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October 12, 2020

Dear Chaparral Firebird Family:

As you may recall, we provided notification on October 2, 2020 that the Maricopa County Department of Public
Health (MCDPH) had deemed Chaparral High School to be in an outbreak* status pertaining to COVID-19. This
letter is to provide an update based on the latest information we know right now.

Today, October 12, 2020, Chaparral High School administration was notified, through self-reporting by parents,
that seven (7) new cases of COVID-19 have been identified among our student population. Due to these
additional cases, Chaparral remains in the MCDPH outbreak status. In order to move out of this status, we will
have to go for a period of 14 days with zero (0) positive COVID-19 cases.

In order for our school and extracurricular activities to remain open, we need everyone’s cooperation with:
• Recognizing symptoms of illness;
• Being forthcoming by reporting illness of any kind to our school nurse; and
• Staying home if there is COVID-19 illness in the household (suspected or confirmed).

Chaparral administration will report any known cases and close contact exposures of COVID-19 to the MCDPH.
Anyone who has been identified as COVID-19 positive or is within the quarantine period will not be permitted on
campus until the quarantine period has expired in accordance with the SUSD COVID-19 Response Plan posted at

If you, your student(s) or a family member are experiencing COVID-like symptoms (fever or chills, cough,
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, sore throat, headache, congestion or runny nose, nausea or
vomiting, diarrhea, muscle/body aches, and/or a new loss of taste or smell), do not come to school and seek
medical attention. Testing locations can be found by calling 2-1-1.

I cannot emphasize enough that our ability to remain open for on campus learning and activities is determined
by your and your students’ cooperation with public health guidance to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Todd Dreifort

*NOTE: A school outbreak of COVID-19 is defined by MCDPH as:

• Two or more students or staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 within a 14-day period; and
• Could have had some close contact such as in a classroom or on a school sports team;
• Do not live in the same household; and
• Were not identified as close contacts of each other in another setting during a Public Health case
investigation (e.g. friends who play together in each other’s homes).

For more information, visit

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