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Murray Edwards College Boat Club

Minutes for Committee Meeting 4

20th January 2011; ME Bar at 6pm

Committee Members
Present: Eve Bonner (EB), Wing Ying Chow (YC), Natalie Barry (NB), Marina
Steketee (MS), Ola Janusz (OJ), Akiko Toda (AT),
Note: Eve Bonner, Wing Ying Chow and Marina Steketee have taken over
from Izzi Boanas-Evans (IB).

Absent: Rebecca Rewbury (RR).


RR apologises due to prior engagement.

1. Sponsorship brochure:

YC details that the introduction should include the history of the Club, and emphasize
the all-female nature of the college.

OJ recommends a page specifying the short-term and long-term goals of the club.

Members discuss what the Club can offer the sponsor: name on stash, menus at
dinners; exposure through increase in membership; YC proposes website should be a
source of advertisement for the sponsor. NB suggests the sponsor could have a
marquee at May bumps on the Saturday like other companies.

OJ asks the time period we should suggest for donations. Members agree on three
years as previous years. YC questions whether sponsorship should be exclusive to one
company, or one company should make a lump-sum donation and then another
company could make regular payments. OJ asks whether some companies could
‘donate a seat’, sponsors could be invited to a naming ceremony with other students,
and increase their profile in Cambridge, and YC and AT recommend MECBC could
host events and invite sponsors. A separate booklet should be made to donate a seat,
with only a couple of pages.

Proposed donations:
AT specifies that the Club requires a lump-sum donation to purchase a new VIII. AT
will research figures.

OJ agrees to take photos for the brochure on an outing with all members dressed in
Club kit/colours.

YC assigns the following pages:

NB – Introduction (to include the following – brief history, increase in membership

(OJ recommends a graph), recent success - quote results last year, biggest society in
college, popularity of Bumps’ breakfast etc.
AT – Figures and proposed donations.
OJ – Student profiles (to be placed amidst text throughout the brochure).
To contact Bridget (Captain 2009-2010) for a comment.
MS – compile a list of companies.

YC plans the brochure to be completed by week 4 of Lent term to send to printers.

2. Alumnae meet-up:
AT informed Committee of interest to meet up with alumnae at WeHorr. Meal the
evening beforehand, rather than before the race.

3. Next issue of ‘Neptunes’:

EB will compile articles on last term and training camp.

YC recommends a novice report from 2nd and 3rd boat, and proposes next issue will be
an alumnae issue. AT informs of interested alumnae who will write a report.

4. Lent Bumps’ Dinner:

NB asks for all payments to be made before the evening to prevent confusion from
Fairbairn’s Dinner.

YC asks invitations for Dinner to be sent to alumnae through Alumnae Office.

5. Election of new Committee

Committee agree for elections to be held on 13th March to allow for a shadowing
period over Easter term, to ensure smooth transition.

6. Fines & Bank charges:

Due to special circumstances, fines from last term will be written off.

7. General meeting to pass constitution:

YC states that a meeting needs to be organised to pass new constitution – arranged for
Sunday 23rd January.

8. A.O.B:
OJ informs of upcoming swaps.

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