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A shear frame building shown in fig p1 is subjected to an earthquake motion

characterized by the design spectrum of EBCS-8, 1995 scaled to peak ground
acceleration of 0.30g for a medium stiff ground (Soil class B) and 5% damping
ratio. Using Response spectrum analysis:.

a) Determine the natural vibration periods and modes

 m1=1000kg,m2=2000kg,m3=4460kg,m4=4200kg,k1=1000kN/m,k2=7000kN/m
 8000  7000 0 0 
1000 0 0 0   7000 11250  4250 
 0 2000 0 0   0 
m    Kg k   1000 *  0  4250 7150  2900 N / m
 0 0 4460 0   
   0 0  2900 2900 
 0 0 0 4200
 
Using Eigen value and Eigen vector rule

k  n2 * mn  0 det k  n2 * m  0 using Scilab a, b, f   spec(k , m) Natural

1  8.094  T 1  0.7763
 2 32.136     
frequencies n       rad / s Natural period Tn  T 2  0.1955 sec .
 3  53.307  T 3  0.1179
       
 4 109.447 T 4 0.0574
0.686  0.984  1.000  1.000 
0.778  0.979  0.737   0.568 
       
mode shape 1     2     3     4   
0.905  0.496 0.682  0.0524 
1.000  1.000   0.219   0.0032

Mode shape

b) Expand the effective earthquake forces in terms of their modal components and show this
expansion graphically.

 m1   Sn  n * m * n * n  Ln / Mn
9536.235 0 0 0 
 0 8180.500 0 0 
Modal mass Mn  nT * m * n    Kg
 0 0 4360.853 0 
 
 0 0 0 1658.416
10479.698 1.0989 
   0.1164
 952.488   
Ln   mj * jn    modal contribution factor n  Ln / Mn   
j 1  351.905   0.0807
83.482  0.0503 
1000  754.434  114.532  80.696  50.338 
2000 1710.300  227.992  118.931   57.223
         
m1    kg S1    S2    S3    S4    kg
4660 4436.240 257.401   245.406 11.765 
4200 4615.524  489.023 74.177   0.677 

c) For each mode determine the roof displacement un ,base shear and the base overturning
 Natural period and the corresponding spectral-acceleration/0.3g from EBCS-8/1995
design spectrum.( g=9.81m/s2 )
T 1 
T 2 0.7763  A1  1.9   A1  5.59
  0.1955  A2
 
2.5   A2 7.35
     
  
T 3   sec .    / 0.3 g     m / s 2
T 4  0 .1179   A 3  2 .25    A3 6 .61
  0.0574  A4 1.6   A4 4.71
 
Equivalent modal force Fn  Sn * An
4.217  0.842  0.533  0.237 
9.561  1.676  0.786   0.269 
       
F1    kN , F 2    kN , F 3    kN , F 4   kN
 24. 798   1.892    1.622   0.055 
25.801  3.594 0.490   0.0032

U 41 93.77 
U 42  0.829
   
Roof displacement from each mode. U 4n  (n *  4n / n2) * An    mm
U 43 0.0411 
U 44  0.000

Vb1  64.377
jN Vb 2 0.815 
   
Base shear from each mode. Vbn   Fin    kN Assume h=3m
j 1  Vb 3   0.187 
Vb 4 0.020 

Mb1  602.811 
jN Mb2  13.525
   
Base overturning moment from each mode. Mbn   hj * Fjn    kNm
j 1 Mb3   2.398 
Mb4  0.445 

d) Using the appropriate modal combination rule, calculate the peak values of the roof
displacement ,u4o, base shear Vbo and base over turning moment Mbo.
 Using square-root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS), rno   rno2
n 1

U 4o  8793.5  93.774mm Vbo  4145.1  64.38kN Mbo  363570  602.97kNm

e) Which modal combination is selected? Why?
 Because the structure has well separated natural frequencies it is better to use square-
root-of-sum-of-squares (SRSS)

2. The same shear frame shown in Fig. P1 is subjected to an artificial earthquake ground motion
history derived from the design spectrum of EBCS 8, 1995 scaled to 0.30g. Using the RHA
calculates the response history and peak values of top floor displacement, base shear, and base
overturning moment.

 Solving the modal equation for each mode using central difference method

  0.05, t  0.01

 Modal displacement, Dn(t).

 Pseudo- acceleration, An(t).
An(t )  0.3(n2) * Dn(t )

Vb1St  11.516 
jN Vb 2St  0.111 
   
 Static responses’ from each mode. VbnSt   Sin     *10^3kg
j 1  Vb 3St   0.0284 
Vb 4St  0.0042
Vbn(t )  VbnSt * An(t )

 Static base overturning response from each mode.
Mb1St  107.84 
jN Mb2St   1.84 
   
MbnSt   hj * Sjn    10^3kg.m
j 1 Mb3St   0.363 
Mb4St   0.0015
Mbn(t )  MbnSt * An(t )

Static roof displacement response from each mode.
U 41St  1.6775 
U 42St   0.0113
   
U 4nSt  (n *  4n / n2)     *10^ 2S 2 / rad 2
U 43St  0.00062 
U 44St   0.000 
U 4n(t )  U 4nSt * An(t )

3. Compare the results obtained from the RSA and RHA and comment.

Total response summery from RSA and RHA .

U4o(cm) Vbo(kN) Mbn(kNm)

RSA 9.38 64.38 602.97
RHA 8.86 60.50 572.2
Error(%) 5.87% 6.4% 5.4%

 Error occurs due to approximation in reading response spectrum graph; the smoothness of
spectrum graph and the actual maximum value occurs at different time for each mode in
contrast to the maximum taken in response spectrum.


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