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Lesson Plan

School: ........................
Date: the 11th of April, 2017
Grade: 1st (2nd year of study)
No. of pupils: 12
Time: 50 minutes

Textbook: Fairyland 1B
Title of the lesson: Vocabulary revision (body parts, food, animals)

Type of lesson: Consolidation

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able:
- to reproduce short and simple sentences using specific vocabulary (This is my ………I’ve
got ……., It’s a …..)
- to understand and follow simple instructions.
- to use vocabulary related to animals, body parts and food in language games and different
Skills: speaking and listening
Techniques: explanation, matching, dialogue, conversation.
Interaction: individual work, pair work, group work
Aids: whiteboard, markers, flashcards, a dice, a coloured board, worksheets of an incomplete
monster face, coloured pencils.

Anticipated problems:

a) Pupils might have problems understanding everything the teacher says.

Possible solutions – Teacher uses Romanian when necessary.

Stages of the lesson

Activity 1 – Warm-up
Aim: to revise vocabulary related to actions

T invites Ss to jump one by one on the five flashcars (......................) she has put on the
floor and name what is on each flashcard. The same flashcards have been previously displayed on board and
under each flashcard one pupil/some pupils is/are invited to stick the right word-category (animals, numbers,
food, weather, season)

Procedure Interaction Timing

Routine greetings and questions, taking the register, checking homework T-PP
assignment (My farm), and announcement of the lesson’s title by displaying
three pictures of the vocabulary to be reviewed. Whole 10 min
T invites PP to form a circle because they are going to play ‚ Simon says’
T starts the game by giving orders which are followed only if the teacher
says Simon says (stand up, jump, hands up, wave your hands, brush your P-PP
teeth, wash your face, nod your head, touch your nose etc). PP are involved
in giving orders.
PP are used with this sort of activity so no previous explanations are needed.

Aids: whiteboard, markers

Activity 2 – Speaking practice

Aim: to practise vocabulary related to food and numbers

Procedure Interaction Timing

T announces that PP that they are going to play a game named ‚I’ve got...’
PP remain in a circle and the T gives each child a card. T-PP
The T starts the game by saying ‚I’ve got a pizza’, the next child continuous
by saying ‚I’ve got a pizza and two bananas.’ Each child has to repeat what Whole 10 min
was previously said by the others: ‚I’ve got a pizza, two bananas, and three class
eggs. I’ve got ...’.
The game goes on until the chain of words is interrupted or when the PP
reach number ten. P-PP

Aids: flashcards

Activity 3 – Listen and match

Aim: to put the flashcards in the correct square according to teacher’s instructions
Procedure Interaction Timing

PP are divided in three groups and are given an envelope with flashcards
along with a coloured board (Appendix I). PP have to glue each flashcard in T-PP
the correct position on the board according to the colour they hear in the 7 min
instructions (for example: ‚Put the eggs on the red square’) P-P
Their works are displayed in front of the classroom and examened by
everybody. P-PP

Aids: envelopes with flashcards, glue, coloured boards

Activity 4 – Speaking practice

Aim: to revise animal vocabulary and to produce simple descriptions

Procedure Interaction Timing

T puts the pictures of the animals on the board and gives each animal a
number from 1-6.
The T asks for a volunteer to throw the dice. When the dice lands on a T-PP
number, the P must say which animal corresponds to the number. The T (or
the P) writes the name on the board under the picture. 10 min
Another volunteer throws the dice. If the number lands on the same number,
the volunteer must say something about the animal (for example, ‚it’s big’,
,it’s green’). If the number is different, the volunteer names a different
animal. P-P
The game ends when all the animals are named and have been described in
one or two sentences.

Aids: whiteboard, markers, pictures of animals

Activity 5 – Picture dictation

Aim: to practice listening and following a series of instructions to draw a monster

Procedure Interaction Timing

T gives PP (PP work in pairs) a worksheet with an incomplete face drawn

on it and intitled My Monster (Appendix II) T-PP
T asks PP to draw and colour as following: The monster has four big eyes.
The eyes are red. The monster has a big mouth and four ears. His nose is
blue and small. The monster has orange hair. PW 10 min

Each pair presents their monster in front of the classroom: This is my

monster. It has got four eyes. I like it. Thank you! T makes the same monster PP-PP
and presents it first.

The worksheets are displayed in front of the classroom.

Aids: worksheet of the monster’s face, coloured pencils

Activity 6 –Evaluation and Assignment

Procedure Interaction Timing

T will evaluate their activity based on the participation in the classroom.

T-PP 3 min
T tells PP that they have as homework exercise no1 page 46 and exercise
no1 page 50.

Aids: textbooks
Appendix I
Appendix II


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