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Impulse and Momentum

Linear Impulse or impulse is defined as the product of force and time through which it acts.
Linear momentum or momentum is mass and its instantaneous velocity.
Impulse , I =F (t )

Momentum , P=m ( v )

The change in momentum ∆P of a body during the time interval ∆t is equal to the net force F times
the time interval ∆t.
∆ P=F ∆t

m ( v 1−v 0 )=F (t 1−t 0)

Law of Conservation of Momentum

It states that “the momentum of two bodies remains constant before and after the collision or initial
momentum is equal to final momentum.”

m1 m2

v1 v2


m1 m2



Pbefore =Pafter

m1 v 1+ m2 v 2=m1 v 1 ' +m2 v 2 '

Sign convention for v:
Collisions are of three types:
1.) Perfectly Elastic Collision
- Total momentum of the system is conserved
- Total kinetic energy of the system is conserved
- Total energy i.e. total of the mechanical and internal energies of the systems is
2.) Perfectly Inelastic Collision
- Total momentum remains conserved
- Total kinetic energy of the system most of time decrease
- Total energy of the system remains constant
3.) Elastic Collision
- Elastic collision is a case which is in between perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic
Coefficient of Restitution, e:

velocity of separation v2 ' −v 1 '

e= =
velocity of approac h v1 −v 2

0<e<1 (elastic collision)

e = 1 (perfectly elastic)
e = 0 (perfectly inelastic)
Special Cases:
a. Body drops and rebounds vertically

h1 h2
bounce h eig h t h
drop h eig h t √
= 2

b. Body is thrown at an angle α and rebounds at an angle β.

α β

tan β
Problem Solved:
Two railway trucks of masses 10000 kg and 8000 kg moving in the same direction at speeds
of 10 m/s and 15m/s respectively collide and subsequently move together. Calculate common
speed due to impact.

v = 10 m/s v=
15 m/s
10000 kg 8000 kg

v´ = ?


m1v1 + m2v2 = (v´) (m1 + m2) Formula

By substituting the given values,

v´ = ((10 m/s)(10000 kg) + (15 m/s)(8000 kg))/( 10000 kg + 8000 kg)

v´ = 12.22m/s
1.) A body falling from a height of 20m rebounds from hard floor. It loses 25% energy in the
impact, then coefficient of restitution is? Ans. 0.86

2.) Two particle with masses in the ratio 1 : 4 are moving with equal kinetic energies. The
magnitude of their linear momentums will conform to the ratio of ______ ? Ans. 1 : 2

3.) A ball of mass 0.25 kg moving on a smooth horizontal table with a velocity of 10 m/s
strikes an identical stationary ball B on the table. If the impact is perfectly plastic, the
velocity of the ball B just after the impact will be ___________________? Ans. 5 m/s

4.) A ball impinges directly upon another stationary similar ball which bring itself at rest due
to impact. During collision, half of the kinetic energy gets dissipated. The coefficient of
the restitution will be ____________? Ans. 0.707

5.) A ball is thrown at an angle 35° from the horizontal towards a smooth floor. At what
angle will it rebound if the coefficient of between the ball and the floor is 0.75? Ans.

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