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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study


Branch: Marketing &
Finance (DTM)
Batch: 2019-20
Under: Dr. Saikat Gochhait

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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

Services marketing assignment

1. (a) Explain the various types of data back-ups that coffee-house should have taken up to prevent
the loss of data through questionnaire checklist.

Data backups use a secondary system to secure data and applications in the event that data is
corrupted or lost. In a data backup, data is regularly copied and secured. The backup can apply to
computer backups, server backups, or determined data. This process can be automated, manually
done, or a combination like a monitored service. Monitoring data backups is important since backup
failures can leave data vulnerable. Disaster recovery relies on this protected copy of data to fix or
restore data. There are different components to data backup and security. Primarily, these are
software, hardware, and support. Together, these make a data backup system.

 Types:
There are various types of backups. These backup types can be used independently or in some
combination as part of a data backup solution.
 Full data backup : This is a full-scale data backup of all allocated files and folders. It will clone all the
data, including that which was previously backed up. They aren't easy to regularly perform because
they take more time and require a lot of space. They also require more time to restore.
 Incremental data backup: Incremental data backups only record what has changed since the last
backup. These are quicker, less storage-consuming backups than full backups. On the downside,
should you have to restore data it will take longer.
 Differential data backup : A differential backup falls between a full backup and an incremental
backup. This is a longer process than an incremental backup, but quicker and less space-consuming
than a full backup.
 Mirror data backup: In a mirror backup, data is backed up as an exact copy instead of changes. That
means that if there was a file deleted or lost it will also be deleted and lost in the backup. If threats
go undetected, the damage they do to data may be mimicked in the backup. If there is an
intentional deletion, the mirror backup will restore faster and with fewer items that are unwanted.
 Full computer backup: A full computer backup targets the entire computer. This includes drivers
and operating systems. These do work well for recovering files and operating systems for individual
hard drives in case of failure.
 Local or on-site backup: Local backups are literally local. They are backups that are usually kept in
the same building, office, or premise. Often, these are dedicated internal or external hard drives.

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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

These are also easy, good backups for private users who are primarily interested in protecting
certain files.
 Off-site backup : Off-site data backups are akin to local backups and are often derived from them.
Off-site backups carry the same risks as on-site backups. However, they split the data between
locations. So, if there is a fire, break-in, or other location-based danger the data will not be lost.
 Off-site remote backups: In a remote backup, there is an available connection between the on-site
networks and data and the off-site backup. Remote backups rely on online access and overlap with
that specific type of data backup.
 Online backup or cloud backup: Online data backups, or cloud backups, takes the information being
backed up off-site and stores it in one or more remote locations. Most service providers will have
multiple locations and connections to data so that there is little to no risk of data loss if one of those
fails. This data is available via a login through any location or end point with proper security access.
Online backups are especially helpful in updating IT systems, replacing computers, and securing
data from physical harm or theft. Backups can be done quickly and regularly. Given the right service
provider, cloud backups are considered the safest data management and protection solution.
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Backup: Data centres usually use a file transfer protocol, or FTP backup.
This simply means that data is transferred over the internet from a source into a remote storage
location or server.
 Server backup and ransomware: Different types of data backups serve different security needs. A
server backup solution captures a whole system, which is important to protect against ransomware.
Rolling back the clock can effectively restore your server to a clean state--before your server was

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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

 Checklist Questionnaires:

1. What are the types of data ABC Coffee House backup?

(This Questions checks the types of data ABC Coffee House use?)

2. What is the most effective way ABC Coffee House use for data backup?

(This Questions checks the backup options for them?)

3. What is the main data server type, they have adopted to save the client data?

(This Questions checks what is the main server where the backups are recorded?)

4. What is the secondary server data type, they have adopted to save client data?

(This Questions checks what are the functional secondary server they operate?)

5. What is their data backup protocol?

(This Questions checks what is the blueprint of the current technology they use)

6. What is their data recovery protocol?

(This Questions checks the procedure they follow in case of a full recovery.)

7. Which team is in charge for database recovery?

(This Questions checks the team responsible for recovery management. )

8. How often has data loss occurred before?

(This Questions checks the response to data recovery in past instances.)

9. What actions has they taken in the past to tackle natural disasters?

(This Questions checks the measurements taken before in case of disaster)

10. Have they ever considered SaaS / Cloud based solution before?

(This Questions checks the awareness of Software as a Service)

(b) ABC coffee-house wants to develop a software for the protection of its data of customer. The
IT head of the company is under the process of testing of whole software. Discuss different testing
techniques that IT head can adopt to test the software as whole. Design questionnaire checklist.

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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

A backup and recovery test is the process of assessing the effectiveness of an organization’s
software and methods of replicating data for security and its ability to reliably retrieve that data
should the need arise. Backup and recovery testing is an essential part of a disaster recovery plan.
Backup of mission critical data is generally taken seriously in business. However, it is not uncommon
for testing to uncover problems in software or processes that could lead to serious loss of data. It’s
crucial to test disaster recovery and individual file recovery abilities. Without actually testing the
backup software and systems thoroughly, you’re making an unwarranted assumption that backup
and recovery will work not only during normal operations but when unforeseen events pose
challenges. Insufficient testing leaves the organization vulnerable to data loss,
downtime and redundancy of effort. Most large companies test disaster recovery plans yearly as per
recommended best practices. Due to possible effects from updates to hardware on the machines to
be restored to or the hardware, firmware or software on the backup system, it is important to retest
when changes are made.

 Checklist Questionnaires:

1. What was the previous software adopted for backup protocol?

(This Question checks the last software details if used)

2. What is the tolerance downtime and data loss ?

(This Question checks where on the spectrum downtime or crashes occur thus will determine what
type of solution will be needed to recover from a disaster)

3. What is the communication plan used ?

(This Question check how the employees access the systems and communicate when they need to
perform their job duties during a DR event.)

4. What are the equipment and processes to be tested ?

(This Question checks the most crucial equipment and how that equipment fits within the whole
infrastructure. Since every failure is different, one server will have dependencies another does not,
and some are far more critical to operations.)
5. Who is/are ultimately responsible for testing clients’ backup and recovery plans?
(This Question checks the responsible persons for recovery job. It can be wise to dedicate one
person to managing the who, what, when, and why of testing because it’s easy to lose track of which
client has been tested thoroughly and which may have been neglected. It’s also possible that
multiple people will be responsible for tests. )

6. When was the last time I tested and when should I test again?
(This Question checks document what’s been tested and carefully follow the strategy you create for
testing in the future)

7. How they plan to use full file system restore drill ?

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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

(This Question checks you can recover from a total loss in the event your computer has been
destroyed, stolen, lost, or just won’t work.)

8. What are the protocols for Database Recovery and Verification ?

(This Question checks that your backups actually contain your data and that you know the steps to
follow to recover from a data loss.)

9. How they use simulated scenarios to test employees?

(This Question checks real life data disaster scenarios to simulate what your backups will and
won’t do in a crisis. These scenarios include a single file or data chunk loss, partial data set
losses, full data set loss, and multiple data set loss)

10. Do they plan on having service-level agreements (SLAs) ?

(This Question checks that they start working on resolving your problem within [a specified
time]. Some agreements can even discuss the timeframe in getting systems back up.)

1. (c) The coffee-house decided to adapt cloud computing for future reference. Explain in detail the
issues related to Implementation and adaption of Cloud Computing through questionnaire

Many enterprises adopt cloud computing technologies to manage their applications and data
efficiently without building and maintaining on-premise IT infrastructure. A number of studies even
show that enterprises can invest in cloud computing technologies to boost revenue growth, secure
corporate and business data, speed up disaster recovery, and meet government compliance
requirements. Unlike small businesses and start-ups, the large and existing enterprises often find it
challenging to migrate their applications to the cloud . But enterprises still need to address a
number of challenges in cloud computing adoption and implementation to take advantage of cloud

 Checklist Questionnaires:

1. Have they used any Cloud Service Model before?

(This Question checks what prior experience the organization had about installing Cloud Computing
2. Which type of Could Service Model they wish to adapt?
(This Question checks the type of computing they prefer i.e. Public, Private or Hybrid. They , also ,
have an option to avail computing resources over the internet through a number of cloud service
models – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service
(SaaS) . Enterprises often find it challenging to decide the right cloud computing platform and cloud
service models according to their precise business requirements and goals. )

3. How much budget they can spare on adaption of Cloud Computing?

(This question checks the budget they are ready to implement on the cloud installation project.)

4. How much time they will need to integrate On-Premise and Cloud Infrastructures?
(This Question checks the time needed to migrate all corporate and customer data to the cloud.
Hence, the enterprises have to maintain the on-premise IT infrastructure in addition to building a
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Questionnaires on ABC Coffee House Case Study

customized cloud computing environment. Often businesses find it challenging to integrate on-
premise and IT infrastructures due to a number of internal and external issues.)

5. Can they upskill or reskill employees as per requirement?

(This Question checks the need of specialized knowledge and skill to work with the cloud-based
services and technologies. The organization must reskill and upskill the existing staff to keep their
efficiency and productivity intact in the new cloud environment. Many enterprises find it challenging
to educate and train employees about cloud technologies.)

6. What measures they will take to resolve Data Security and Privacy Issues?
(This Question checks if the enterprise will lack the option to monitor the data storage location and
prevent data breaches. Enterprises still find it challenging to eliminate chances of data loss
completely and ensure immediate data recovery.)

7. How much bandwidth can they provide to adapt to Cloud Models?

(This Question checks if they can invest in additional bandwidth as the complex and data-intensive
software applications will require more bandwidth than the simple and lightweight applications.
Often organizations find it challenging to meet bandwidth requirements without incurring additional
cost. )

8. How much maintenance they can provide for Software Applications’ Functionality and
(This Question checks its deployment environment and infrastructure. When the enterprise
applications run in the cloud, their functionality and performance will depend directly on the quality
of cloud services. But the enterprises still lack the option to optimize the functionality and
performance of their software applications directly.)

9. What measures they plan to tackle Vendor Lock-in?

(This Question checks option to switch their software applications and data from one cloud platform
to another. Many analysts believe that vendor lock-in is the most crucial challenge in cloud
computing adoption. Most cloud service providers include specific clauses in the agreement to lock-
in customers. Hence, enterprises often find it challenging to switch from one cloud service to

10. What are the Cloud Computing Services brands, they have come across?
(This question checks, if they already have some specific SaaS brands like Salesforce, in their mind.)

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