Ohio Business Roundtable - Tiberi Letter To CEOS

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Pat Tiberi <ptiberi@ohiobrt.com>

Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020

Subject: OBRT Call to Action: Ohio Supreme Court Races

***This email is from an external source.***

Dear OBRT CEO members,

As you recall, OBRT set the election of conservative justices to the Ohio Supreme Court as a priority for this year.

Despite the distraction of COVID-19 and all the issues it raised, many of you have followed

through with financial support of

businesses’ effort to elect judges who confine themselves to interpreting, rather than making, law in their decisions.

Thank you for that support, and I urge you to continue to contribute where you can.

But there is one more effort we must make collectively, during the final two months of the fall election season
beginning about Labor Day.

Here are some grim facts:

• Many Ohioans, including many of our workers, fail to vote in state Supreme Court
• That happens because many do not link the Court to the economic strength and
stability of our state, and
• Many do not know that you, as leader of your organization, see the races as vital
to a strong Ohio economy, and a strong job climate.

In 2004 and 2006 business took back the Supreme Court from activists who had dangerously rewritten major parts of
Ohio tort, insurance and workers’ compensation law to the detriment of business.

A key to that victory was the Ohio Prosperity Project, which we have revived this year because of the seriousness of
the challenge we face in the court races.

In execution, it couldn’t be simpler. It asks you, as your organization’s leader, to forward to employees a series of
communications over September and October designed to underscore the importance to your business

and their job security of having a stable Supreme Court.

Drafts of these communications are linked below along with a sample timeline. I encourage you to use them to
communicate about the importance of these races. You, of course, should revise as you see fit, and

pace the release of the communications to have maximum effect in your organization.

Sample Prosperity Project Timeline and Communications:

1. Sept

14- Introduction to the Importance of the Court

2. Sept

21- Voter Registration Information

3. September

28- Meet the Candidates

4. October

1- Voter Registration Reminder

5. October

6- Early Voting
6. October

20- Don’t Forget the Court Races

7. October

28- Closing Get-Out-the-Vote Message

All of them tie to our Ohio Business Roundtable Prosperity Project website


which provides key information on the court races, and on the candidates. The site does not endorse, although it
reports endorsements received by the various candidates to help users form opinions of the candidates.

Please consider using the weight of your office to let your internal constituents know how important these races are.
Our experience from a decade ago shows that your emphasis will cause those who work with

you to pay special attention, and to weigh economic impact heavily as they decide their votes for the court.

We are available to assist you in any way that you need. The Prosperity Project is the last step in a plan that will
produce victory if we execute. Our membership alone comprises about 400,000 employees, not

including their families- more than enough to supply the margin of victory in November. Thank you for your attention.



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