D'Alembert's Principle: REF Ma REF W G

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D’Alembert’s Principle

D’Alembert’s Principle is stated as follows:

“When the body is subjected to an acceleration, there exists a force opposite the direction of the
motion and equal to the product of mass and acceleration.”
The forced mentioned in D’Alembert’s Principle is known as the reverse effective force.


The reverse effective force is equal to the product of mass and acceleration. Mathematically,
REF=ma∨REF= a

Problem Solving:
A bicycle moving at 60 km/hr has a mass of 70 kg. What force is necessary to decelerate it at a rate
of 40 cm/s2?




∑ F x=0
F=ma=REF =( 70 kg ) (0.4 m/s 2)
F=28 N

1.) A pick-up truck is travelling forward at 25 m/s. The bed is loaded with boxes whose coefficient
of friction with the bed is 0.4. What is the shortest time that the truck can be bought to a stop such
that the boxes do not shift? Ans. 6.37 s

2.) An elevator weighing 2,000 lb attains an upward velocity of 16 fps in 4 seconds with uniform
acceleration. What is the tension in the supporting cables? Ans. S = 19.33 ft


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