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Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

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Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit – MAMT

Umar Manzoor a,b,⇑, Bassam Zafar b
School of Computing, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Multi-agent system consists of two or more agents which cooperate/coordinate with each
Received 30 April 2014 other in order to solve a complex problem which would be difficult or inappropriate if
Received in revised form 31 August 2014 solved by single agent. Multi-agents are modeled using Agent Unified Modeling Language
Accepted 18 September 2014
(AUML) as Unified Modeling Language (UML) notations do not fully express agent proper-
Available online 21 October 2014
ties/behaviors. In this paper, we have proposed Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) to
help a designer in building rapid multi-agent based applications. The purpose of this toolkit
is to create agent development environment where the developer can have various facili-
Agent modeling
Multi-agent rapid development
ties like reusability of existing/developed agents, customize built-in agents, etc. MAMT
Agent reusability provides the designer with built-in agents which are developed using Java Agent Develop-
Built-in agent repository ment (JADE) framework, with the help of these designers can rapidly build multi-agent
AUML to Jade Code based applications. Creation and customization of built-in agents is based on the prototype
inclusion design pattern and the designer can add or modify methods/behaviors according
to their requirement(s); however the changes should be based on FIPA (Foundation of
Intelligent Physical Agents) standards and compatible with JADE. MAMT has been evalu-
ated on large number of sample applications; results were very promising and encourage
the use of toolkit.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

An agent can be described as a computer program which acts autonomously in some environment on behalf of the user to
fulfill its design objectives [4,41–43]; through different definitions have been proposed for different domains by researchers,
however, single definition of agent has not been agreed upon by researchers around the world. Because of the unique fea-
tures of Agent technology (i.e. flexibility, self recovering, fault tolerance, decentralized design, etc.), it has become potential
choice for implementing real time distributed systems [5,6,44]. Agents can be categorized into different types based on dif-
ferent behaviors/attributes (i.e. proactive, reactive, collaborative, mobile, adaptive, autonomous, interactive, etc.) exhibited
by them [2]. Nwana in [3] have classified agents based on these attributes into seven types which are collaborative agents,
interface agents, mobile agents, Information/Internet agents, Reactive agents, Hybrid agents and Smart/Intelligent Agents.
The agents which cooperate/coordinate their actions with each other in order to fulfill a common goal are known as col-
laborative agents. These agents focus more on cooperation and autonomy where as interface agents emphasis more on
autonomy and learning [3]. Mobile Agent (also known as itinerant agent [11], transportable agent [12] or reloadable object
[13]) has the capability of migrating from one computer to another over a network autonomously with its data intact and is

⇑ Corresponding author at: King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

E-mail addresses: (U. Manzoor), (B. Zafar).
1569-190X/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
216 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

capable of resuming its task in the new environment [7,9]. Information or internet agent (also known as Web Crawler or
Spider [8]) can be static or mobile and has the capability of collecting/managing the information (data) from large networks
like internet. These kinds of agents are usually deployed by search engines as they help collect/manage huge quantity of
information. Sometimes one type of agent functionality is not enough to accomplish an objective or task, in that case a
designer can combine two or more agents functionality (behavior/methods) into one agent, such an agent is called Hybrid
A system in which two or more agents cooperate/coordinate with each other in order to solve a complex problem such a
system is called multi-agent system (MAS). Agents within MAS can cooperate or compete with each other to achieve indi-
vidual and/or collective goal(s) [14]. Because of the tremendous capabilities of multi-agent systems, these have been used in
the diverse areas such as e-commerce, manufacturing, decision support, network management, supply chain management,
banking and finance, health care, intelligent systems, semantic web, web services, inventory management, transportation,
radar data management, and water supply [17,18,26,24,21,25,23,28,20,27,22,16,15,19].
Multi-agents are modeled using Agent Unified Modeling Language (AUML) as Unified Modeling Language (UML) nota-
tions are not enough to express agent properties/behaviors, etc. [29,30]. UML modeling diagrams can be classified into nine
types which include class (package), object, use case, sequence, collaboration, state chart, activity, component, and deploy-
ment. Although UML covers nine different forms of modeling diagrams, however, it still lacks to express agent goals, agent
autonomy, multicasting, generative functions, etc. [1]. Researchers have proposed and modeled multi-agent systems using
approaches other than AUML, however, these approaches are either domain specific or pre-mature (i.e. does not fully sup-
port the properties of multi-agent). Furthermore, UML has gained wide acceptance for the object oriented design and mod-
eling in researchers as well as in software industry where as agent oriented software engineering lack this aspect, therefore,
Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) and the Object Management Group (OMG) cooperated together to extend
UML (AUML) to meet the requirements of multi-agent paradigm. The motivation behind this cooperated was to familiarize
industrial software development with agent oriented software engineering life cycle. AUML is designed to model agents and
their interactions and is similar to UML however, it is not restricted to use similar rules of UML.
A lot of work has also been done regarding object oriented modeling but in recent years researchers have focused more on
agent modeling as OO model fails to model all features of agent paradigm. A number of toolkits developed to model UML
diagrams have been extended to model AUML diagrams such as Visio, Dia, OpenTool, Poseidon, IBM Rational Rose, Meta Edit,
XFig. ArgoUML, Together, MagicDraw, System Modeling WorkBench and Fujaba [10]. In order to improve agent modeling
and interaction, researchers around the world have proposed many toolkits, however, these toolkits either use code or Petri
Nets to model agents and the output is AUML model. To the best of our knowledge there is no toolkit which

 Has agent repository.

 Provides multi-agent based rapid application development.
 Takes agents as input for agent modeling.
 Provides designer the facility to edit agent code (i.e. add new or edit or delete existing behaviors).
 Provides designer the facility to add new agents in the repository.
 Represents design in AUML and also generate code.

In this paper, we have proposed Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) to help designers in building rapid multi-agent
based applications. The purpose of this toolkit is to make life of a designer easier and to save his time by not reinventing
an already developed agent. The tool provides designers an agent repository along with the designing interface for develop-
ing AUML models. All designers have to do is drag-drop agents on the drawing area and built AUML models using AUML
notations. The designer can also generate Java code of the AUML model by using the code generation function. They can also
add new agents in the agent repository or can edit/update existing agents according to their requirement. This will result in
continuous updation of agent repository. The updation will give advantage to other designers as they will get a variety of
agents to choose from. The proposed toolkit can be used to design/model/simulate network applications based on multi-
agent systems, distributed applications based on multi-agent systems, mobile agent based applications, etc. The experimen-
tal section contains detail evaluation of the proposed toolkit on network application based on multi-agent system and
mobile agent based application.
The first section of the paper discusses the related work done in multi-agent modeling. This section is followed by the
discussion of the Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) architecture which helps designers in modeling multi-agent based
applications. In Section 4, MAMT evaluation on different test cases is presented. At the end conclusion is drawn and some
questions for future research are outlined.

2. Literature review

2.1. Background

A lot of work has been done on agent modeling in the last decade. There are two techniques through which UML can be
extended into AUML, one by using UML concepts [36] and the other by using UML protocols based on UML 2.0 [37]. The first
U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227 217

technique uses existing UML concepts for the specification of agent interaction protocol(s), making it easy for UML users to
understand [36]. The second technique is based on UML protocols; however the technique does not consider features such as
the agent autonomy and these features are usually required in multi-agent modeling [37].
Researchers in the last decade have used different concepts for modeling of multi-agent systems. Lawrence Cabac et al. in
[35] proposed the use of Petri Nets for multi-agent modeling as it offers well defined operational semantics. Agent interac-
tion protocol diagram is used to model agent conversation; however the semantics of the diagram are defined using Petri
nets (i.e. a mapping from agent interaction protocol diagram expressions onto unified expressions of Petri net is required).
Different toolkits for agent modeling have been proposed over the years such as ADELFE [40], AUML-2 [31], and Prometheus
Design Tool [32], Repast Simphony [33], and Swarm Toolkit [34].

2.2. Related work

ADELFE is based on Adaptive Multi-Agent System (AMAS) [39] theory and is normally used in situations having unpre-
dictable environment or an open system. However, designers cannot implement global control of the system and cannot list
all situations the system has to face. AUML-2 Tool uses different text commands such as agent name, start protocol name,
finish, message from message description, box type, next, end type and backup for modeling and generates the model in .eps
format which can easily be converted to other formats such as .jpg or .tif. AUML-2 tool is under development phase, however,
Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) has similar functionality making the former tool out of date [32].
PDT is a freely available tool, supports Prometheus (an agent-oriented software engineering) methodology and provides
graphical support for the modeling (i.e. allowing the designer to edit diagrams/descriptors for entities using GUI). It has the
capability to generate skeleton code of the model in the JACK agent-oriented programming language and maintains the syn-
chronization between model and code (i.e. the changes in model will be reflected in the code accordingly) [32].
Repast Simphony is an open source agent-based modeling toolkit which simplifies multi-agent modeling by supporting
Java point-and-click model execution environment (i.e. graphical tools). Swarm is another multi-agent software platform for
the simulation of complex adaptive systems. Swarm supports hierarchical modeling approach and provides object-oriented
libraries of reusable components for building models, analyzing, displaying, and controlling experiments on those models
[34]. According to Nikolai ‘‘agent based modeling toolkits are as diverse as the community of people who use them’’, for more
details related to agent simulation toolkits please see [46].
Study of the existing tools/methodologies showed that they still lack the following functionalities (1) Multi-agent Rapid
Application Development (RAD) model. (2) Reusability of already developed agents. (3) AUML modeling with actual agents.
(4) Built-in agent repository. (5) Modifying agent(s) behaviors. (6) Verifying modified behaviors. (7) Conversion of AUML
model into fully working JAVA code as shown Table 1. The proposed MAMT toolkit provides all the functionalities mentioned
above and is developed using Java Agent Development (JADE) framework [42]. The agents in Built-in agent repository of the
toolkit are based on FIPA standards and implemented using JADE framework. A designer can add new agents in the repos-
itory; however, it should be based on FIPA standards and should be JADE compatible.
Agent interaction in MAMT is modeled through standard AUML notations and designers can use the built-in agents by
using the drag and drop functionality. Another interesting feature provided by our proposed toolkit is that it can convert
the AUML diagram developed by the user into fully working java code and a designer can also edit the java code according
to his requirements. Designers can also modify the behaviors of the built-in agents according to their needs and can also add
the modified agent to our built-in repository.

3. System design

Multi agent applications are composed of numerous interacting intelligent agents used to analyze, design, and execute
real time systems. These applications are mostly used where problems cannot be solved by a single or individual agent; such
systems are loosely coupled networks of software agents that interact to solve composite and complex problems [38]. The

Table 1
Comparison of AUML-2, ADELFE, SWARM and MAMT. Feature exists in the tool. Feature does not exist in the tool.


Agent repository
Add new agents
Edit/modify existing agents behaviors (i.e. edit code)
Verify modified code
Agent interaction represented in AUML
Modeling AUML using agents
Converting AUML into JAVA
Code ensures agent interaction protocol
Input (agents) Code Petri Nets Code Agents
Output (agents) AUML AUML AUML AUML + Code
218 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

purpose of Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) is to facilitate the designer in modeling/designing of multi-agent based
applications; zero level diagram is shown in Fig. 1.
The MAMT Interface is divided into five panels; Main Panel, AUML panel, Behaviors panel, Agent panel and AUML Draw-
ing panel as shown in Fig. 2 with label A, B, C, D and E respectively. Main panel (labeled A) contains the open project, new
project, image output, edit agent, save, view change and information display functions which designers can use to create/
open/save/edit project, etc. Designers can also save the output of project AUML model as a bitmap or jpeg image using Image
Output (labeled A.1) function which can later be used for analysis purpose. Designers can edit the functionality/behavior of
any agent using edit agent function (labeled A.2). Once editing is complete, the changes are complied/verified for errors. If
the changes are successfully compiled/verified, new functions/behaviors are added to the respective agent.
Designers can see the interaction or agent dependencies by switching the project view from AUML model to abstract
model using the view change (labeled A.3) function. Information display (labeled A.4) function guides the designers through-
out the modeling process by displaying hints/information about the tool. AUML Panel (labeled B) contains standard AUML
notations where most commonly used notations are displayed on the top and the rest can be viewed by clicking the ‘‘more’’
(labeled B.1) button. Lifeline (labeled B.2) is an AUML notation used to denote the life line of an agent in the boundary;
designers can increase or decrease the life of an agent according to their requirement. Using Behavior (labeled B.3) function
designers can view the behavior exhibited by an agent; the behaviors are populated in the combo box (labeled C.1) and the
designers can drag behavior to the drawing area and use it to model interaction between agents.
Agent panel (labeled D) displays all the agents in the repository, designers can add new agents in the repository using the
Browse (labeled D.1) function. Five agents per page are displayed in the panel and designer can maneuver between pages by
using next (labeled D.2) and previous (labeled D.3) buttons. Drawing Panel (Labeled E) is AUML drawing area where design-
ers can drag and drop agents/behaviors, etc. and create an AUML model. The drawing area helps the designer in creating/
editing the AUML model using the tools/options from different panels.
MAMT is implemented in Java Agent Development (JADE) framework [42] and uses JADE communication mechanism for
agent communication. MAMT provides the designers with built-in agents which are developed using JADE, with the help of
these agents designers can rapidly build multi-agent based applications. A designer can modify, amend or add methods/
behaviors to the built-in agents according to his requirement(s); however, the changes should be based on FIPA (Foundation
of Intelligent Physical Agents) standards and compatible with JADE. Once the designer completes the design/model; he can
see the real time agent communication by executing the same. Multi-Agent applications are usually based on the following
four agent architectures. (1) Logic based architecture: decision making is realized through logical deduction. (2) Reactive
architecture: decision making is done from situation to action. (3) BDI (Belief, Desire, Intentions) [2]: decision making
depends upon the manipulation of data structures (i.e. beliefs/desires). (4) Layered architecture: decision making is realized
with the help of different layers.
The detailed architecture of MAMT is based on the Subsumption or Layered architecture as shown in Fig. 4, aim of this
architecture is to decompose the complicated intelligent behavior into several simple modules. In MAMT, every agent has
its specific responsibilities/functionalities and is organized in different layers as shown in Fig. 3. Higher layers are more
abstract from the lower layers and support bottom-up approach. MAMT system architecture consists of the following agents:

Fig. 1. Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) abstract diagram.

U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227 219

Fig. 2. Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) interface.

 GUI Agent.
 Agent Handler.
 Agent Verifier.
 Agent Code Generator.

3.1. GUI Agent

GUI Agent is the main agent of the system; it initializes the system and interacts with the designer. In initialization GUI
agent performs the following tasks:

 Load system configuration XML file which contains designers working path, agent repository path, and last five project
paths. Initially designer working path is set to default however a designer can configure it. Sample Configuration XML file
is shown below.

Sample System Configuration XML File

<P1_Path>. . .</P1_Path>
<P2_Path>. . .</P2_Path>
<P3_Path>. . .</P3_Path>
<P4_Path>. . .</P4_Path>
<P5_Path>. . .</P5_Path>
220 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

Fig. 3. Zero level architecture of MAMT (Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit) showing different agent’s functionalities and their responsibilities.

 GUI Agent is responsible for the creation and initialization of Agent Handler, Agent Verifier, and Agent Code Gener-
ator. In initialization, GUI passes agent repository path as an argument to the Agent Handler.
 GUI Agent loads Agent Unified Modeling Language (AUML) notations in the AUML panel.

After system initialization, the responsibility of GUI agent is to interact with the designer, manage MAMT panels (i.e. drag
and drop facility, drawing, interaction, etc.), and monitor other agents.

3.2. Agent Handler

After initialization Agent Handler performs the following tasks.

 Populates agent(s) in the Agent panel by extracting agent information from agent repository path.
 Monitors which agents are used in the project by the designer and reports it to the GUI agent.
 Helps designer in adding/modifying/deleting the behaviors/methods of built-in agents.

If the designer adds/modifies/deletes a method or behavior in any agent, agent handler passes the changes to the agent
verifier for validation, if successful the changes are made else appropriate error message is shown to the designer. Designer
can develop their own agents if existing (i.e. built-in) agents are not fulfilling their requirements and add them in the agent
repository, however, new agents should be implemented using JADE [42]. Agent handler passes the new agents (agent id,
agent code path) one by one to the agent verifier for compatibility analysis and waits for the response. If agent verifier
returns true, the corresponding agent is added to the agent repository else compatibility error message is shown to the user.

3.3. Agent Verifier

The responsibility of agent verifier is

 To validate the changes (i.e. add/delete/modify methods or behaviors) made to the agent by a designer.
 To validate the compatibility of new agent(s) added by a designer.
U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227 221

Fig. 4. Detailed architecture of Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit.

After initialization Agent Verifier waits for the task from Agent handler, based on the task Agent Verifier validates the
changes or the compatibility and returns the result to the agent handler. In validation, agent verifier performs the following
two tasks:

 Verifies that code has no syntax error.

 Verifies that code is compatible with JADE [42].

If any of the tasks in validation fails, agent verifier returns appropriate error to the agent handler which notifies the
designer. If the validation is successful, agent verifier returns true to agent handler which notifies the designer and commits
the changes.

3.4. Agent Code Generator

Agent Code Generator is responsible for converting Agent Unified Modeling Language model into the JAVA source code.
After initialization, Agent code generator waits for a task from the GUI agent, on receiving the task it converts AUML model
into code and saves it in the folder. The code generated by Agent code generator can be imported to any JAVA editor and
designer can edit/modify the code according to his needs.

4. Test cases

Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) has been evaluated using many scenarios; two scenarios are described in this
section. Scenario 1 shown in Fig. 5 shows the modeling and interaction of two agents; customer agent and merchant agent.
Merchant agents’ purpose is to sell some item in good price (i.e. a price which that maximizes its profit) whereas customer
222 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

Fig. 5. AUML modeling of customer agent and merchant agent scenario.

agents’ purpose is to buy item in the most reasonable price. Each agent in the agent repository can have different methods/
behaviors, designers can use the behaviors exhibited by an agent according to his requirement. Merchant/Customer agents
were developed and assigned methods/behaviors to achieve certain goals and usually all the methods/behaviors exhibited
are not utilized in one scenario, only the required/essential behaviors are used.
Merchant agents’ purpose is to sell product(s) and selling usually requires launching a product, providing customers
details of the product, negotiating price, accepting details of transportation, and processing the order of a product. In sce-
nario 1, the following behaviors of Merchant agent are used:

(1) Launch Product: The new product details are broadcast to all potential buyer agents in the domain.
(2) Consider Price: Checks the price offered by a customer agent with the minimum price it can accept. If the price offered
is less than the minimum price, it will reply to the customer agent demanding an increase in the proposed price. If
after n proposals (n configurable), the proposed price is less than the minimum price merchant agent will terminate
the negotiation and send the deal decision to a buyer agent.
(3) Accept Price: If the price offered by a customer agent meets the minimum criteria, merchant agent terminates nego-
tiation and calls the Deal method.
(4) Turndown Offer: If the negotiation between customer agents and the merchant agent is not successful (i.e. the price
offered by the customer agents does not meet the minimum criteria for the product), merchant agent terminates
negotiation and calls the Deal method.
(5) Deal: Sends the decision (accept or reject) to customer agent.
(6) Accept Deal: This method is called when the agent accepts all the terms and conditions of the other agent which
includes the mode of payment as well.

Customer agents’ purpose is to buy product(s) and buying usually requires find the required product, negotiating price
(maximum bargain/minimum price), accepting the terms and conditions of merchant, and proceed with payment (mode,
details, etc.). In scenario 1, the following behaviors of Customer agent are used:

(1) Propose Price: Proposes a price for the product and waits for the merchants’ response. If the response is negative and
the proposed bid is less than the maximum bid it can offer, it revises the bid and sends the offer again until the mer-
chant agrees to the proposed bid or the maximum bid limit is achieved.
U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227 223

(2) Propose Means of Payment: Proposes the means of payment (e.g. PayPal, credit card or debit card) once the negotia-
tion for the product is complete (i.e. price settlement is done).

To model merchant-customer scenario, designers should draw the project boundary in the drawing panel using the AUML
boundary notation and then add both agents to the project by dragging the agents one by one to the drawing panel from the
agent panel. To add an agent to the project, that agent has to be in the agent repository (i.e. agents are designed/developed
prior and added to agent repository). Once agents are on the drawing area, a designer can add new behaviors or edit/delete
the existing behaviors according to his requirement. Designer has to set the lifeline of both the agents using the AUML life-
line notation in order to show their involvement in the scenario.
After setting the lifeline, designer models the interaction between agents by placing behaviors at different positions (top
to bottom) on the agents’ lifeline as shown in Fig. 5. As depicted in the scenario 1, the merchant launches the product (i.e.
makes the product available for sale) by a broadcast message to all the customers in the domain. After receiving the product
information, customer agent proposes a price to the merchant agent, which considers the price by invoking the Consider
price behavior. Both propose/consider price methods of customer/merchant agents respectively are put in a loop as both
agents are negotiating price. Customer agent starts from the minimum possible price and increases the price until the Mer-
chant agent accepts the offer or the maximum buying limit of customer agent is reached. Alternative notation is used in mer-
chant agent to either accept the price or turndown the offer and the decision is conveyed to the customer agent using the
deal method. Once the price has been negotiated and both agents have agreed, the customer agent proposes the Merchant
agent a mode of payment by invoking Propose mode payment behavior. Once done the Merchant agent accepts the deal and
the interaction of both the agents ends.
Fig. 6 shows a scenario in which multi-agents interact with each other to accomplish installation of software on network
nodes connected to a server [38]. The software installation setup has to be copied to all the network nodes to carry out the
installation. The system consists of the following four agents;

(1) Server Agent: The server agent is responsible for creation/initializing and monitoring of all agents. Network adminis-
trator can assign the task to server agent which executes the task with the help of other agents. Server agent has three
methods, InitFileTrans: requests file handler agent to initiate file transfer and passes it installation setup path and des-
tination network nodes, InitInstall: requests installer agent to initiate the installation process and passes it installation
setup local path and destination network nodes, and InitTesting: requests verifier agent to initiate the verification pro-
cess and passes it installation path and destination network nodes.

Fig. 6. AUML modeling of Smart Network Installer and Tester.

224 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

(2) File Handler Agent: The file handler agent is responsible for the transfer of software installation setup from source to
the destination network node(s). File handler agent has two methods, Send File: has the functionality to transfer the
installation setup to the destination node(s) and Done Copying: reports transfer completion message with network
node Id to the server agent.
(3) Installer Agent: The installer agent is responsible for the installation of software on the destination network node(s).
Installer agent has two methods, Install: has the functionality to run the installation setup and performs the installa-
tion autonomously on the destination node(s) and Done: reports installation completion message with network node
Id to the server agent.
(4) Tester Agent: The tester agent is responsible for the verification of software installation on the destination network
node(s). Tester agent has two methods, Test: has the functionality to verify the software installation by invoking
the installed software silently on the destination node(s) and Done: reports success/failure message with network
node Id to the server agent.

The scenario starts when the Server agent gets a request from network administrator to install some software on the net-
work. The request contains the path of software installation setup and the network nodes where the installation has to be
performed. Server agent sends file transfer request (installation setup path and destination network nodes) to file handler
agent and waits for the response. File handler agent starts copying the installer file to destination nodes one by one and
sends status update to the server agent. Once the transfer is complete, server agent sends software installation request
(installation setup local path and destination network nodes) to installer agent and wait for the response. Once the instal-
lation is complete, server agent sends verification request (installed software path and destination network nodes) to verifier
agent and wait for the response.
Fig. 7 shows the activity chart of Smart Network Installer and Tester scenario modeled and simulated using Multi-Agent
Modeling Toolkit with reference to one network containing 20 workstations. Server agent initialization takes 2.56 s, in ini-
tialization SA creates and initializes five File handler agents (i.e. one mobile agent is responsible to transfer setup file to four
workstations) and the agent count increases to 6. WinRaR installation setup is used in this experiment, the transfer and
installation time per node is 6.23 and 5.12 s respectively. FHA initialization takes 1.87 s, and after initialization five FHA
in parallel transfers the setup file to the assigned network nodes. After the delay of 10.66 s from the start, SA creates five
installer agents and initializes each with four network nodes (i.e. each IA is responsible to install the setup file on assigned
four network nodes) and the agent count increases to 10. After the delay of 15.78 s from the start, SA creates five tester
agents and initializes each with four network nodes (i.e. each TA is responsible to verify the installation on assigned four
network nodes) and the agent count increases to 15. Fig. 8 shows the agent population of Smart Network Installer and Tester
with respect to two installations performed one after another. WinRaR installation setup is used in the first part whereas
WinZip is used for the second; the transfer and installation file for the later is 5.89 and 4.9 s respectively.
Fig. 9 shows the AUML scenario of A fault tolerance infrastructure for mobile agents [45] where multi-agents interact
with each other to accomplish different types of financial transactions such as banking transaction. The system consists
of the following:

(1) Transaction Manager: The transaction manager agent is responsible to initialize/configure the whole system and inter-
act with the user which can assign task to this agent at any time by login in the system. Transaction Manager has four
methods, Config: initialize whole system by loading the configuration setting from pre-defined XML file and creates/
initialize other agents of the system. StartTrans: requests observer agent to execute the transaction over the network
and waits for the response. Acknowledge: sends acknowledgment message to the sender agent and UpdateRecord:
requests statistical agent to update the record by sending the transaction details and waits for the response.

Fig. 7. Simulation of Smart Network Installer and Tester: Activity chart.

U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227 225

Fig. 8. Simulation of Smart Network Installer and Tester: Agent on network vs time.

Fig. 9. AUML modeling of A fault tolerance infrastructure for mobile agents.

(2) Observer Agent: This agent is responsible to execute the transaction efficiently and smartly over the network and in
case of any errors/faults in execution; this action takes alternate option for transaction execution without notifying
the user. Observer agent has three methods, ObservePath: requests ping agent to monitor the available paths and
returns the best possible path for the transaction execution, StartTransaction: requests transaction agent to execute
the transaction over the network and waits for the response and StatusUpdate: sends the update about the transaction
(i.e. completed/error message) to transaction manager.
(3) Ping Agent: This agent is responsible to verify the available paths for the transaction execution and returns the optimal
path for the transaction execution. Ping agent has one method, PathStatus: has the functionality to verify the available
paths and returns the best possible path.
(4) Transaction Agent: This agent is responsible to execute the transaction on the path returned by ping agent and returns
the status (i.e. transaction completed/error message) to observer agent. Transaction agent has one method, TransSta-
tus: has the functionality to execute the transaction and return the result.
(5) Statistical Agent: This agent is responsible to execute the operations on the database such as updation and new record
226 U. Manzoor, B. Zafar / Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 49 (2014) 215–227

5. Conclusion

Multi agent applications are composed of numerous interacting intelligent agents used to analyze, design, and execute
real time systems. These systems are loosely coupled network of software agents that interact to solve composite and com-
plex problems. In this paper, we have proposed Multi-Agent Modeling Toolkit (MAMT) to help designer in developing rapid
multi-agent based applications by providing built-in agent repository along with the designing interface for developing
AUML model. The agents in Built-in agent repository of the toolkit are based on FIPA standards and implemented using JADE
framework. The designer can add new agents in the repository; however, it should be based on FIPA standards and should be
JADE compatible. The tool provides drag-drop facility; all the designer has to do is drag-drop agents on the drawing area and
built AUML model using AUML notations and after completing the model, designer can convert the AUML into working Java
code by a single click.


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