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Name: Qaisar khan

Subject: Software Engineering
Medical Store Domain
Functional Requirements:
 Software allows the input of Product data, user data from the
Administrator side.
 It demands for username and password to access the Data.
 Software allows the staff to search for the information about Product,
Customer and vendors and Update it regularly.
 It must be running without any issue for 24 hours a day.
 It allows the customer to view their reports or information and have
their access to change the #address, #phone number and transaction
 It allows complete record of Search Queries by users.
 It provides the input validation and Error correction up to great
 User of the system is Staff, Managers and the customer of store.
 Staff who overall control the system have their regular attendance
marked and they cannot modify that part except their personal

Non-Functional Requirements:
 Modern and interactive User Interface (UI) Design.
 Input Error must be highlighted and prompt the specific issue.
 More than 5 attempts at the login failure alert the System Admin with
Warning flag.
 Response Time must be very minimum.
 Automatic Update of system after every transaction.
 Data should be secured and backed up in every 15 days.
 Proper up- to-date CIA principal must be observed in this Software.
 Software must create the separate section or account for Admin and
other type of users in order to preserve the privacy of other users in

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