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Gerund 3

- understand (a intelege)

- waste (a risipi)

- like (a placea), detest (a detesta), enjoy (a se bucura), dislike (a displacea), hate

(a uri), love (a iubi), loathe (a dispretui), dread (a-i fi groaza): aceste verbe se
folosesc cu Gerund atunci cand vorbim in general.
e.g. I dislike her to take my clothes for this party. (referire in particular -> Imi displace ca ea
imi ia hainele pentru petrecerea asta.)
I dislike others/ people/ my sisters/ her taking my clothes. (referire in general ->
Imi displace ca altii/ oamenii/ surorile mele/ ea sa imi ia hainele.)

II. Gerundul se foloseste dupa prepozitii: after (dupa), without (fara), as (ca), since
de), upon (cand), on (pe/ cand), before (inainte), by + vb. -ing (facand o actiune), etc.

After his leaving, I called my mother. -> After he left, I called my mother. (Dupa ce a
plecat, am
sunat-o pe mama.)

On seeing that, he laughed. -> When he saw that, he laughed. (Cand a vazut asta, el a ras.)

After meeting her, I decided to tell her the truth. (Dupa ce am intalnit-o, am decis sa ii spun

By studying hard, you will pass the exam. (Studiind din greu, vei trece examenul.)

On hearing the news, she fainted. (Auzind stirile/ cand a auzit stirile, ea a lesinat)
I said that without realising he was present. (Am spus asta fara sa imi dau seama ca el era

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