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The protagonist in the case study given is Pat Petersen, who has worked for the Golden State

Industries for three years and been a nature conservancy member for the past 10 years.
The primary stakeholders in this case study are:
 Kit Lewis who is the president of the company.
 Sam Fitzgibbons Vice president of Marketing.
 The company itself
 Stockholders
 Employees
 Investors
 Customers

The ethical issues which I can figure out from the article are as follows:
 If something went wrong when executing the plan, is there a chance that Pat might
lose the Nature Conservancy Membership?
 After the plan is executed, will Ms Fitzgibbons take the responsibility if they face any
 It two people (Pat and Ms Fitzgibbons) are unsure about the plan, then is it a good
idea for the company to execute the plan?
 How will the company take care of the blame of endangered species?

The protagonist here is Pat Petersen, and these are the following things he can do:
 Having a good connection Ms Fitzgibbons, Pat can convince her and discuss the
drawbacks of executing the plan.
 He can conduct the meeting between Ms Lewis and the Nature Conservancy board
member and try coming up with a solution.
 He can simply follow the instructions given by Ms Fitzgibbons and try executing it in
the best way possible.
 When Ms Fitzgibbons assigned the work to Pat, he could have directly mentioned
about the issues they might face while executing the plan instead of not speaking out.
 He can contact other environmental groups and learn more about their views and

Pat, as a Protagonist should follow The Common Good Approach, for the following reasons:
 Taking this approach, Pat would be taking care of the ethical dilemma in a broader
vision that concerns the environment, society, and the firm.
 Upon knowing the consequences of if something goes wrong, Pat should think about
the firm's image, his reputation, and the environment which might be affected if any
incidents occur.
 Being Nature Conservancy member, Pat should follow the guidelines of the
government for environmental sustainability and not be self-centred for the profit of
the company.

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