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A Fill in: friendly, sandy, local, busy.

1 The locals are very __________________ and kind in this village, aren’t they?
2 The white __________________ beaches in the Caribbean are beautiful!
3 My mum hates driving through __________________ streets in the city centre!
4 You should try some of the popular __________________ restaurants which serve fresh

B. Complete with the Present Simple , Present Progressive or the Present Perfect Tense of the
verbs in brackets.

1. How often (your son / do) the washing-up?

2. A: (the children / study) at the moment?
B: No. They (sit) in their rooms.
3. My sister _____________ (not eat) anything since this morning. She’s very hungry.
4. Tony (not want) to go to Holland this year so he (visit) Egypt.

5.We (often / not watch) films on TV, but we (sometimes / go)

C Match the people (1-5) to the place they are talking about (a-e).

Tammy: “There are lots of historic things in this place, 1 a aquarium

and a king has lived here!”
Bill: “There are lots of machines that make things, so 2 b skyscraper
it’s quite noisy here.”
Jane: “My dad works in this tall building, and there is a 3 c lighthouse
great view of the city from his office!”
Samuel: “The light in this building guides ships so they 4 d palace
don’t hit anything!”
Mandy: “I love visiting this place because I like learning 5 e factory
about sea creatures. It’s great!
D Match the dialogues.

We haven’t been there for ages! 1 a How about Paris?

What are you doing on Saturday? 2 b That’s true.

Where do you want to go? 3 c Not a lot. Why?

How about visiting the high street 4 d Now that’s a brilliant idea.
Why don’t we visit New York this year? 5 e They’re always so busy and

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