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Mung Bean Scientific Method Lab Write Up

Biology Honors Instructor, Mr. Ben Smith

For the lab write-up, you will need the following components. They should be in the order listed
below. Please make sure your name is on all pages. Parts I, II, & III may be typed or neatly
handwritten. The graph must be hand drawn on graph paper.

I. Title
II. General lab questions
III. Data and observations table
IV. Analysis
V. Graph-must be hand drawn on graph paper. Your name must be visible at the
top of the page. Computer generated graph will earn zero points.

I. General lab questions- answer in complete sentences.

A. State your hypothesis in the “If….then…” form.
B. Identify the independent variable.
C. Identify the dependent variable.
D. Which set up was the experimental group?
E. Which set up was the control group?

II. Data and Observations Table.

III. Analysis- Answer in complete sentences.

A. Does your data support or not support your hypothesis? Explain your answer.
B. Describe four variables that were kept the same for both groups during the

C. Describe two other dependent variables that could have been measured for this

D. Describe two other independent variables that could have been tested.

E. Were there any unexpected results in this lab? Explain your answer.

IV. Graph
Construct a hand-drawn graph on graph paper showing the results of this experiment.
The average growth or the tallest growth may be graphed. (8 points).

A. Your name must be visible on the top of the graph.
B. The graph must fill at least 2/3 of the graph paper.
C. Title
D. Labeled X-axis
E. Labeled Y-axis
F. Consistent dates and numbers (ex. 9/4, 9/8, 9/12, 9/16…. And 0cm, 2cm. 4cm,
G. A Key to identify the two sets of data. Different colors or different symbols can be
used to differentiate between the sets of data.
Again, the graph must be hand drawn on graph paper and your name must be

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