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Conversación de Ingles

Sergio: hello my name is Sergio Angarita, What’s your full name?

Yesid: Hi Sergio, I am Yesid Taborda

Sergio: Nice to meet you Yesid.

Yesid: nice to meet you too

Sergio: Where are you from?

Yesid: I from Medellin and you?

Sergio: I am from Barrancabermeja city. Where do you live?

Yesid: i live in Manrique and you?

Sergio: i live in Cristo rey, How old are you?

Yesid: im 27 years old and you?

Sergio: I am 24 years old. What's your Edruess?

Yesid: my address is street 77 number 25-28

Sergio: What is your phone number?

Yesid: my phone number is 3003641125 and what is your phone number?

Sergio: my phone number is 3143468430. What do you do?

Yesid: Im watchmen, are do you working in?

Sergio: I working in drawing electrical diagrams

Sergio: When is your berthday?

Yesid: my birthday is on july 29

Sergio: Who do you live with?

Yesid: i live with my mom and you?

Sergio: i live with my parents

Yesid: Where do you study?

Sergio: i study in Itm and you?

Yesid: Me too. How many Subjects do you have?

Sergio: I have 4 subjects.

Sergio: What is your favorite subject?

Yesid: circuits

Yesid: What is your Monday schedule?

Sergio: my monday schedule is AC circuits

Yesid. That's good! Thanks, bye.

Sergio: thanks to you, see you later.

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