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Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

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Analysis of submarine landsliding in the rupture area of the 27 February 2010 Maule
earthquake, Central Chile
David Völker ⁎, Florian Scholz, Jacob Geersen
Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 574, IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute for Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel, Wischhofstr. 1–3, 24148 Kiel, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The comparison of bathymetric datasets compiled before and after the Mw = 8.8 Maule Earthquake of the 27
Received 20 January 2011 February 2010 offshore Central Chile proves that no new submarine landslides on a size scale detectable with
Received in revised form 15 August 2011 hull-mounted bathymetric echosounders (features of a horizontal size of N 1 km) formed as a direct conse-
Accepted 16 August 2011
quence of the ground shaking. Gravity coring around a pre-existing slide feature offshore Concepción (BioBio
Available online 10 September 2011
Slide), however, documents that (1) a number of events occurred as retrogressive failures of the BioBio Slide
Communicated by D.J.W. Piper wall, the youngest of which is 700–1000 years old, and that (2) a very recent small scale slide structure
resulted from non-destructive imbricate stacking of a thin sediment layer. Pore water geochemical data
Keywords: show that this event post-dates the Maule Earthquake, suggesting that it was triggered by one of the numer-
submarine landslide ous aftershocks. The absence of larger failures and the presence of a small slide let us propose that in contrast
seismically triggered mass wasting to apparent logic, frequent violent earthquakes at convergent margins do not necessarily pose a particular
Maule Earthquake tsunami risk by landslides. The frequent shaking might even limit the slide volume and therefore their tsuna-
slope stability mi hazard, as instead of rare and large slides, frequent smaller slides are induced.
swath bathymetry
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
pore water
transport modelling

1. Introduction strength of the sediment. The stability of a sedimentary unit is therefore

determined by the strength of its weakest or least resistive layer. Weak
On 27 February 2010, the Central Chilean Maule Region between the layers can be intrinsic or created dynamically e.g. by the vertical accel-
coastal cities of Constitución and Concepción was ruptured by a mega- eration or cyclic loading of an earthquake (Sultan et al., 2004). In this
thrust earthquake of magnitude (Mw) 8.8 (U.S. Geological Survey; case, the grain framework of specific sediments (e.g. volcanic ashes, This 6th largest ever instrumentally recorded Harders et al., 2010a, 2010b) could spontaneously collapse, releasing
earthquake occurred after a phase of relative seismic quiescence since pore water. The sudden release would lead to increased pore water
1835 (Ruegg et al., 2009). The hypocenter of the main shock was located pressure which would reduce the shear strength and create dynamic
at 36.122°S, 72.899°W, ~10 km offshore at a depth of 22 km according weak layers (liquefaction, e.g. Mulder and Cochonat, 1996; Wright
to the USGS National Earthquake Center (NEIC), and aftershocks per- and Rathje, 2003; Sultan et al., 2004; Biscontin et al., 2004).
sisted for the following months, both off- and onshore (Delouis et al.;, Submarine landslides in succession of earthquakes were noted in a
2010; Lay et al., 2010; Moreno et al., 2010, Fig. 1). Close to the epicentre, number of cases, either by their effects (submarine cable breaks, atypi-
the earthquake produced horizontal ground acceleration of up to cal tsunamis, long-lasting sediment plumes in the water column), or
6 ms−2 (Madariaga et al., 2010) and maximum slip was between 10 more directly by shoreline retreat or by monitoring sediment or
and 20 m (Delouis et al., 2010; Moreno et al., 2010). Strong earthquakes rock displacement on submarine slopes in bathymetric data sets
are considered to be potential triggers for submarine landslides at con- (e.g. Hasegawa and Kanamori, 1987; Schafer and Smith, 1987;
tinental slopes from meter scale to giant slope collapses (e.g. Hampton Piper et al., 1988; Nakajima and Kanai, 2000; Tappin et al., 2001,
et al., 1996; Masson et al., 2006). 2008; Synolakis et al., 2002; Matsumoto and Tappin, 2003; Kuşçu
Laminated sediments resting on inclined surfaces are subject to et al., 2005; Tinti et al., 2006; McHugh et al., 2011). In other cases, ev-
gravitational shear forces that act parallel to the bedding planes. These idence for large-scale sliding caused by earthquake shaking is unclear
forces are resisted by frictional forces that depend upon the shear due to the lack of good pre-earthquake bathymetric data or absent
even after large (MwN 8) earthquakes (e.g. Fisher et al., 2007; Tappin
et al., 2007; Sultan et al., 2009).
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel: +49 431 6002566; fax: +49 431 6002915. With the mentioned simple physical model in mind, it seems plausi-
E-mail address: (D. Völker). ble to relate many landslides to earthquakes, as well as to relate the

0025-3227/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
80 D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

Estero Topocalma
a km

0 100

Estero Nilahue


180 5000

Rio Mataquillo




Rio MaulleConstitución
1000 800 0



GC23 0
Rio Itata 60

BioBio Slide

Rio Biobio Concepción




b BioBio Slide
km A (Fig.3)


0 2 4




5 I
11777550 16








Fig. 1. Overview of the mapped area: a) bathymetric map of rupture area of the 27. Feb Maule Earthquake, derived from a compilation of bathymetric cruises; land topography is
from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. The epicentre of the main shocks are indicated as stars, aftershocks with Mw N 5 as red dots (data from IRIS database); blue
dots indicate aftershocks that lie within a radius of ~100 km around BioBio Slide and occurred within 2 months before retrieval of gravity core GC11; the earthquake slip distribu-
tion model of Delouis et al. (2010) is given as isolines (slip in cm); b) detail map of BioBio Slide with coring locations of cruise SO210. The track of the Parasound profile 101006–
0300 shown in Fig. 3 is indicated.
D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89 81

magnitudes of earthquakes to the size of resulting landslides in a way that Naveas, 1999; Contreras-Reyes et al., 2008; Geersen et al., 2011). The
large magnitude earthquakes create large landslide events. However, flat seafloor of the sediment-filled Chile trench is found at a water
other factors such as sediment supply and tectonic oversteepening depth of around 4700 m at 37°S, increasing to the North. This general
(e.g. Tappin et al., 2007), as well as mechanical properties of the slope slope morphology is modified by a number of both active and aban-
sediment (e.g. Strozyk et al., 2010) appear to limit the impact of seismic doned submarine canyons (Fig. 1a). Among those canyons, BioBio Can-
triggers. A recent discussion about which combination of precondition- yon is the largest and apparently most active, connecting the mouth of
ing factors are necessary to make a submarine slope prone to failure if the BioBio River with the Chile Trench. The BioBio Canyon is incised up
an earthquake occurs is given by Mosher et al. (2009). to 1000 m into the shelf and continental slope, has steep walls of 30–40°
Scientists funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and inclination and has built a sedimentary fan into the trench (Thornburg
affiliated with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) at the and Kulm, 1987; Völker et al., 2006).
University of California at San Diego undertook a rapid response mis- Around 30 individual submarine mass wasting features with areal
sion cruise with RV MELVILLE (project SIOSEARCH, cruise MV1004) to extensions (total affected area) ranging between 5 and 100 km 2 were
conduct swath multibeam sonar mapping of the continental slope in mapped within the rupture area of the 2010 Maule Earthquake, based
the rupture area of the Maule Earthquake. The cruise was realized on swath bathymetric data (Völker, in press). The majority of these fea-
weeks after the earthquake and collected data can be compared to tures are related to the incision of submarine canyons and appear as
pre-earthquake bathymetric data that was obtained in the same thin, translational slides that originate at the canyon walls and retro-
area during a number of scientific cruises organized or co-hosted by grade into open slopes to the sides of canyons. Direct information on
the IFM-GEOMAR. The combination of these data sets allows the iden- the age distribution of the slides is not available, but most of the second-
tification of earthquake related mass displacements or other seafloor ary retrogressive features appear young, as their headscarps and side
deformations at the resolution and precision of modern bathymetric walls are steep and little degraded. Rotational collapse structures at
echo sounders. As a first and surprising result it was stated that no re- the steep lowermost continental slope (Völker et al., 2009) and slides
cent major submarine landslides were found (Chadwell et al., 2010; on the open slope, related to regional tectonic uplift (Anasetti et al.,
Weinrebe et al., 2010) in spite of the presence of a number of old 2010) represent other types of slides present here. The largest slide
slide structures and a very steep lowermost continental slope. that relates to the incision of a submarine canyon is a 5 km (E–W) by
RV SONNE cruise 210 (September-November 2010, Linke et al., 6 km (N–S) wide, steep-walled, bowl-shaped depression at around
2011) extended the area mapped by RV MELVILLE and concentrated 36°37'S 73°43'W (Fig. 1b). The depression extends downslope from
on possible small scale sediment transport events connected to the the above mentioned linear escarpment at 1000 m water depth and
Maule Earthquake. In particular, headscarps and side walls of previ- opens to the BioBio Canyon. We named this feature the BioBio Slide.
ously known slides and the walls of submarine canyons were scanned The shelf and slope offshore Concepción is a well known zone of
in order to check for retrogressive slides. intense coastal upwelling (e.g. Djurfeldt, 1989; Figueroa and Moffat,
It is the purpose of this study to investigate the area of the 2010 2000). These conditions lead to extremely high primary productivity
Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake in the search for associated submarine (Atkinson et al., 2002) and carbon fixation resulting in annual pro-
landslides. We present data on a small, but very recent mass wasting duction rates of N200 g C/m 2 which has a pronounced impact on the
event within the evacuation area of a larger and older retrogressive slope sedimentation (Hebbeln et al., 2000). Recent sedimentation
translational slide that borders the submarine BioBio Canyon offshore rates on the open continental slope offshore Concepción are as high
Concepción in southern central Chile. We further discuss the implica- as 0.18 cm/a, increasing to 0.25 cm/a close to the BioBio Canyon due
tions of the absence of mass wasting related to the Mw 8.8 Maule to sediment input by river discharge in addition to primary produc-
Earthquake on a scale that is detectable in swath bathymetry data tion (Muñoz et al., 2004).
(km scale) for the concept of preconditioning and triggering of sub-
marine slides at convergent continental margins. 3. Materials and methods

2. Regional setting 3.1. Swath bathymetry

The South Chilean margin is formed by the subduction of the oceanic The bathymetric datasets that form the basis of the digital eleva-
Nazca Plate below the South American Plate at a present rate of 6.6 cm/yr tion models (DEM) discussed here were acquired during cruises of
and a convergence azimuth of about 80° (Angermann et al., 1999). Con- RV SONNE (expedition SO181, Flueh and Grevemeyer, 2005), RV ME-
tinuous plate convergence results in repeated great subduction earth- TEOR (expedition M67, Weinrebe and Schenk, 2006) and RRS JAMES
quakes (MwN 8.5) which have defined distinct seismotectonic segments COOK (cruise JC23b, Flueh and Bialas, 2008) prior to the Maule Earth-
(Lomnitz, 1970, 2004). The recurrence time of megathrust earthquakes quake and RV SONNE cruise SO210 seven months after the earth-
for the individual seismotectonic segments typically lies between 150 quake (Linke et al., 2011). Hull-mounted deep water echo sounders
and 200 yr (e.g. Cisternas et al., 2005; Ruegg et al., 2009). with a nominal frequency of 12 kHz (SIMRAD EM-120 and EM-122)
The continental slope in the study area is characterized by a broad were used on the cruises. We calculated, a number of DEMs of the ba-
and flat continental shelf of 30–40 km width with a defined shelf thymetry and derived seafloor attributes such as slope gradient, as-
break at around 170 m water depth (Fig. 1a). The continental slope pect and curvature after post-processing with the MB-System
shows a relatively smooth morphology and is inclined at low angles software (Caress and Chayes, 1996), in order to compare the seafloor
(2–4°) to a water depth of 2000 m. The only prominent exception is morphology before and after the earthquake. The calculation of differ-
a linear, seaward dipping slope-parallel escarpment (Figs. 1a,b, 2a) ential gradient maps has proven the most promising visual way of
at around 800–1000 m water depth that produces a steep (20–30°) monitoring seafloor deformation, as the displacement of masses re-
and high (200 m) step in the slope morphology. This feature is observ- sults in associated gradient changes at both the evacuation area and
able over a latitudinal distance of ~60 km and represents the surface ex- the deposition area. We calculated differential gradient maps for the
pression of a deeply rooted fault (Geersen et al., 2011). The slope overlapping areas mapped on cruises SO210 (September–November,
morphology below 2000 m water depth is less regular with steep 2010, post-Maule Earthquake) and JC23b (2008). Some of the pre-
slope segments (up to 30°) alternating with roughly trench-parallel earthquake bathymetric data had to be reprocessed in order to re-
belts of less steep and even landward verging seafloor. This irregular move obviously erroneous pings. The resolution at which gradient
morphology is caused by the continuous deformation of the 4 Ma changes can be resolved by this method is limited by a number of fac-
young accretionary prism present here (Bangs and Cande, 1997; Diaz- tors. Absolute differences in the water depth at a given position
82 D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

−73˚48' −73˚46' −73˚44' −73˚42' −73˚40'

km A

0 2 4

−900 −900
−36˚36' −36˚36' −1000 −1000
−1100 −1100
E −1200 −1200
−1300 −1300
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400
−900 D −900

H J −1000 −1000
−1100 −1100
−36˚38' GC14 II −36˚38'
−1200 −1200
II −1300 C −1300
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
−1500 −1500
−1600 −1600

−1700 −1700

−1800 −1800
−36˚40' −36˚40' G
−73˚48' −73˚46' −73˚44' −73˚42' −73˚40' −1900 −1900
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000
−73˚48' −73˚46' −73˚44' −73˚42' −73˚40' −1500

11 0





− 12 08
−1600 −1600

−1 126040 0

− 92

−1480 0

D −1700 −170
−94 60

km A

−9 98 1042000



00 −1800 −180
0 2 4
20 −13



− 06


0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400




−36˚36' 00 −1480
−1 −36˚36'

−15 1 − −
−120060 −11112100
F −1

220 140



−1−12 80 60


−130 0


GC11 20








−1500 E −1


−1480 −14
−1520 15
−154 −1500


15 60 −1700
−1720 68 −166
−1580− 0 0 −1
0 −16 −15
2 40 −16
16 −1 620 80
− −1 −
− 16664 16 5


0 −11768 00 20 −1580


−13 0

−36˚38' −36˚38'

−1 00




−1 20

−1840 −1 0
−1 0











−1 1460


−1 0









−1880 G 0
0 80
82 −1
00 −1840 −1
0I −1



86 −1780



− 0

40 172 18700

−16 −16 0−6


20 −1



−10 −10

−172− 680







−36˚40' −36˚40'
−73˚48' −73˚46' −73˚44' −73˚42' −73˚40' −20

Fig. 2. a) Gradient map of BioBio Slide and adjacent BioBio Canyon, b) differential gradient map, where colors indicate gradient changes between DEMs derived from data of RRS
JAMES COOK cruise 23 (2008) and from data of RV SONNE cruise SO210 (2010); red colours indicate increase, blue colours decrease in slope gradient from 2008 to 2010 (in de-
grees); c) comparative bathymetric profiles of JC23b (blue) and SO210 (red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

measured by different expeditions are mostly due to the use of differ- 1998; Mosher, 2010 for a thorough discussion). In our case, the com-
ent sound velocity profiles for the water column. These absolute dif- bination of water depth and ship speed of JC23b imposes a grid size
ferences are constant for a given water depth and have little effect between 30 × 30m and 50 × 50m, which means that changes in the
on the gradient difference maps. Much more critical are offsets in seafloor morphology with a minimum size of around 100 m by 50 m
the navigation records, as the apparent shift of seafloor features can be reliably monitored in those areas where an overlap between
shows up as pattern of gradient changes that follows the contours data of consecutive cruises exists.
of the feature and obliterates any real changes. For this reason we
had to exclude data pre-dating 2005. The horizontal resolution is re- 3.2. Sediment echo sounding
lated to the size of the acoustic footprint of the sound beams (and
so to the water depth) and the acoustic sampling density (and there- We recorded a dense net of PARASOUND subbottom echosounder
fore to ship speed and density of the survey grid, see Clarke et al., profiles across the BioBio Slide with maximum penetration of about
D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89 83

100 m. In this manuscript we show profile 101006–0300 that crosses months). The concentration-depth evolution of dissolved species in
two of the sediment coring stations in order to highlight internal pore water is therefore given by the following equation (e.g. Berner,
deformation of the slide. Peak frequencies of the Parasound system 1980):
range around 2500 Hz thus allowing for a vertical resolution of about
0.3 m. ∂½C 
∂½C  ∂ φ:DS : ∂x
φ: ¼ ð1Þ
∂t ∂x
3.3. Sediment sampling and core description
where [C] is the concentration of the dissolved species, x is depth, t is
We sampled sediment on cruise SO210 using a gravity corer (GC) time, φ is porosity and DS is the molecular diffusion coefficient of the
with a head weight of 2 t and a steel pipe fitted to contain PVC-liners species. A uniform average porosity of 0.75 was applied in the model-
of 120 mm diameter. Core segments were cut into halves, one being ling. The results do not change to a significant extent if the porosity is
the work half to be sampled and one the archive half to be kept for varied over the range measured. The molecular diffusion coefficients of
non-destructive analysis and description. The archive halves were sulphate and alkalinity (DM) were calculated after Boudreau (1997).
photographed digitally and joined into photo mosaics. The visual The diffusion coefficient for sediments (DS) was derived by correcting
core description (vcd) of the archive halves was produced according DM for tortuosity using the following relationship (Boudreau, 1996):
to ODP standards and classifications, taking into account the grain size
composition, colour (according to MUNSELL soil colour charts), sedi- DM
mentary structures and major as well as minor components (Table 1). DS ðxÞ ¼ ð2Þ
1− logðφðxÞÞ2
We took sub-samples of about 3 cm3 from the work halves and stored
them in air-tight plastic cups for the determination of water content
and porosity. We calculated sediment porosity from the water content The initial conditions were chosen by fitting two linear equations
(weighing fresh and freeze-dried samples) assuming a dry solid density through the measured data. Upper and lower boundary conditions
of 2.5 g cm−3. were selected as constant concentrations. All properties used in the
modelling are summarized in Table 2.

3.4. Geochemical analyses

4. Results

The work halves of the sediment cores were transferred into a

4.1. Bathymetric mapping
cooled laboratory in order to subsample at in-situ (i.e. seafloor) tem-
perature. Sediment sample intervals for pore water recovery are 5 to
BioBio Slide is a 5 by 6 km wide depression of 29 km2 extent that is
20 cm. The pore water was extracted using a sediment squeezer oper-
55–75 m deep in relation to the surrounding sea floor west of the slide
ated with argon gas at pressures of 2–5 bar. Following extraction,
and 90–160 m in relation to the seafloor to the east (Fig. 1b). The mean
pore waters were filtered through 0.2 μm cellulose acetate membrane
height of the side- and headwall is 65 m and its gradient ranges be-
tween 20 and 26°. The depression lies north of and opens to the deeply
All pore water chemical analysis reported here were performed
incised BioBio Canyon. Within the canyon, no prominent depositional
on board the ship shortly after recovery of the sediment cores. The
feature is found that relates to the evacuated material but there is a
total alkalinity of the pore water was determined following the
flat-topped terrace that is elevated ~30 m with respect to the canyon
method by Ivanenkov and Lyakhin (1978). Pore water concentrations
thalweg and has an areal extent of 3.75 km2 (Figs. 1b and 2a). The
of sulphate were determined by ion-chromatography (Metrohm 761
steep head- and sidewalls of the slide are indented by a number of smal-
Compact). The IAPSO seawater standard was used to check the reproduc-
ler and less deep, flat-floored depressions with arcuate walls that are
ibility and accuracy of the chemical analyses. More detailed information
partly overlapping. At the eastern side of the slide, the seafloor steps
about the pore water chemical techniques applied during IFM-GEOMAR
into the depression in two distinct levels. The floor of the depression
research cruises may be obtained from [
is inclined to the south towards the canyon and shows a subdued hum-
mocky morphology with alternating slope parallel bands of low gradi-
ent (b1°) and higher gradient (2–5°, Fig. 2a). The canyon wall is
3.5. Pore water modelling incised by coalescing gullies where the slide opens to the canyon.
The differential gradient maps between cruises SO210 and JC23b
We applied a one-dimensional, numerical model to simulate diffu- show the largest differences at the canyon wall where a number of
sive transport of sulphate and alkalinity along the concentration- gullies enter from the BioBio Slide area (Fig. 2b). The maximum differ-
depth gradients in GC11. Both advection related to compaction and ence value was a decrease in the slope angle of the canyon wall of 20°
chemical reactions occurring within the sediment column can be close to the canyon bottom. It must be noted however, that the very
neglected since the time span modelled is short (order of weeks to steep slopes detected here during JC23 were recorded in the outermost
and least reliable beams of the acoustic swath. No distinct newly formed
indentations (retrogressions) were detected at the head and side walls

Table 1
List of gravity cores of RV SONNE cruise 210 that are discussed in this study.
Table 2
Station # Core # Area Latitude Longitude Water Revovery Properties and boundary conditions applied in the numerical model.
depth [m]
[m] Parameter Value

39-1 GC11 BioBio Slide 36°36.390S 73°43.039 W 1450 1,37 Column length 150 cm
depression Sediment temperature 5 °C
96 GC23 Reference 36°21.952S 73°52.144 W 2199 5.76 Porosity, ϕ 0.75
Core Sulphate, sediment surface 28.1 mM
43 GC14 Bank within 36°38.001S 73°45.750 W 1822 5,77 Sulphate, lower boundary 12.2 mM
BioBio Alkalinity, sediment surface 3.70 meq l−1
Canyon Alkalinity, lower boundary 23.5 meq l−2
84 D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

of the slide. The floor of the slide shows some gradient changes in the the clasts show different colours, thus producing a patchy appearance
range of a few degrees but without a clear directional pattern. with a dominance of dark grey and light grey patches. The lowermost
chaotic layers show clay clasts that are less angular and show evidence
4.2. Internal structure of the BioBio Slide of some shear deformation.

Parasound profile 101006–0300 (Fig. 3) gives a comprehensive in- 4.4. Pore water data
sight into the deformation associated with the BioBio Slide. At the
upper/northern end of the line, parallel reflections are interpreted as GC11 shows two almost identical pore water profiles of sulphate
undisturbed (e.g. not affected by mass wasting) part of the continental and total alkalinity that are superimposed upon each other in accor-
slope. In this part of the profile, the seafloor appears smooth. At the dance with the visual core description (Fig. 4a). The sulphate concen-
headwall, parallel reflectors of the undisturbed strata are truncated trations decrease from 27.6 and 25.0 mM in the water rich, dark
and the style of the seafloor changes to a rough and blocky morphology. brown layers to 14.3 and 17.3 mM at the bottom of each ‘subprofile’.
This morphology is interpreted as the result of slump debris that origi- Total alkalinity values increase from 3.8 and 7.5 meq l −1 to 20.6 and
nates from the headwall area of the BioBio Slide. Further towards the 17.1 meq l −1 in a similar manner.
BioBio Canyon a strong seafloor reflector that appears less blocky repre- The superimposed pore water profiles of GC11 resemble those of
sents the glide plane of the slide. Within the BioBio Canyon the terrace GC23 (Fig. 4b). Sulphate concentrations decrease from 24.2 mM at
that is also found in the bathymetric data (Figs. 1b, 2a) is visible above the core top to values close to zero at about 220 cm in this reference
the thalweg. Within the BioBio Canyon, no reflection patterns that core. Total alkalinity increases from 8.5 at the top to 54.7 meq l −1 in
could be clearly attributed to the deposits of the BioBio Slide are visible. the lowermost pore water sample. The sulphate decrease and total al-
kalinity increase result from bacterial sulphate reduction coupled to
4.3. Core description organic matter oxidation in the subsurface.
Pore water profiles of GC14 from the BioBio Canyon are similar to
Three gravity cores related to the BioBio Slide were collected on cruise those of reference core GC23 (Fig. 4c). Sulphate concentration decrease
SO210 (Table 1). GC11 was retrieved from the central part of the slide de- from 24.2 mM to values close to zero at approximately 220 cm and total
pression. It contained 4 cm of very soft and muddy, water-rich silty clay alkalinity increases from 8.5 to 45.7 meq l −1 over the entire core length.
on top of homogeneous silty clay with increasing stiffness down core. Minor irregularities in the profiles likely result from the ‘brecciated’ tex-
At 94 cm core depth, another very soft and water-rich horizon of 5 cm ture of the sediments which complicated the extraction of a homoge-
thickness was found, again underlain by much stiffer silty clay (Fig. 3a). neous sample for pore water recovery. It may be anticipated that a
The succession that is repetitive in GC11 is similar to the one found in ref- few cm of surface sediment were lost during core recovery, given that
erence core GC23 (Fig. 3b) which was recovered away from the BioBio the concentrations measured at the top of most cores are slightly
area in order to characterize typical pore water profiles of sediments on lower (sulphate) or higher (total alkalinity) than normal seawater
the mid-slope of the central Chilean continental margin. values (sulphate: 28.4 mM; total alkalinity: ~2.4 meq l −1).
GC14 was cored on top of the flat-topped terrace above the thalweg of
the BioBio Canyon below the BioBio Slide. Here, a rather homogeneous 5. Discussion
unit of silty clay of 170 cm thickness lies on top of separate successions
of angular clay clasts in a stiff matrix of silty clay, that are each separated 5.1. Regional scale observations
by structureless silty clay units (Fig. 3c). Within the clay-clast units, there
is no layering visible. Instead, sediment clasts of up to 20 cm size in diam- Apparently a sediment volume of ~1.75–2.0 km 3 (calculated after
eter are stacked chaotically. The chaotic structure of this unit is obvious as the method described in Völker, 2009) is missing, judging from the

Fig. 3. Parasound sediment-echosounder profile 101006–0300 across the BioBio Slide (profile track indicated in Fig. 1).
D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89 85

dimensions of the BioBio Slide evacuation area. This material presum- further down core. We propose that each of the clay clast units corre-
ably was dumped into the canyon and either deposited there or trans- sponds to one of the failure events that are visible as morphological
ported further down within the canyon. The smaller depressions at indentations at the BioBio Slide head and side walls. The particular
sides of the slide appear to be headwalls of secondary slides which position of GC14 ensures that each mass wasting event upslope that
points to a retrogression of the BioBio Slide by periodic failure of its is large enough to export material out of the BioBio Slide depression
walls. Three generations of secondary retrogressive failures are dis- should imprint on the sedimentary record here. The implication of
tinguished from their mutual overlap. These secondary failures ap- this presumption is that the last larger retrogressive failure happened
pear to be translational and related to distinct failure surfaces that 700–1000 years ago.
are roughly parallel to the undisturbed seafloor. The failures are, The repetitive sequence in gravity core GC11 is striking. We can
therefore, most probably lithologically defined weak layers at ~60 exclude a repeated penetration of the gravity corer as possible reason
and ~100 m below the seafloor east of the depression. The system for the sequence doubling on the basis of the tension log of the gravity
of gullies that connect the slide evacuation area with the canyon is corer cable during core retrieval. Also, weather and sea conditions
an erosional feature due to the periodic failure of the headwall. The were favourable on that particular day. Therefore, the repetitive sed-
terrace within the BioBio Canyon just below the BioBio Slide seems iment sequence in GC11 documents a small-scale slide within the
to be the remnant of a depositional lobe but can only comprise a frac- slide scar of the BioBio Slide. The doubling of the sequence and in par-
tion of the totally removed material as its volume amounts to only ticular the covering of soft and water-rich sediment by much stiffer
~ 0.11 km 3. sediment is result of imbricate stacking by a non-destructive slide.
The abrupt breaks in the pore water profiles of sulphate and alka-
5.2. Small scale observations/sediment cores linity at 95 cm indicate that this slide event must have occurred quite
recently. The steep concentration gradient at the interface between
The sedimentary cover of this flat-topped bank within BioBio Can- the two sediment layers would be otherwise more equilibrated by
yon as recovered in GC14 witnesses re-deposition of previously de- molecular diffusion. The concentrations at the top of the lower profile
posited and compacted clay-rich material that was torn into clasts are slightly different from those at the top of the upper profile and
during transport. The approximate age of the last of these events from seawater values, i.e. higher in the case of alkalinity and lower
can be derived from the thickness of the post-slide deposits and the in the case of sulphate (Fig. 3a). This observation indicates that at
regional sedimentation rates calculated by Muñoz et al. (2004) to least some diffusive equilibration has occurred between the two
700–1000 years BP. It is possible to distinguish at least three of such layers since emplacement of the slide. An example for pore water
events to the maximum core depth of 5.77 m from the sedimentary profiles of a much older slide deposit is GC14 from the terrace within
record. It seems likely that similar events should have resulted in sim- the BioBio Canyon (Fig. 4c). The pore water profiles of this core are sim-
ilar depositional units and that more analogue units were to be found ilar to those of the reference core GC23 (Fig. 4b) which demonstrates that

a 36°36.390´S 73°43.039’W
Water Depth: 1450 m
SO210 GC11 Core Length: 137 cm
Center of BioBio Slide depression

Lithology Remarks Sulphate (mM) Alkalinity (meq l-1)

m Lithol. Structure Color 0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
00-04cm: soft brown silty mud,


04-94cm: homogeneous
0.5 chocolate brown silty mud, stiff


94-99cm: soft brown silty mud,


99-137cm: homogeneous
chocolate brown silty mud, stiff


Fig. 4. Core photo mosaic, core description and geochemical gradient curves for slide core (a, GC11), reference core (b, GC23), and canyon core (c, GC14).
86 D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

b 36°21.95´S 73°52.144’W
Water Depth: 2199 m
SO210 GC23 Core Length: 576 cm
Reference Core

Lithology Remarks Sulphate (mM) Alkalinity (meq l-1)

m Lithol. Structure Color 0 10 20 30 0 20 40

00-60cm: silty clay, bioturbation
60-65cm & 93-96cm: clay

96-248cm: homogeneous silty


248-250cm: fine sand layer

280-364cm: siltx clay ith black

2.5y-3/1 streaks, mottles and spots

364-367cm: lighter coloured clay


386 cm: fine sand layer

4 5y-3/2
387-487cm: brown silty clay with
black mottles

5y-3/1 487-490cm: well-defined clay

5 layer

490-576cm: brown silty clay with

black mottles

Fig. 4 (continued).

they had enough time to re-establish steady state since emplacement of the slide. Fig. 5 shows five snap shots corresponding to the non-steady
the most recent slide deposit at about 700 to 1000 years BP. (see above). state pore water profiles immediately after the slide event and 1 week
It is probable that the slide emerged in the close vicinity upslope as well as 1, 6 and 12 months afterwards. The actual data plot between
of the coring position, as the two superimposed pore water profiles the model curves corresponding to 1 week and 1 month, respectively.
are almost identical and virtually undisturbed. Thus, our modelling exercise demonstrates that the slide event cannot
The resolution of the differential slope gradient data is insufficient to have occurred much earlier than a few weeks prior to sampling (7
localize the origin of the slide recorded in GC11 and the small-scale October 2010), which clearly rules out the 2010 Maule earthquake
slope gradient changes at the floor of the BioBio Slide monitored in main shock as its immediate trigger.
Fig. 2b lie within the range of imprecision. Distinct newly formed inden- A series of Mw N 5 aftershocks occurred within a radius of roughly
tations of the slide walls are absent. The apparent gradient changes of 100 km around the BioBio Slide (Fig. 1a, small black stars, Table 3).
the BioBio Canyon wall upslope of GC14 are considered artefacts for Among these aftershocks, in the two month prior to core recovery,
two reasons. First, the differential bathymetry at this particular location the event of 9 September 2010, roughly 54 km to the southwest of
is based on acoustic beams that bear a large uncertainty in the case of the coring site of GC11 had the largest Magnitude (Mw = 6.1). On
cruise JC23b. Second, mass wasting processes able to create the given the 22 August another event of Mw = 5.4 happened just 8 km away
slope gradient change at this particular location in the time window be- from the slide. Both events were fairly shallow (b20 km).
tween the two cruises would inevitably have imprinted on the sedi- These aftershocks could represent triggers for the observed small
mentary column that was recovered in GC14, most possibly in the slide. Other small-scale slides that are too small to be detected with
form of clay-clast breccia layers. However, such or similar indications shipborne bathymetric echosounding are likely to be present in the
of mass transport are absent in the uppermost part of GC14. area as well.
It is tempting to attribute the recent slide event evidenced in core According to Wright and Rathje (2003), the accelerations of an earth-
GC11 to the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake or associated quake alone are seldom sufficient to cause slope failure. Other mecha-
aftershocks that could represent potential triggers for submarine mass nisms such as soil liquefaction and/or earthquake-induced differential
wasting in the entire region. We applied a simple model simulating seafloor uplift resulting in steepening of the slope in combination with
the diffusive transport of sulphate and alkalinity over a time span of earthquake ground motion are generally required. Earthquake-induced
one year starting from two superimposed linear profiles (i.e. like liquefaction is most likely to occur in water-saturated cohesionless silts
those of the reference core GC23) in order to obtain an age estimate of and sands. This kind of sediment is not found at the particular coring
D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89 87

c 36°38.00´S 73°45.75’W
Water Depth: 1822 m
SO210 GC14 Core Length: 577 cm
Bank within BioBio Canyon ( ) Sulphate (mM)
Lithology Remarks ( ) Alkalinity (meq l-1)
m Lithol. Structure Color 0 20 40
00-05cm: water-saturated mud

5y-3 20-70cm: pyrite needles, lenses of

fine sand (rock fragments, glass
S 5y-3/2 cherts)
128-200 cm: transition fom slide to

post-slide sedimentation
114-119cm: fine sand bed with

170-205 cm: angular clasts of clay

2 and silty clay supported by silty
clay matrix
5y-2.5/2 silty clay-clay, homogeneous,

260-298 cm: angular, slightly

rounded clay clasts in silty clay
3 matrix, clasts internally sheared

black mottles

324-333 cm and 336-356 cm:

Gley-6N large rounded clasts of silty clay-
clay in a sheared matrix
4 405-577 cm: large rounded to
angular, elongate clasts (clay to
silty clay) in homogeneous silty
clay matrix,

Fig. 4 (continued).

site of GC11. Coastal uplift related to the Maule earthquake had a

maximum at Arauco Peninsula, 60 km to the SW of the coring site
(2.5 m, Farías et al., 2010) and we might expect differential uplift at
the escarpment bordering the BioBio Slide to the north, as this struc-
ture represents the surface expression of a deeply rooted fault that
could transport parts of the rupture to the surface (Geersen et al.,
2011). Profiles across this escarpment (Fig. 2c, lines A–B, C–D) show a
systematic offset of 5–7 m between data of JC23b and SO210 as well
as an apparent change (decrease) in the height of the step of up to
25 m. We are, however, not convinced that this offset is due to a real
change in bathymetry or due to imprecisions in navigation data and
the binning of bathymetric raw data prior to gridding.

Table 3
Aftershocks with MwN 5 in the BioBio Slide area within two months prior to recovery of GC11
(data source: NEIC catalog of the USGS).

Fig. 5. Plot showing the measured depth distribution of sulphate and alkalinity (red cir- Event Date Time Longitude Latitude Source Distance Magnitude
cles) in GC11 along with modelled curves (dashed lines) illustrating the evolution of (UTC) depth to GC11 [Mw]
pore water profiles after superposition of two reference profiles by a small scale mass [km] [km]
wasting event: The dotted curve with the highest gradient (kink) represents the state im-
1 04.10.10 16:43:18 − 73,293 − 36,364 37 47 5,0
mediately after the event, while the dotted curves with continuously decreasing concen-
2 30.09.10 00:26:22 − 74,256 − 36,249 20 63 5,8
tration gradients represent the state after 1 week, 1 month, 5 months and 6 months. The
3 09.09.10 07:28:02 − 73,412 − 37,034 16 55 6,2
profile on the right-hand side shows the porosity profile applied in the modeling. See text
4 22.08.10 03:49:58 − 73,718 − 36,532 19 8 5,0
for further explanation.
88 D. Völker et al. / Marine Geology 288 (2011) 79–89

5.3. Implications for earthquake-triggering of slides at active continental effective in regions where sedimentation on the slope is rather uniform
margins and sediment point sources are absent.

On the Central Chile margin, marine sediment mass-wasting has oc-

curred on a variety of scales in the past. Recent small scale-sliding is ap- Acknowledgements
parent in gravity core GC11. Considering some of the possibly relevant
specific conditions met here, we can state that (1) there are no localized We are thankful to the crew of RV SONNE and our colleagues A.
depocenters on the shelf and slope due to point sediment sources like riv- Petersen, B. Domeyer, R. Surberg and U. Lomnitz for their support dur-
ers, as the river systems directly connect to deep submarine canyon sys- ing cruise SO210 and to the reviewers D.C. Mosher and D. R. Tappin
tems that are likely to funnel the river input into the Chile Trench; for their helpful remarks. FS wants to thank C. Hensen and M. Haeckel
(2) each of the seismically defined segments of this active margin breaks for the stimulating discussion and for providing support with MATLAB.
each 150–200 years in a major megathrust earthquake. The first condi- Some figures were created with The Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). This
tion should lead to a rather uniform sedimentation on the continental publication is contribution no. 208 of the Sonderforschungsbereich 574
slope of Chile, while the second condition implies that the interseismic “Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones” at Kiel University.
period is long enough to accumulate a sedimentary column with a thick-
ness of 20–30 cm at most. The quasi-permanent availability of strong
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