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ENGLISH Grade 10

NAME: ____________________________________________SECTION:__________________ SCORE:_______________

TEST I.MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the items below carefully and comprehensively. Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write it on the blank provided before each number.
___________1. Daedalus-his name means “skilled worker” was a famous architect and inventor. What is the
synonym for the underlined phrase?
A. craftsman B. fire fighter C. soldier D. tailor
___________2. In the story of Daedalus and Icarus, he was a creature who is described as “halfman-halfbull”.
A. Icarus B. Perdix C. Minos D. Minotaur
___________3. It is a behavior that refers to any severe or repeated use by one or more students of a written,
verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act, or any combination thereof.
A. Addiction B. bully C. Bullying D. threatening
___________4. It is a type of abuse wherein a person humiliates or excludes a person on the basis of
perceived or actual sexual orientation and gender identity.
A. Victim B. Social Bullying C. Bully D. Gender-based
___________5. This word means “to escape or to avoid”. The denotation of this word is…
A. peril B. evasion C. ashamed D. venomous
___________6. He was the grandson of the King of Argos and the one who cut the Gorgon’s head..
A. Gorgon B. Danae C. Perseus D. Medusa
___________7. He was a musician who played his lyre so sweetly that he charmed all things on earth..
A. Orpheus B. Calliope C. Persephone D. Eurydice
___________8. These types of stories are about gods and goddesses and heroes which was passed from one
generation to another.
A. Legends B. Myths C. Fairy Tales D. None of these
___________9. Icarus was a confident young man who wanted to fly. What is the antonym of the underlined
A. brave B. fighter C. coward D. shameful
___________10. Which of the following terms means “the central idea or focus of a written work”?
A. controlling idea B. argument C. opinion D. mood
___________11.Which of the following contains the body evidence used to support a point of view?
A. controlling idea B. argument C. opinion D. tone
(For 12-20) Verb Tenses. Choose from the pool of answers the verb tense in which the sentences express.
A. Simple Past B. Simple Present C. Simple future D. Present Progressive E. Past Progressive F. Future Progressive

___________12. I ate the pie yesterday.

___________13. The Sun is the center of the Solar System.
___________14. Lory will finish her project tomorrow.
___________15. He sweeps the floor every morning.
___________16. They wrote the article last week.
___________17. I will give up the most treasured thing I possess for the one I love.
___________18. The guests are coming to school today.
___________19. Ariana Grande was singing a song when she fell off the stage.
___________20. I know I will be finishing my studies if I just do my best.

(For 21-24) Reading Comprehension.

From the Analects by Confucius (An Excerpt)

The Master said, “A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders abroad, to be
cautious in giving promises and punctual in giving them, to have kindly feelings towards everyone, but seek the
intimacy of good. If, when all that is done, he has any energy to spare, and then let him study the polite arts.”

__________21. According to the text above, what is expected of a young man to his parents and elders?
A. To behave rudely C. To behave well
B. To study hard D. to marry early
___________22. What does the line “to have kindly feelings towards everyone” mean?
A. To be kind to people C. to be happy
B. To be offensive D. to join groups
___________23. Which of the words below is synonymous to the word “intimacy”?
A. mismatch B. confused C. familiarity D. disconnected
___________24. What does the last line of the reading text mean?
A. A young man must learn to be gracious and respectful. C. A young man needs to study his
lessons in school.
B. A young man should learn the combination of colors. D. A young man should talk back to
his parents and elderly.

TEST II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the names of the characters of the Greek myths below and look for the
answer inside the box. Write your answer on the blank space provided before each number. ERASURES ARE

p Icarus Acrisius Calliope Athene Medusa Phineas

Perdix Hermes Polydectes Odin Andromeda Grey women
Zeus Dictys Arachne Old Mimir Cassiopeia Queen Pasiphae

______________________25. He was imprisoned with Daedalus in a maze.

______________________26. He was the most powerful god of the Greeks.
______________________27. He was the King of Argos and the grandfather of Perseus.
______________________28. In the myth “The Gorgon’s Head”, he was the god who gave Perseus a
magnificent curved sword.
______________________29. She was a maiden who became famous in Greece because of her skill in
spinning wool and sewing.
______________________30. He was the one who lost his eye by plucking it to protect the men and women
of the earth from the giants.
______________________31. She was Orpheus’mother who was the inspiration of poets and musicians.
______________________32. He was the stepfather of Perseus.
______________________33. He was an apt scholar who showed striking evidence of ingenuity.
______________________34. He was a fisherman who saw the chest ridden by Danae and Perseus.
______________________35. She was the complete opposite of the traits of Arachne and was more down-to-
______________________36. He was the one who asked for the most beautiful blue eyes owned by the
creator of the earth in exchange of the magic waters that will foretell the future of the earth.
______________________37. She was a mythical creature with venomous snakes on her head.
______________________38. She was the daughter of Cepheus, King of the Ethiopians.
______________________39. The mother of the beautiful maiden who Perseus saw and saved from being
______________________40. The one who challenged Perseus to a sword fight for him to retrieve

TEST III. A. Name the Parts of Speech underlined in each of the sentences.
________________________41. She is a pretty lady.
________________________42. They went to the zoo yesterday.
________________________43. Her hair is silky soft.
________________________44. The dog barked at me but he wagged his tail.
________________________45. My son is fond of drawing airplanes on his sketchpad.

TEST III. B. Write the appropriate MODAL on the blank for each sentence below.
46. Orpheus _____________(knows how to) tame wild beasts using his talent in music.
47. Orpheus thought to himself “I _________ (express futurity) go to the Underworld and get my wife back.
48. When Magellan came to the Philippines, he uttered these words and promised: “I________(expressing
futurity and determination) return.:”
49. Arachne ____________(expressing a shade of doubt, pt. to can) have won against Athene if she humbled
down to her enemy.
50. The old woman asked Arachne: “ ______________(expressing request) you take back the words you said
against goddess Athene?”

TEST IV. LOGICAL ORGANIZATION. Arrange the following sentences logically to form a coherent paragraph.
Write A (beside 51) if you think it should come first to create a paragraph.

_________________51. A. Let’s ask help from other students to repair the existing damage.
_________________52. B. Encourage all the students to maintain cleanliness and beauty of our surrounding.
_________________53. C. We can restore the beauty of this wall.
_________________54. D. First, let’s raise funds for the repair.
TEST V. 55-60. COMPOSITION WRITING. Use the space below to write your answer to the question.
How are you going to win over life’s challenges?

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