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Name: Brandon Montaguano

Writing Activity: Advertising copy


Option 1: Increase the amount of IB students.

Focus on the benefits.

Technological and social changes.

Differences between national and the IB bachelors.


Paragraph 1: Explain the advantages of studying in the school mentioned and why IB is


Paragraph 2: The national examination system and how the IB can prepare you for that.

Numero de palabras: 261.

Name: Brandon Montaguano

Conclusion: Put attractive phrases for students. Including a visual aid.

Maurice Ravel school offers you the best preparation for your academic life
and the future, with the IB programme you will develope all your skills and
all your potential, you will have the enough knowledge so you can study in
any university around the world, this international programme nowadays is
one of the most recognized systems of education of the 21 st century.
You will have the best education and the best opportunities for your future.
The IB is conformed by three main parts, teachers, students and your parents,
because one of the objectives in our school is to help you reach a better level
of communication with your parents, at the same time you will notice that
they will be an important part of your academic life. They will know about
your academic development not to make your life a problem, instead of that
they will help and support you because IB tries to change not only your mind,
it tries to make a society better.

Thinking about university, IB also will help you to be prepared for the
national examination, so if you don’t want to leave the country, you also will
¡EL IB ABRE LAS PUERTAS A have better opportunities here, apart from the education we have the best
infrastructure and the best technology so you can relate with both. Our school
also let you an open mind so you also familiarize with the normal social
changes that happen normally, and make you a person that can help to change
not only the country in which you live, with IB you can change the world.

Numero de palabras: 261.

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