General Resources For Mac:: Learning To

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Are you taking advantage of all the cool stuff?

Learn the ins and outs, secrets, the amazing apps that came
FREE on your Mac, how to keep it running smoothly and
many more tips and tricks.

Are you Mac
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Want a Mac?
Sept 8: 7–8 p.m. BH 021
Sept 9: Noon–1 p.m. BH 16E
(Feel Free to Bring your lunch)
Presenter: Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Earn professional development points
and gain a little expertise in using a Mac whether you own one or not!
Disk Utility iCal Address Book Mail iLife PhotoBooth FrontRow Dashboard
Syncing System Preferences Spotlight Time Machine Key Commands/Shortcuts

General resources for Mac:

✓My First Mac; Help Buying and Getting Started with your first Mac (Great Site) http://
✓Knowledge Base:

✓Small Dog Barkings:

✓Mac for Beginners:

✓Mac Beginners Guides:

✓195 Free Mac Video Tutorials – The Master List for New Mac Users: http://

✓MacInstruct: The Place to learn about your Mac:

✓iLIfe Tutorials ( iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand, iWeb, iDVD, these are EXCELLENT http://

✓iChat AV:

Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
✓iCal, Mail, Address Book:
✓Time Machine:
✓Doc & Finder:

Front Row: Full-screen display of your media. Dazzle your friends with an elegant full-
screen display of your favorite movies and photos using the Front Row interface. When you
launch Front Row, your desktop fades out and an elegant interface appears, letting you
choose from songs, slideshows, and videos on your Mac or on other computers in the
house. With access to both your iTunes and iPhoto libraries and a huge collection of movie
trailers, Front Row transforms an evening at home into a blockbuster Hollywood premiere.

✓Mac Resources:

✓Apple Learning Interchange: Educator created lessons and activities. Rich with movies,
images and podcasts. Special collections on a range of topics http://

The Find Out How...In the Classroom series explores the powerful, elegant features of
the Mac to seamlessly integrate rich content with a variety of media, and to effortlessly
share student work and manage classroom projects. So you can learn, teach, and create
like never before.
ACOT2 has identified six design principles for the 21st century high school: http://

✓iWork iWork Tutorials:

✓Just Answer Mac, Ask a Questions, get an Answer, ASAP:

Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Sign up for my Technology Bytes Weekly email Newsletter. Just go to my Home page and you will see the sign up box!!

Start up hot-keys (press key while booting)

X = Force Mac OS X startup
C = Start up from a bootable CD
N = Attempt to start up from a compatible network server ( )
T = Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode
Option-Command-Shift-Delete = Seeks a different startup volume
Shift = Start up in Safe Boot mode
Command-V = Start up in Verbose mode
Command-S = Start up in Single-User mode

Command-Option-Escape = Force Quit menu

Command-Option-D = Show/hide the dock
Control-Eject = Bring up Shutdown/Sleep/Logout Dialog
Control-Command-Eject = Restart immediately


Command-C = Copy
Command-V = Paste
Command-X = Cut
Command-A = Select All

Finder Navigation

Command d-N = New Finder window

Command-W = Close Window
Option-Command-W = Close all Windows
Command-Down = Open File/Folder
Command-Up = Navigate to parent
Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Command-Right = Expand folder (in list view)
Command-Left = Collapse Folder (in list view)
Option-Command-Right = Expand folder and its subfolders (in list view)
Option-Command-Up = Open parent folder and close current window
Command-Shift-H = Jump to your Home folder
Command-Shift-A = Jump to your Applications folder
Command-Shift U = Jump to your Utilities folder
Command-Shift K = Jump to the Network browser
Command-Shift G = Goto Folder…
Command-1 = View as Icons
Command-2 = View as List
Command-3 = View as Columns
Command-Space = Open Spotlight (OS X 10.4)
Command-Delete = Move file/folder to trash
Command-Click window title = Display the file path

Menu Commands

Shift-Command-Q = Log out

Shift-Option-Command-Q = Log out immediately
Shift-Command-Delete = Empty Trash
Option-Shift-Command-Delete = Empty Trash without dialog
Command-H = Hide window
Option-Command-H = Hide Others
Command-N = File New window
Shift-Command-N = New Folder
Command-O = Open
Command-S = Save
Shift-Command-S = Save as
Command-P = Print
Command-W = Close Window
Opt-Cmd-W = Close all Windows
Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Command-I = Get Info
Option-Command-I = Show Attributes Inspector
Command-D = Duplicate
Command-L = Make Alias
Command-R = Show original
Command-T = Add to Favorites
Cmd-Delete = Move to Trash
Command-E = Eject
Command-F = Find
Command-Z = Undo
Command-B = Hide Toolbar
Command-J = Show View Opts
Command = [ = Go Back
Command = ] = Go Forward
Shift-Command-C = Go to Computer
Shift-Command-H = Go to your Home folder
Shift-Command-I = Go to iDisk
Shift-Command-A = Go to Applications folder
Shift-Command-G = Go to Go-To Folder
Command-K = Connect to Server
Command-M = Minimize Window
Command-? = Open Mac Help
Command-Space = Open Spotlight (OS X 10.4)

Screen capture

Command-Shift 3 = Capture the screen to a file

Command Ctrl Shift 3 = Capture the screen to the clipboard
Command-Shift 4 = Select an area to be captured to a file
Command Ctrl Shift 4 = Select an area to be captured to the clipboard
Command-Shift 4, then press Space = Capture entire window

Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Universal Access

Option-Command-* (asterisk) = Turn on Zoom

Option-Command-+ (plus) = Zoom in
Option-Command– (minus) = Zoom out
Command-Option-Control-8 = Invert Screen colors

Window Management

Command-W = Close window

Command-Option-W = Close all windows
Command-M = Minimise window
Command-Option-M = Minimise all windows
Command-H = Hide Application
Command-~ = Cycle through windows for current application
Control-F4 = Cycle through every open window
Command-Tab = Bring up the Application Switcher.
Command-Tab = Cycle Forwards
Command-~ = Cycle Backwards
Command-Shift-Tab = Cycle Backwards
Command-Q = Quit application


F9 = Show all open windows on the screen at once

F10 = Show all windows for the current application.
F11 = Shows Desktop
F12 = Activates Dashboard
F12 (hold) = ejects disk


Option-Command-D = Show/Hide Dock

Control-Up = Move up one page
Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn
Control-Down = Move down one page
Option-Drag = Copy to new location
Option-Command-Drag = Make alias in new location
Command-Drag = Move to new location without copying
Option-Command-Eject = Sleep
Command-click window toolbar button (upper right corner) = Cycle through toolbar views
Control-Command-D and mouse over word in Cocoa applications = shows Dictionary
description for that word

In Mac OS X, what is Disk Utility, and how do I use it?

In Mac OS X, Disk Utility is a multipurpose program for working with hard disks, disk
images, CDs, and DVDs. Disk Utility is in the Utilities folder inside the main Applications
folder. It is also available on Mac OS X software installation CDs and DVDs. For more
information about using Disk Utility, see Mac OS X's internal help. To find it, from the Disk
Utility's Help menu, select Disk Utility Help.


Learning to Love My Mac Sept 8,9, 2009 Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

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