলা অথে কা রে িা কা র্ েখে এটি দু ইটি িারকে
মধেখারে িসরি তখে এ অথে হরি কা ে আ েখে এটি যকাে Phrase এ আরে িসরি তখে
এটি অথে হরি কা রে তরি দু টি িারকে মরধে যে িাকেটি দ্বা া কা ে িুঝারে যসটি আরে
He could not come for he was ill.
He does not know it for he is not present.

🎯-Because (কা র্):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে শুরুরত িসরত পার আিা দু ইটি িারকে
মাঝখারেও িসরত পার । তরি সিেদাই স্ম র্ াখরি দু ই িারকে মরধে যে িাক্ে দ্বা া কা র্
িুঝারি তা আরে িসরি।
যেমেঃ- He was absent because his father was ill.
Because it is raining, I won’t go.

🎯-Since/As / (যেরহতু...........যসরহতু িা কা র্):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে শুরুরত িসরত পার

আিা দু ইটি িারকে মাঝখারেও িসরত পার । তরি সিেদাই স্ম র্ াখরি দু ই িারকে মরধে যে
িাকে দ্বা া কা র্ িুঝারি তা আরে িসরি।
যেমেঃ- Since he was tired, he won’t go.
I came to see him as he has nobody to see.

🎯-Though/ Although (েটদও........তিুও):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে শুরুরত িসরত পার আিা
দু ইটি িারকে মাঝখারেও িসরত পার । তরি দু ই িারকে মরধে যে িাকে দ্বা া সরেও িুঝারি তা
আরে িসরি । িারকে যে যকােটি আরে িা পর যলখা োয়।
যেমেঃ- Though he had a lot, he wanted more.
He was punished though he was innocent.

🎯-Before (আরে):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মাঝখারে িসরি। তরি Before এ আরে িাকেিা
Past Perfect Tense (Subject+had+Past participle of Verb+ Object/Extension) হরল
পর িাকেিা
Past Indefinite Tense (Subject+Past form of the verb+Object/Extension) হরি আ
Before এ আরে িাকেটি Future Perfect Tense হরল এিং Before এ পর িাকেটি
Future Indefinite Tense িা Present Indefinite Tense হরি
যেমেঃ- He had lost the pen before he came here.
I will have done it before you came.

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🎯-After (পর ):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মাঝখারে িসরি। তরি After এ আরে িাকেিা
Indefinite Tense (Subject+Past form of the verb+Object/Extension) হরল পর
Past Perfect Tense (Subject+had+Past participle of Verb+ Object/Extension) হরি
আ After এ আরে িাকেটি Future Indefinite Tense ev Present Indefinite Tense
হরল After এ পর িাকেটি Future Perfect Tense হরি।
যেমেঃ-He came after I had come.
Father meets him after I will have reached.

🎯-Lest (োরত...........ো) :-ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস এিং Lest এ Subject িসরি
এিং তা প should িসরি।
যেমেঃ-He punished me lest I should tell a lie.
Walk fast lest you should miss the class.

🎯-If (েটদ) :- যকাে এক টিরশষ অিস্থায় িা শতে প্রকাশ কর । ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে
আিা শুরুরতও িসরত পার ।
যেমেঃ- Water boils if you heat it to 100 Centigrade.

🎯-Unless(েটদ...........ো) :-ইহা If এ Negative রূপ। ইহা If এ মত দু ইটি িারকে

মধেখারে িসরত পার আিা শুরুরতও িসরত পার তরি েখে এগুটল িারকে িসরি তখে If এ
মত কাঠারমােত টেয়ম টঠক থাকরি।
Unless you work hard, you will fail.
He will shine in life unless he works hard.

🎯-Till (পেেন্ত) :- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস এিং পেেন্ত অথে প্রদাে কর ।
যেমেঃ- He will wait for me till you come.
We shall nurse him till you come round.

🎯-Until (পেেন্ত ...........ো) :--ইহা Till এ Negative রূপ। ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস
এিং পেেন্ত ......ো অথে প্রদাে কর ।
যেমেঃ-He will wait for me until you come.
We shall nurse him until you come round.

🎯-Since (হল):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস এিং একটি কারজ প আর কটি কাজ
অরেক টদে হল এমে টকছু টেরদেশ কর ।
যেমেঃ- It is two years since he died.
Two months have passed since he left school.

🎯-As if/ as though(যেে) :- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস একটি তুলোমূ লক কারজ
ির্ের্া যদয়া িূ ঝায় ।
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যেমেঃHe talks as if he were a mad.
He requested me as if he had done it.

🎯-So.........that (এতই...........যে) :--ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস তরি এ প িরস

এিং তা প িরস এিং এ প টদ্বতীয় িাকেটি িসরি।
যেমেঃ- Many farmers of our country are so poor that they can not keep body
and soul together.
He was so honest that he didn’t take bribe.

🎯-So that/that/ in order that (োরত/ োহারত) :--ইহা দু ইটি িারকে মধেখারে িরস
এখারে প্রথম িাকে দ্বা া কা র্ এিং টদ্বতীয় িাকে ফল িুঝায়।
We eat so that we may live well.
He reads attentively so that he can make a good result.

🎯-Whether ----or (টক...........ো) :- ইহা দু ইটি টিকল্প টচন্তা িা কারজ যেরে িরস।
যেমেঃ- I don’t know you whether he will come or not.
I asked him whether he knows it or not.

🎯-No sooner had..................than/ Hardly had...........when / Scarcely

had.......when/before (ো.....যতই........) :- একটি কাজ যশষ হরত ো হরতই আর কটি কাজ
আ ম্ভ হরয় যেল এ কম অথে প্রদাে ক রত িারকে শুরুরত No sooner had িরস এিং েটদ
শুরুরত No sooner had িরস তাহরল িারকে মধেখারে than িরস এিং তা প টদ্বতীয়
িাকেটি িসরি টঠক একইর্ারি েটদ িারকে শুরুরত Scarcely had আরস তাহরল িারকে
মধেখারে when িরস এিং তা প টদ্বতীয় িাকেটি িসরি টঠক একইর্ারি েটদ িারকে শুরুরত
Hardly had আরস তাহরল িারকে মধেখারে before িরস এিং তা প টদ্বতীয় িাকেটি িসরি
No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
Scarcely had we reached the station when the train left.
Hardly had he started reading before the electricity was off.

🎯-Not only.......but also (শুধু ...েয়..ি ং..িরি):- ইহা দু ইটি িারকে শুরুরত িা যশরষ িা
মধেখারে িসরত পার ।
Not only he but also his brother saw it.
He not only ate rice but also took rest.
I have taken not only a pen but also a book.

🎯-Both........... and (উর্রয়ই):- ইহা Not only.......but also এ মত দু ইটি িারকে শুরুরত
িা যশরষ িা মধেখারে িসরত পার ।
Both Rana and Raju came here.
I know both you and your brother.

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🎯-Either...or (হয়....এিা ো...হয়...ওিা):- ইহা িারকে অিস্থােু োয়ী িসরি।
Either you or he came.
He will either do it or go there.

🎯-Neither.....nor (এিাও...ো...ওিাও..ো):- ইহা িারকে অিস্থােু োয়ী িসরি।

Neither the boy nor his brother came.
He knows neither him nor his father.

আ ও টকছু উদাহ ে
Too …
He is too old to work
The problem was too difficult to me to solve
So …..that
He is so old that he can not work
The problem was so difficult that I could not solve.
So that (যাতে)
He reads more so that he can make a good result.
I went there so that I could meet him.
In order that (so that এর মে অর্থ ব্যব্হার)
He reads more in order that he can make a good result.
I went there in order that I could meet him.
If (যদি)
If you come, he will go.
If you came, he would go.
If you had come, he would have gone.
Unless (যদি না)
He won’t go unless you come.
Unless you read attentively, you will fail.
Lest (পাতে ভয় হয় যয)
Run fast lest you should miss the train.
I behave with him well lest he should leave me.

Till (পযথন্ত)
Wait till the rain stops.
I will till he comes.

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Until (পযথন্ত)
Wait until the rain stops.
I will until he comes.
As long as (যেক্ষন না পযথন্ত)
Wait here as long as it rains.
I will wait here as long as he comes.
Though (যদিও)
Though he is poor, he is honest.
Although (যদিও)
Although he is poor, he is honest.
Since (তযতহেু)
He did not come to AEC since, he was ill.
Because (কারন)
He did not come to AEC because, he was ill.
As (তযতহেু)
He did not come to AEC as, he was ill.
In spite of (সতেও)
In spite of his poverty, he is honest.
He is honest in spite of his poverty.
Despite (সতেও)
Despite his poverty, he is honest.
He is honest despite his poverty.
In stead of (পদরব্তেথ)
In stead of zoology she took English.
Because of (কারতন)
He loves you because of your honesty.
On account of (কারতন)
On account of his weakness, he did not come here.
Due to (কারতন)
I did not go out at night due to darkness.
Would rather …….than (ব্রং)
I would rather die than beg.
Would sooner …….than (ব্রং)
I would rather die than beg.
Had better (ব্রং)
You had better go now.
No sooner…..than (করতে না করতে)
No sooner had he come than I went away.
No sooner does he come than I will go.
Scarcely.…. When (করতে না করতে)
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No sooner had he come than I went away.
No sooner does he come than I will go.
Hardly ….. when(পযথন্ত)
No sooner had he come than I went away.
No sooner does he come than I will go.
It is time (এখনই সময়)
It is time to do the work.
It is time we learnt English.
As if (তযন)
You speak as if you were expert in English.
As though (তযন)
You speak as though you were expert in English.
Let alone (দিন্তা করা যায়না)
He can not speak even Bangla, let alone English.
Relative pronoun (Who, Which, What)
I know the man who came yesterday.
The place …..where (পযথন্ত)
Uttara is the place AEC is.
The time …. When (পযথন্ত)
8.30 is the time when I go to AEC
So much / So many (অতনক)
He has so much money that he can buy a car.
There are so many stars in the sky.
In case (যদি)
I want to in case he comes.
I’ll carry an umbrella in case it rains.
I wish (যদি)
I wish I were expert in English.
Would you mind
Would you mind telling me your name?
Would you please
Would you please tell me your address?

Linking words and phrases

Although some of these words have already been mentioned as sentence

connectors, they can also be used to develop coherence within a paragraph, that is
linking one idea / argument to another. Print off this page to keep as a reference of
useful linking words and phrases.

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Sequence Result Emphasis
First / firstly, second / So Undoubtedly
secondly, third / thirdly etc As a result Indeed
Next, last, finally As a consequence Obviously
In addition, moreover (of) Generally
Further / furthermore Therefore Admittedly
Another Thus In fact
Also Consequently Particularly / in
In conclusion Hence particular
To summarise Due to Especially
Addition Reason Example
And For For example
In addition / additionally / an Because For instance
additional Since That is (ie)
Furthermore As Such as
Also Because of Including
Too Namely
As well as
Contrast Comparison
However Similarly
Nevertheless Likewise
Nonetheless Also
Still Like
Although / even though Just as
Though Just like
But Similar to
Yet Same as
Despite / in spite of Compare
In contrast (to) / in compare(d) to /
comparison with
While Not only...but
Whereas also
On the other hand
On the contrary

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টেরচ টলংরক 👆 টিক করুে

📥 ডাউেরলাড টলংকঃ

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