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Centrifugal/Centripetal Force

In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force that appears to act on all objects
when viewed in a rotating frame of reference. It is directed away from an axis which is parallel to the
axis of rotation and passing through the coordinate system's origin.

W V2
F c=
where: W = weight of the body
V = tangential velocity
g = gravitational acceleration
r = radius of curvature V

A centripetal force is a force that makes a body follow a curved path. Its direction is always
orthogonal to the motion of the body and towards the fixed point of the instantaneous center of
curvature of the path.

mV 2
F c= V r
where: m = mass of the body
V = tangential velocity
r = radius of curvature
Solved Problem:
A child swings his stuffed monkey toy by the tail in a horizontal circle of radius 0.5 m. The monkey’s
mass is 0.5 kg. The tail is a bit chewed-on and frayed and can only withstand a tension of about 20 N.
What is the maximum speed with which the child can swing the monkey so that the tail does not


When the magnitude of the centripetal force is 20 N, the speed with which the child can swing the
money is at a maximum. For circular motion, the centripetal force can be calculated as:

mV max2
F c=
substituting the values,
(V ¿¿ max¿¿ 2)
20 N=(0.5 kg) ¿¿
0.5 m
from which Vmax = 4.47 m/s

1.) A body tied a 80 grams stone to a string which he rotated to form a circular motion with a diameter
of 1000 mm. Compute for the pull exerted on the string by the stone if it got loose leaving at a velocity
of 25 m/s. Ans. 100N

2.) A cyclist on a circular track of radius r = 800 feet is travelling at 27fps. His speed in the tangential
direction increases at the rate of 3 fps2. What is the cyclist’s total acceleration? Ans. 3.1fps2

3.) An automobile travels on a perfectly horizontal, unbanked circular track of radius r. The coefficient
of friction between the tires and track is 0.3. If the car’s velocity is 15m/s, what is the smallest radius it
may travel without skidding? Ans. 76.5 m

4.) A man keeps a 1kg toy airplane flying horizontally in a circle by holding onto a 1.5 m long string
attached to its wing tip. The string is always in the plane of the circular path. If the plane flies at 10
m/s, find the tension in the string. Ans. 67 N

5.) A 150 g ball at the end of a string is revolving uniformly in a horizontal circle of radius 0.600 m.
The ball makes 2 revolutions in a second. What is the centripetal acceleration? Ans. 94.79 m/s2

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