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NIT: 800.116217-2

FULL NAME: Kenverth Victor Marulanda Mejia

WORKSHOP: Future Forms

A) Fill in the blanks with the correct FUTURE forms: (Will / Going to / Present Continuous /
Simple Present)

1. A: What you are you going to do (do) when you grow up?
B: I will be (be) an acrobat in a circus.

2. I haven’t seen him for a long time but I think I will recognize (recognize) him.

3. A: I need some tokens to telephone my friend.

B: I will give (give) you some.

4. I got the plane tickets. I am flying (fly) on Sunday.

5. A: Have you got any plans for the summer?

B: Yes, we are going to (go) to Italy in June.

6. He is going to call (call) the police as soon as he gets home.

7. A: Whose is that night dress?

B: It’s mine. I am going to wear (wear) it at John’s graduation party.

8. A: Why did you call your grandma?

B: I am visiting (visit) her at the weekend.

9.We’re early. The film starts (start) at 2:30. Why don’t we go and have something to drink?

10.A: What are you doing with that brush?

B: I am painting (paint) my room.

B) Use the correct form of the FUTURE TENSE:

1. A: Tea or coffee?
B: I will have (have) coffee, please.

2. There isn’t any cloud in the sky. It will be (be) a lovely day.

3. We will win (win) the match. We’re playing really well.

4. Why don’t you come with us. I’m sure you will enjoy (enjoy) the show.

5. The museum opens (open) at 9:00 everyday but tomorrow it isn’t going to be (not / be) opened
at 9:00.
NIT: 800.116217-2

6. The manager said, ”We are going to have (have) the meeting on Thursday.”

C) Look at Tom and Sally’s diary below. Then, use the PRESENT CONTINUOUS form to
say what their arrangements are for this week, as in the example:

Monday - go to the cinema

Tuesday - visit Sally’s parents
Wednesday - take the car to a mechanic
Thursday - buy a computer
Friday - clean the house
Saturday - have a dinner party
Sunday - go on a picnic

1. They are going to the cinema on Monday…………………………………………

2. They are visiting to Sally’s parents on Tuesday
3. They are taking care the car to a mechanic on Wednesday
4. They are buying a computer on Thursday
5. They are cleaning the house on Friday
6. They are having a dinner party on Saturday
7. They are going to on a picnic on Sunday

D) Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO:

1. A: Why do you need so much sugar?

B: I am going to make a cake.

2. A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me!
B: Don’y worry. I will lend you some.

3. A: I don’t know how to use this mixer.

B: That’s OK. I will show you.

4. A: Why are all these people gathered here?

B: The Prime Minister is going to open the new hospital ward.

5. A: I hear you’re going to Leeds University in September.

B: Yes, I am going to study French and German.

6. A: How can we get all this home?

B: I am going to ask James to come and help.

7. She will get better. There are positive signs.

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