Impact - Hope. Opportunity

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February 3, 2011
Steinbrenner Metro Service Center
1307 North MacDill Avenue


1. Welcome Members & Guests.…………...……………….……..………………….…Lynn Dumais

2. Consent Items (No discussion is planned unless requested)

a. December 9, 2010 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)
b. December 31, 2010 Financial Report (Attachment 2)

3. Strengthening the Board………………………………………… ………………….Scott Jacobsen

a. Vote on Chris Roederer with Tampa General Hospital for Corporate Board

4. New Business

5. Reports
a. Community Relations................…….……………………………….……...Ricky Gallon
b. Development…….………………….……….……………….……Lisa-Perry Richardson
c. Pasco County/Grants/Quality Assurance..………………………………..….Chris Letsos
d. Foundation Board & Heritage Club………………………………….…….Glenn Permuy

6. President’s Report……………………………….…..…….….………………Brad Baumgardner

a. Strategic Initiatives
b. Ybor Lease & Grant
c. Riverview

7. Executive Session

8. Adjorn




Impact . Hope. Opportunity.

December 9, 2010

Members Present:
Joe Garcia, Luis Garcia, Eddie Gomez, Greg Hearing, Vic Holcomb, Scott Jacobsen, Don Smith, Jerome

Others Present:
Brad Baumgardner, Brenda Browning, Ricky Gallon, Chris Harrell, Chris Letsos, Lisa Richardson,
Chris Roederer, Bill Ross.

Previous Board Chair Vic Holcomb called the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m. and welcomed guest,
Chris Roederer with Tampa General Hospital.

Consent Items:
Minutes of the October 14, 2010 and the November 2010 Financial Report were provided to the
members for their review prior to the meeting. Motion to approve by Eddie Gomez, second by Scott
Jacobsen. Motion carried.

2011 Budget:
Bill Ross reported that we are doing well, with a forecast of $200K surplus at the end of the year due to
large donations and grants. Budget is ongoing with operations, we are pushing for contributions and
have lost some funding for next year ($700K from County). There are no increases in payroll.

Eddie asked about the Llaneza Trust. Brad reported that Karen Lewis is asking for a letter of
engagement. As of November 1, 2010 she had provided $5K of pro-bono work. Greg Hearing and
firm have also worked pro-bono. Motion to hire Karen Lewis for the case going forward was made by
Scott Jacobsen, second by Greg Hearing, Motion passed.

Strengthening the Board:

Scott Jacobsen report that his committee held a meeting this past Tuesday and recommended 2 new
board members. Jerome Ryans made the motion to approve David Garbarino with BB&&, second by
Don Smith, Motion carried. Don Smith made a motion to approve Jim Dean with Busch Gardens,
second by Eddie Gomez, motion passed. Scott reported that the 3rd quarter board statements went out a
couple of weeks ago. We are recruiting new board members for next year. Letters will be going out to
6 to 7 members regarding paying their board dues by the end of the year. Letters have gone out to 2
members, thanking them for their service. Luis Garcia thought we should have a new board mentoring

Ricky Gallon reported on various events being held at clubs for our kids over the Christmas holiday.
We have had over 2,500 toys passed out to our members so far. He invited members to attend any of
the events if their schedule permitted.
Executive Committee Meeting
December 9, 2010
Page Two

Jerome stated he goes to the Wilbert Davis Club and the director there is doing a great job, they have a
good group and are well organized.

Lisa Richardson gave the Benchmark Report. We are currently over 24% of budget gifts. She thanked
Anne Carney and Marc Spencer for their hard work on the Steak Dinner that raised $185K net and we
have 58 new donors. Winters & Yonker also gave an additional $7,500 at the dinner.

We should receive $10K from the New Auto Dealers by the end of the year thanks to Eddie Gomez.
The One Club Reception hosted by Keith and Stanley raised over $3K and 6 new donors. Hal
Steinbrenner is giving a year end gift and will be sending letters to the Foundation members asking
them to do the same. We will have 3 year end appeals going out, two of them are customized for Plant
City and Brandon. The Conn Match for $30K end in May.

Chris Harrell reported on the Yankees Luncheon. We have 2 lead sponsors, Smithers Foundation and a
new sponsor, PWC that has committed for 3 years with a first right of refusal on the 4th year. The goal
for 2011 is $350K in revenue, we currently have $235K in presale and tickets go on sale this Monday
to the general public.

Chris Letsos reported that Bud Stalnaker is the new chair in East Pasco for the next year. West Pasco
had their first Advisory Committee Meeting with 5 to 7 people that will be very active. We received
$50K from the Office of Justice Programs, via BGCA for Jackson Springs & Dover. Dover needs 35
Hispanic male mentors. BGCA will be adding $125K for other clubs. Chris asked the board to
approve an agreement with BGCA, to be able to receive pass-through federal dollars. Motion to accept
by Eddie, second by Luis, motion passed.

President’s Report:
Brad Baumgardner reported that the Foundation Boarded approved Glenn Permuy to oversee our
planned giving and help grow our Foundation Board. Brad thanked the board members that are
leading a strategy group. There will be break out groups at our January board meeting. Brad thanked
Scott for his leadership in strengthening the board. The Chair for our Partnership Strategy Committee
is David Lewis. Brad stated we need to reach out to USF, HCC and get funding partners. Impact,
Hope, Opportunity is our driving force.

Vic adjourned the meeting at 12.50 pm and an Executive Session was held.

Brenda Browning, Recorder

_____________________________ ____________
Shelley Kolseth, Secretary Date
1/28/2011 09:36:25 AM Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc. Page 1

Condensed Balance Sheet

Operating Land & Bldg Restricted Endowment Totals Totals

12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2010 12/31/2009


Current Assets

Cash & Cash Equivalents $1,397,585.82 $12,103.84 $335,420.02 $14,422.08 $1,759,531.76 $1,371,919.58

Grants Receivable $310,679.35 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $310,679.35 $150,175.38

Current Pledges Receivable $0.00 $0.00 $147,495.64 $0.00 $147,495.64 $158,414.01

Investments - Short Term $0.00 $561,524.43 $1,260,000.00 $0.00 $1,821,524.43 $1,762,450.80

Prepaid Expenses $252,067.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $252,067.36 $261,740.39

Total Current Assets $1,960,332.53 $573,628.27 $1,742,915.66 $14,422.08 $4,291,298.54 $3,704,700.16

Non Current Assets

Investments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $649,962.95 $649,962.95 $571,229.16

Land, Property and Equipment $0.00 $7,053,680.03 $0.00 $0.00 $7,053,680.03 $7,228,763.77

Long Term Pledges Receivable $0.00 $0.00 $56,252.69 $0.00 $56,252.69 $116,169.32

Other Assets $0.00 $0.00 $71,675.22 $0.00 $71,675.22 $64,855.90

Total Non Current Assets $0.00 $7,053,680.03 $127,927.91 $649,962.95 $7,831,570.89 $7,981,018.15

Total Assets $1,960,332.53 $7,627,308.30 $1,870,843.57 $664,385.03 $12,122,869.43 $11,685,718.31

Liabilities and Net Assets


Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable $41,831.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,831.80 $48,065.91

Payroll Benefits Payable $757.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $757.76 $1,161.84

Accrued Salaries Expense $90,855.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90,855.90 $90,855.90

Accrued Pension Exp $107,587.14 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $107,587.14 $108,000.00

Accrued expenses $5,640.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,640.20 $1,500.00

Deferred Revenue $257,631.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $257,631.00 $207,229.00

Total Current Liabilities $504,303.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $504,303.80 $456,812.65

Due To Other Funds

Due To BGC Foundation, Inc $11,756.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,756.00 $0.00

Total Due To Other Funds $11,756.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,756.00 $0.00

Total Liabilities $516,059.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $516,059.80 $456,812.65

Net Assets

Net Assets - UR - Operations $1,414,164.91 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,414,164.91 $1,087,744.64

Net Assets - UR - Fixed Assets $0.00 $7,592,926.20 $0.00 $0.00 $7,592,926.20 $7,834,157.13

Net Assets - TR - Other $0.00 $0.00 $1,922,644.55 $0.00 $1,922,644.55 $1,697,359.06

Net Assets - PR - Endowment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $677,073.97 $677,073.97 $609,644.83

Net Asset Transfers

Transfers (To)/From UR - Operations $30,407.37 $34,382.10 ($51,800.98) ($12,688.94) $299.55 $0.00

Transfers (To)/From UR - Fixed Assets ($299.55) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($299.55) $0.00

Total Net Asset Transfers $30,107.82 $34,382.10 ($51,800.98) ($12,688.94) $0.00 $0.00

Total Net Assets $1,444,272.73 $7,627,308.30 $1,870,843.57 $664,385.03 $11,606,809.63 $11,228,905.66

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $1,960,332.53 $7,627,308.30 $1,870,843.57 $664,385.03 $12,122,869.43 $11,685,718.31
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.
Preliminary Statement of Revenues & Expenses
With Comparison to Budget & Last Year

Year To Date Last Year

Actual Budget
1/1/2010 1/1/2010 Total 2010 1/1/2009
To To Variance Var Annual To Variance Var
12/31/2010 12/31/2010 Fav/(Unfav) % Budget 12/31/2009 Fav/(Unfav) %


Public Support

Contributions $2,616,963 $2,800,000 ($183,037) (7)% $2,800,000 $2,789,955 ($172,993) (6)%

Fees & Grants $2,332,395 $2,332,333 $62 0% $2,332,333 $1,560,065 $772,330 50%

Total Public Support $4,949,358 $5,132,333 ($182,975) (4)% $5,132,333 $4,350,020 $599,337 14%


Program Service Revenues $461,637 $538,700 ($77,063) (14)% $538,700 $507,002 ($45,365) (9)%

Investment Revenues $15,079 $27,900 ($12,821) (46)% $27,900 $23,493 ($8,415) (36)%

Other Revenues $25,656 $19,960 $5,696 29% $19,960 $22,313 $3,343 15%

Total Revenues $502,372 $586,560 ($84,188) (14)% $586,560 $552,807 ($50,436) (9)%

Special Events

Special Event Revenues $577,320 $622,000 ($44,680) (7)% $622,000 $668,042 ($90,722) (14)%

Special Event Expenses ($63,893) ($75,000) $11,107 15% ($75,000) ($91,101) $27,207 30%

Net Special Events $513,427 $547,000 ($33,573) (6)% $547,000 $576,942 ($63,515) (11)%

Net Assets Released From Restrictions $0 $0 $0 0% $0 $174,020 ($174,020) (100)%

Total Public Support and Revenue $5,965,156 $6,265,893 ($300,737) (5)% $6,265,893 $5,653,790 $311,366 6%


Personnel Costs

Professional Staff Salaries $2,469,165 $2,561,485 $92,320 4% $2,561,485 $2,510,707 $41,542 2%

Benefits $283,476 $290,698 $7,222 2% $290,698 $299,383 $15,907 5%

Payroll Taxes & Expense $221,712 $274,222 $52,510 19% $274,222 $291,453 $69,741 24%

Total Personnel Costs $2,974,354 $3,126,405 $152,051 5% $3,126,405 $3,101,543 $127,190 4%

Operating Costs

Professional Fees $78,468 $24,250 ($54,218) (224)% $24,250 $18,500 ($59,968) (324)%

Non-Professional Contract Services $398,376 $440,904 $42,528 10% $440,904 $123,328 ($275,048) (223)%

Supplies $276,459 $321,148 $44,689 14% $321,148 $281,933 $5,474 2%

Information Technolgy $104,747 $83,195 ($21,552) (26)% $83,195 $85,398 ($19,348) (23)%

Occupancy Expense $1,329,440 $1,350,228 $20,788 2% $1,350,228 $1,363,287 $33,847 2%

Equipment Expense $21,844 $27,640 $5,796 21% $27,640 $17,576 ($4,268) (24)%

Postage, Printing & Publications $30,285 $32,713 $2,428 7% $32,713 $36,886 $6,601 18%

Transportation Expense $192,877 $192,072 ($805) 0% $192,072 $185,647 ($7,230) (4)%

Program Services $221,887 $363,600 $141,713 39% $363,600 $261,215 $39,328 15%

Total Operating Costs $2,654,382 $2,835,750 $181,368 6% $2,835,750 $2,373,770 ($280,612) (12)%

Total Expenses $5,628,736 $5,962,155 $333,419 6% $5,962,155 $5,475,313 ($153,423) (3)%

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) $336,420 $303,738 $32,682 11% $303,738 $178,476 $157,944 88%

1/28/2011 09:41:27 AM Page 1

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